2024 (132/1247)

Nóvember (3/25)

1379). The Language of the Night: Essays on Writing, Science Fiction, and Fantasy by Ursula K. Le Guin. Edited by Susan Wood. Introduction by Ken Liu.[1]

1378). The Stone Ax and the Muskoxen by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1377). The Stalin in the Soul by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1376). Escape Routes by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1375). Talking About Writing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1374). Introduction to The Altered I by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1373). Introduction to Star Songs of an Old Primate by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1372). The Modest One by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1371). The Staring Eye by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1370). Is Gender Necessary? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1369). Introduction to The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1368). Introduction to The Word for World Is Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1367). Introduction to City of Illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1366). Introduction to Planet of Exile by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1365). Introduction to Rocannon's World by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1364). Do-It-Yourself Cosmology by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1363). Science Fiction and Mrs. Brown by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1362). American SF and The Other by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1361). From Elfland to Poughkeepsie by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1360). Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1359). The Child and the Shadow by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1358). National Book Award Acceptance Speech by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1357). Dreams Must Explain Themselves by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1356). Why Are Americans Afraid of Dragons? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1355). A Citizen of Mondath by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1354). Beauty's Release by A. N. Roquelaure.[1]

1353). The Genetic Book of the Dead: A Darwinian Reverie by Richard Dawkins. Illustrated by Jana Lenzová.[1]

1352). Pólitískur svartigaldur by Sif Sigmarsdóttir.

Október (17/255)

1351). The Anatomy of Absurdity by Thomas Nashe.

1350). The Comedy of Errors [...] by William Shakespeare.[1]

1349). The Girl on the Boat [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

1348). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.[1]

1347). Garden of Souls by Richard Lee Bryars. Illustrated by Mark Zug. [Forgotten Realms (Sembia, Selgaunt)]

1346). Flights of Fancy: Defying Gravity by Design and Evolution by Richard Dawkins. Illustrated by Jana Lenzová.[1]

1345). Possessions by Elaine Cunningham. Illustrated by Darrel Riche. [Forgotten Realms (Halruaa)]

1344). Dearly: New Poems by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1343). Blackberries by Margaret Atwood.

1342). Dearly by Margaret Atwood.

1341). Disenchanted Corpse by Margaret Atwood.

1340). Flatline by Margaret Atwood.

1339). Within by Margaret Atwood.

1338). Silver Slippers by Margaret Atwood.

1337). Invisible Man by Margaret Atwood.

1336). Mr. Lionheart by Margaret Atwood.

1335). Hayfoot by Margaret Atwood.

1334). Winter Vacations by Margaret Atwood.

1333). Sad Utensils by Margaret Atwood.

1332). This Fiord Looks Like a Lake by Margaret Atwood.

1331). The Twilight of the Gods by Margaret Atwood.

1330). Oh Children by Margaret Atwood.

1329). Tracking the Rain by Margaret Atwood.

1328). Plasticene Suite by Margaret Atwood.

1327). "Heart of the Arctic": Notes from 2017 by Margaret Atwood.

1326). Improvisation on a First Line by Yeats: From Hound Voice by Margaret Atwood.

1325). Table Settings by Margaret Atwood.

1324). Short Takes on Wolves by Margaret Atwood.

1323). Fear of Birds by Margaret Atwood.

1322). Fatal Light Awareness by Margaret Atwood.

1321). Feather by Margaret Atwood.

1320). Walking in the Madman's Wood by Margaret Atwood.

1319). At the Translation Conference by Margaret Atwood.

1318). Spider Signatures by Margaret Atwood.

1317). Siren Brooding on Her Eggs by Margaret Atwood.

1316). The Aliens Arrive: Nine late-night movies by Margaret Atwood.

1315). Aflame by Margaret Atwood.

1314). A Drone Scans the Wreckage by Margaret Atwood.

1313). Carving the Jacks by Margaret Atwood.

1312). September Mushrooms by Margaret Atwood.

1311). Digging Up the Scythians by Margaret Atwood.

1310). The Dear Ones by Margaret Atwood.

1309). Songs for Murdered Sisters: A cycle for baritone by Margaret Atwood.

1308). Shadow by Margaret Atwood.

1307). Cassandra Considers Declining the Gift by Margaret Atwood.

1306). Frida Kahlo, San Miguel, Ash Wednesday by Margaret Atwood.

1305). Betrayal by Margaret Atwood.

1304). Everyone Else's Sex Life by Margaret Atwood.

1303). Double-Entry Slug Sex by Margaret Atwood.

1302). Cicadas by Margaret Atwood.

1301). Princess Clothing by Margaret Atwood.

1300). A Genre Painting by Margaret Atwood.

1299). Health Class (1953) by Margaret Atwood.

1298). If There Were No Emptiness by Margaret Atwood.

1297). The Tin Woodwoman Gets a Massage by Margaret Atwood.

1296). Souvenirs by Margaret Atwood.

1295). Coconut by Margaret Atwood.

1294). Blizzard by Margaret Atwood.

1293). Passports by Margaret Atwood.

1292). Salt by Margaret Atwood.

1291). Late Poems by Margaret Atwood.

1290). Það er bannað að deyja á Svalbarða eftir Jón Kalman Stefánsson.

1289). The Hounds of Ash by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Justin Sweet. [Fool Wolf]

1288). The Door: Poems by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1287). The door by Margaret Atwood.

1286). At Brute Point by Margaret Atwood.

1285). You heard the man you love by Margaret Atwood.

1284). The Third Age visits the Arctic by Margaret Atwood.

1283). Reindeer moss on granite by Margaret Atwood.

1282). Disturbed earth by Margaret Atwood.

1281). One day you will reach... by Margaret Atwood.

1280). Stealing the Hummingbird Cup: Mexico. For Mónica Lavin by Margaret Atwood.

1279). String tail by Margaret Atwood.

1278). Dutiful by Margaret Atwood.

1277). Boat song by Margaret Atwood.

1276). Another visit to the Oracle by Margaret Atwood.

1275). The line: five variations by Margaret Atwood.

1274). The nature of Gothic by Margaret Atwood.

1273). Questioning the dead by Margaret Atwood.

1272). Possible activities by Margaret Atwood.

1271). Enough of these discouragements by Margaret Atwood.

1270). They give evidence (After a room-sized installation by Dadang Christanto, 1996) by Margaret Atwood.

1269). The hurt child by Margaret Atwood.

1268). Saint Joan of Arc on a postcard by Margaret Atwood.

1267). The Valley of the Heretics (Luberon Valley, Provence) by Margaret Atwood.

1266). Nobody cares who wins by Margaret Atwood.

1265). War photo 2 by Margaret Atwood.

1264). War photo by Margaret Atwood.

1263). White cotton T-shirt by Margaret Atwood.

1262). The last rational man: In the reign of Caligula by Margaret Atwood.

1261). Secrecy by Margaret Atwood.

1260). Ice palace by Margaret Atwood.

1259). Bear lament by Margaret Atwood.

1258). It's autumn by Margaret Atwood.

1257). The weather by Margaret Atwood.

1256). Ten o'clock news by Margaret Atwood.

1255). The singer of owls by Margaret Atwood.

1254). A poor woman learns to write by Margaret Atwood.

1253). Poetry reading by Margaret Atwood.

1252). The poets hang on by Margaret Atwood.

1251). Owl and Pussycat, some years later by Margaret Atwood.

1250). Sor Juana works in the garden by Margaret Atwood.

1249). Your children cut their hands... by Margaret Atwood.

1248). Heart by Margaret Atwood.

1247). The poet has come back... by Margaret Atwood.

1246). Crickets by Margaret Atwood.

1245). My mother dwindles... by Margaret Atwood.

1244). Butterfly by Margaret Atwood.

1243). January by Margaret Atwood.

1242). Mourning for cats by Margaret Atwood.

1241). Blackie in Antarctica by Margaret Atwood.

1240). Resurrecting the dolls' house by Margaret Atwood.

1239). Year of the Hen by Margaret Atwood.

1238). Europe on $5 a day by Margaret Atwood.

1237). Gasoline by Margaret Atwood.

1236). Girl on Girl: Art and Photography in the Age of the Female Gaze by Charlotte Jansen. Foreword by Zing Tsjeng.[1]

1235). Books Do Furnish a Life: Reading and Writing Science by Richard Dawkins. Edited by Gillian Somerscales.[1]

1234). Epilogue: To be read at my funeral by Richard Dawkins.

1233). The only kind of truth that works by Richard Dawkins.

1232). Inferior design by Richard Dawkins.

1231). Irresponsible publishing? by Richard Dawkins.

1230). Telling truth in a dark time by Richard Dawkins.

1229). Foxes in the snow by Richard Dawkins.

1228). The 'little Penguin' relaunched by Richard Dawkins.

1227). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Matt Ridley: From Darwin to DNA – and beyond edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1226). A tale of horror and heroism by Richard Dawkins.

1225). Heavenly twins by Richard Dawkins.

1224). An ambitious banana skin by Richard Dawkins.

1223). The fast food thesis: religion as evolutionary by-product by Richard Dawkins.

1222). 'Nothing will come of nothing': why Lear was wrong by Richard Dawkins.

1221). Unmasking the design illusion by Richard Dawkins.

1220). A moral and intellectual emergency by Richard Dawkins.

1219). Defending the wall of separation by Richard Dawkins.

1218). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Lawrence Krauss: Should science speak to faith? edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1217). The intellectual and moral courage of atheism by Richard Dawkins.

1216). The God Temptation by Richard Dawkins.

1215). Liberation from theology by Richard Dawkins.

1214). In His own words: a portrait of God by Richard Dawkins.

1213). The great escape by Richard Dawkins.

1212). A public and political atheist by Richard Dawkins.

1211). The unburdening lightness of relief by Richard Dawkins.

1210). Kicking the habit by Richard Dawkins.

1209). Witness of internal delusion by Richard Dawkins.

1208). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Christopher Hitchens: Is America heading for theocracy? edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1207). The descent of Edward Wilson by Richard Dawkins.

1206). We are stardust by Richard Dawkins.

1205). From African Eve to the Banda strandlopers by Richard Dawkins.

1204). Art, advertisement and attraction by Richard Dawkins.

1203). Nice guys (still) finish first by Richard Dawkins.

1202). Real genes and virtual worlds by Richard Dawkins.

1201). Worlds in microcosm by Richard Dawkins.

1200). Darwinism and human purpose by Richard Dawkins.

1199). Branching out by Richard Dawkins.

1198). Breaking the species barrier by Richard Dawkins.

1197). Old brain, new brain by Richard Dawkins.

1196). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Steven Pinker: Language, learning and debugging the brain edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1195). Pictures of paradise by Richard Dawkins.

1194). Travelling with Darwin by Richard Dawkins.

1193). Pure delight in a godless universe by Richard Dawkins.

1192). Life within life by Richard Dawkins.

1191). Darwin on the slab by Richard Dawkins.

1190). Conserving communities by Richard Dawkins.

1189). Close encounters with the truth by Richard Dawkins.

1188). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Adam Hart-Davis: Evolution and plain writing in science edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1187). Olía eftir Fríðu Ísberg, Melkorku Ólafsdóttur, Ragnheiði Hörpu Leifsdóttur, Sunnu Dís Másdóttur, Þórdísi Helgadóttur og Þóru Hjörleifsdóttur.[1]

1186). Linda eftir Þórdísi Helgadóttur.

1185). Revisiting The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.

1184). Rationalist, iconoclast, Renaissance man by Richard Dawkins.

1183). Apollo by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

1182). Checking Out by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

1181). Birdsong by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

1180). A scientific education and the Deep Problems by Richard Dawkins.

1179). Quality Street by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

1178). Sierra Leone, 1997 by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

1177). Kristín eftir Ragnheiði Hörpu Leifsdóttur.

1176). Snæsól eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

1175). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling.[1]

1174). Rannveig eftir Melkorku Ólafsdóttur.

1173). Mæja eftir Þóru Hjörleifsdóttur.

1172). Gerður eftir Sunnu Dís Másdóttur.

1171). Illuminations: Stories by Alan Moore.[1]

1170). And, at the Last, Just to Be Done with Silence by Alan Moore.[1]

1169). American Light: An Appreciation by C. F. Bird by Alan Moore.[1]

1168). What We Can Know About Thunderman: For Kevin O'Neill by Alan Moore.[1]

1167). Life after light by Richard Dawkins.

1166). Tutorial-driven teaching by Richard Dawkins.

1165). Determinism and dialectics: a tale of sound and fury by Richard Dawkins.

1164). Pornophilosophy by Richard Dawkins.

1163). Fighting on two fronts by Richard Dawkins.

1162). The timeless and the topical by Richard Dawkins.

1161). Are we all related? by Richard Dawkins.

1160). The uncommon sense of science by Richard Dawkins.

1159). Richard Dawkins in conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson: On science and scientists, in public and private edited by Gillian Somerscales.

1158). Introduction: The Literature of Science by Richard Dawkins.

1157). A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories by Terry Pratchett. Introduction by Colin Smythe. Foreword by Neil Gaiman. Illustrated by Andrew Davidson.[1]

1156). The Quest for The Quest for the Keys Or Sometimes It's Right to Be Wrong by Jan Harkin and Pat Harkin.

1155). The Quest for the Keys by Terry Pratchett.

1154). Pilgarlic Towers by Patrick Kearns.

1153). Mr Brown's Holiday Accident by Uncle Jim.

1152). The Blackbury Thing by Patrick Kearns.

1151). The Money Tree by Patrick Kearns.

1150). The Haunted Steamroller by Patrick Kearns.

1149). Notes from an Island by Tove Jansson. Illustrated by Tuulikki Pietilä. Translated by Thomas Teal.[1]

1148). The Island by Tove Jansson. Translated by Thomas Teal.

1147). The Blackbury Jungle by Uncle Jim.

1146). Blackbury Weather by Patrick Kearns.

1145). From the Horse's Mouth by Patrick Kearns.

1144). The Gnomes from Home by Patrick Kearns.

1143). Dragon Quest by Patrick Kearns.

1142). How Good King Wenceslas Went Pop for the DJ's Feast of Stephen by Patrick Kearns.

1141). The Great Blackbury Pie by Terry Pratchett.

1140). The New Father Christmas by Patrick Kearns.

1139). A Partridge in a Post Box by Patrick Kearns.

1138). Wanted: A Fat, Jolly Man with a Red Woolly Hat by Patrick Kearns.

1137). How Scrooge Saw the Spectral Light (Ho! Ho! Ho!) and Went Happily Back to Humbug by Patrick Kearns.

1136). The Real Wild West by Patrick Kearns.

1135). The Fossil Beach by Patrick Kearns.

1134). How It All Began... by Patrick Kearns.

1133). The Opal of Nah by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Justin Sweet. [Fool Wolf]

1132). Requiem by Robert A. Heinlein.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

1131). Babel, or the Necessity of Violence by R. F. Kuang.[1] [Nebula & Locus Award winner]

1130). How Israel Has Made Trauma a Weapon of War by Naomi Klein.

1129). Þessir djöfulsins karlar eftir Andrev Walden. Þýtt af Þórdísi Gísladóttur.[1]

1128). Morning in the Burned House: New Poems by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1127). Morning in the Burned House by Margaret Atwood.

1126). Shapechangers in Winter by Margaret Atwood.

1125). Statuary by Margaret Atwood.

1124). A Fire Place by Margaret Atwood.

1123). The Signer by Margaret Atwood.

1122). Girl Without Hands by Margaret Atwood.

1121). Up by Margaret Atwood.

1120). The Moment by Margaret Atwood.

1119). Vermilion Flycatcher, San Pedro River, Arizona by Margaret Atwood.

1118). The Ottawa River by Night by Margaret Atwood.

1117). Oh by Margaret Atwood.

1116). Two Dreams, 2 by Margaret Atwood.

1115). The Time by Margaret Atwood.

1114). Two Dreams by Margaret Atwood.

1113). Flowers by Margaret Atwood.

1112). Bored by Margaret Atwood.

1111). Dancing by Margaret Atwood.

1110). A Visit by Margaret Atwood.

1109). King Lear in Respite Care by Margaret Atwood.

1108). Wave by Margaret Atwood.

1107). Man in a Glacier by Margaret Atwood.

1106). A Pink Hotel in California by Margaret Atwood.

1105). Down by Margaret Atwood.

1104). Owl Burning by Margaret Atwood.

1103). Half-Hanged Mary by Margaret Atwood.

1102). Frogless by Margaret Atwood.

1101). Marsh Languages by Margaret Atwood.

1100). The Loneliness of the Military Historian by Margaret Atwood.

1099). Cell by Margaret Atwood.

1098). Romantic by Margaret Atwood.

1097). Sekhmet, The Lion-Headed Goddess of War, Violent Storms, Pestilence, and Recovery From Illness, Contemplates the Desert in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Margaret Atwood.

1096). A Man Looks by Margaret Atwood.

1095). Helen of Troy Does Counter Dancing by Margaret Atwood.

1094). Ava Gardner Reincarnated as a Magnolia by Margaret Atwood.

1093). Cressida To Troilus: A Gift by Margaret Atwood.

1092). Daphne and Laura and So Forth by Margaret Atwood.

1091). Manet's Olympia by Margaret Atwood.

1090). Miss July Grows Older by Margaret Atwood.

1089). Red Fox by Margaret Atwood.

1088). Asparagus by Margaret Atwood.

1087). February by Margaret Atwood.

1086). Waiting by Margaret Atwood.

1085). In the Secular Night by Margaret Atwood.

1084). A Sad Child by Margaret Atwood.

1083). You Come Back by Margaret Atwood.

1082). The Sleeping Tide by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Justin Sweet. [Fool Wolf]

1081). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling.[1]

1080). Ráð handa Sjálfstæðisflokknum eftir Sif Sigmarsdóttur.

September (19/258)

1079). Illuminations by Alan Moore.[1]

1078). The Improbably Complex High-Energy State by Alan Moore.[1]

1077). Að taka heiminn með sér eftir Þorvald Gylfason.

1076). Cold Reading by Alan Moore.[1]

1075). Location, Location, Location by Alan Moore.[1]

1074). Not Even Legend by Alan Moore.[1]

1073). Hypothetical Lizard by Alan Moore.[1]

1072). Exiles by James Joyce.[1]

1071). Short Fiction by Cordwainer Smith.

1070). War No. 81-Q by Cordwainer Smith.

1069). Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations edited by David Streitfeld.[1][2]

1068). Homeward Bound: Interview by David Streitfeld.

1067). Song of Herself: Interview by Bridget Huber.

1066). Driven by a Different Chauffeur: Interview by Nick Gevers.

1065). In a World of Her Own: Interview by Nora Gallagher.

1064). "There Is More than One Way to See": Interview by George Wickes and Louise Westling.

1063). Naming Magic: Interview by Dorothy Gilbert.

1062). The Gift of Place: Interview by the 10 Point 5 Editorial Collective by Alison Halderman, David Zeltzer, Karen Kramer, Karen McPherson, and Peter Jensen.

1061). Late in the Day: Poems 2010–2014 by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1][2]

1060). Form, Free Verse, Free Form: Some Thoughts by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1059). The Mist Horse by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1058). 2014: A Hymn by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1057). The Pursuit: A Moral Ballad by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1056). The Old Mad Queen by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1055). Sorrowsong by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1054). Crossing the Cascades: words for a country song by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1053). Disremembering by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1052). The Old Music by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1051). Writing Twilight: Ashland, Oregon, 2014 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1050). Between by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1049). Sea Hallowe'en by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1048). October by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1047). Seasonal Lines by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1046). New Year's Day by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1045). My Job by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1044). California Landscape Paintings at the Portland Art Museum by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1043). Dead Languages by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1042). Definition, or, Seeing the Horse by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1041). To Her Task-Master by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1040). The Games by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1039). Orders by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1038). Night Sounds by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1037). Song by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1036). Written in the Dark by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1035). Ecola by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1034). Artemisia Tridentata by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1033). Harney County Catenaries by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1032). March by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1031). The Salt para Gabriela by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1030). Hermes Betrayed: hommage à R.M.R. by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1029). The Dream Stone by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1028). The Story by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1027). Messages by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1026). Arion by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1025). Element 80 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1024). Afleggjarinn eftir Auði Övu Ólafsdóttur.[1]

1023). Hymn to Aphrodite by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1022). Geology of the Northwest Coast by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1021). Whiteness: Meditations for Melville by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1020). Hymn to Time by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1019). Constellating by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1018). Contemplation at McCoy Creek by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1017). My House by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1016). In Ashland by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1015). The One Thing Missing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1014). The Canada Lynx by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1013). Western Outlaws by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1012). Kinship by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1011). Earthenware by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1010). Kitchen Spoons by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1009). Incense for H.F. by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1008). The Small Indian Pestle at the Applegate House by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1007). Deep in Admiration by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1006). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling.[1] [Hugo Award Winner]

1005). Beyond Our Ken: Against the Light: A Nightside Narrative by Kenneth Grant reviewed by Alan Moore.

1004). In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1003). Weird Tales Covers of the 1930s by Margaret Atwood.

1002). An Open Letter from Margaret Atwood to the Judson Independent School District by Margaret Atwood.

1001). "The Peach Women of Aa'A" from The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood.

1000). Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet by Margaret Atwood.

999). Cryogenics: A Symposium by Margaret Atwood.

998). Of the Madness of Mad Scientists: Jonathan Swift's Grand Academy by Margaret Atwood.

997). Brave New World by Aldous Huxley by Margaret Atwood.

996). After the Last Battle: Visa for Avalon by Bryher by Margaret Atwood.

995). Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro by Margaret Atwood.

994). Dire Cartographies: The Roads to Ustopia and The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.[1]

993). Burning Bushes: Why Heaven and Hell Went to Planet X by Margaret Atwood.

992). Flying Rabbits: Denizens of Distant Spaces by Margaret Atwood.

991). Alan Moore Talks Dodgem Logic: An Exclusive Interview About His New Magazine

990). Dangerous People by Ursula K. Le Guin. Edited by Brian Attebery.[1]

989). Bog Venus Versus Nazi Cock-Ring: Some Thoughts Concerning Pornography by Alan Moore.

988). Henry VI, Part 3 [...] by William Shakespeare.[1]

987). The Choise of Valentines Or the Merie Ballad of Nash His Dildo by Thomas Nashe. Introduction by John S. Farmer.[1]

986). Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut by Margaret Atwood. Illustrated by Maryann Kovalski.[1]

985). Henry VI, Part 2 [...] by William Shakespeare.[1]

984). Henry VI, Part 1 [...] by William Shakespeare.[1]

983). Indiscretions of Archie [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

982). The Wigmore Venus by P. G. Wodehouse.

981). Lydia Lunch: The War Is Never Over: A Companion to the Film by Beth B by Nick Soulsby.[1]

980). Mother's Knee by P. G. Wodehouse.

979). Washy Makes His Presence Felt by P. G. Wodehouse.

978). Archie and the Sausage Chappie by P. G. Wodehouse.

977). Paving the Way for Mabel by P. G. Wodehouse.

976). First Aid for Looney Biddle by P. G. Wodehouse.

975). A Room at the Hermitage by P. G. Wodehouse.

974). Doing Father a Bit of Good by P. G. Wodehouse.

973). Dear Old Squiffy by P. G. Wodehouse.

972). Strange Experience of an Artist's Model by P. G. Wodehouse.

971). The Man Who Married an Hotel by P. G. Wodehouse.

970). Selected Poems: 1965-1975 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

969). Book of ancestors by Margaret Atwood.

968). Late August by Margaret Atwood.

967). There is only one of everything by Margaret Atwood.

966). Head against white by Margaret Atwood.

965). Four auguries by Margaret Atwood.

964). Eating fire by Margaret Atwood.

963). Is/not by Margaret Atwood.

962). Circe/Mud Poems by Margaret Atwood.

961). You are happy by Margaret Atwood.

960). Tricks with mirrors by Margaret Atwood.

959). Digging by Margaret Atwood.

958). November by Margaret Atwood.

957). Newsreel: man and firing squad by Margaret Atwood.

956). Carrying food home in winter by Margaret Atwood.

955). Buffalo in compound: Alberta by Margaret Atwood.

954). Fishing for eel totems by Margaret Atwood.

953). Younger sister, going swimming by Margaret Atwood.

952). Woman skating by Margaret Atwood.

951). Habitation by Margaret Atwood.

950). A soul, geologically by Margaret Atwood.

949). A morning by Margaret Atwood.

948). Highest altitude by Margaret Atwood.

947). Comic books vs. history (1949, 1969) by Margaret Atwood.

946). Projected slide of an unknown soldier by Margaret Atwood.

945). Three desk objects by Margaret Atwood.

944). Cyclops by Margaret Atwood.

943). Dreams of the animals by Margaret Atwood.

942). Procedures for underground by Margaret Atwood.

941). Midwinter, presolstice by Margaret Atwood.

940). The small cabin by Margaret Atwood.

939). Girl and horse, 1928 by Margaret Atwood.

938). Game after supper by Margaret Atwood.

937). A bus along St Clair: December by Margaret Atwood.

936). Resurrection by Margaret Atwood.

935). Alternate thoughts from underground by Margaret Atwood.

934). Thoughts from underground by Margaret Atwood.

933). Solipsism while dying by Margaret Atwood.

932). Visit to Toronto, with companions by Margaret Atwood.

931). Wish: metamorphosis to heraldic emblem by Margaret Atwood.

930). Daguerreotype taken in old age by Margaret Atwood.

929). Later in Belleville: career by Margaret Atwood.

928). The double voice by Margaret Atwood.

927). The deaths of the other children by Margaret Atwood.

926). Dream 3: night bear which frightened cattle by Margaret Atwood.

925). Charivari by Margaret Atwood.

924). Dream 2: Brian the still-hunter by Margaret Atwood.

923). 1837 war in retrospect by Margaret Atwood.

922). Dream 1: the bush garden by Margaret Atwood.

921). The immigrants by Margaret Atwood.

920). Death of a young son by drowning by Margaret Atwood.

919). Departure from the bush by Margaret Atwood.

918). Looking in a mirror by Margaret Atwood.

917). The two fires by Margaret Atwood.

916). Paths and thingscape by Margaret Atwood.

915). The wereman by Margaret Atwood.

914). The planters by Margaret Atwood.

913). First neighbours by Margaret Atwood.

912). Further arrivals by Margaret Atwood.

911). Disembarking at Quebec by Margaret Atwood.

910). Axiom by Margaret Atwood.

909). The reincarnation of Captain Cook by Margaret Atwood.

908). A voice by Margaret Atwood.

907). More and more by Margaret Atwood.

906). I was reading a scientific article by Margaret Atwood.

905). Backdrop addresses cowboy by Margaret Atwood.

904). Progressive insanities of a pioneer by Margaret Atwood.

903). It is dangerous to read newspapers by Margaret Atwood.

902). Roominghouse, winter by Margaret Atwood.

901). Elegy for the giant tortoises by Margaret Atwood.

900). At the tourist centre in Boston by Margaret Atwood.

899). A fortification by Margaret Atwood.

898). The landlady by Margaret Atwood.

897). A foundling by Margaret Atwood.

896). The animals in that country by Margaret Atwood.

895). Selected Poems II: 1976-1986 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

894). Not the Moon by Margaret Atwood.

893). Three Praises by Margaret Atwood.

892). Squaw Lilies: Some Notes by Margaret Atwood.

891). Galiano Coast: Four Entrances by Margaret Atwood.

890). Another Elegy by Margaret Atwood.

889). The Rest by Margaret Atwood.

888). Machine. Gun. Nest. by Margaret Atwood.

887). How to Tell One Country From Another by Margaret Atwood.

886). Werewolf Movies by Margaret Atwood.

885). She by Margaret Atwood.

884). Mothers by Margaret Atwood.

883). Nightshade on the Way to School by Margaret Atwood.

882). Aging Female Poet on Laundry Day by Margaret Atwood.

881). Porcupine Meditation by Margaret Atwood.

880). Aging Female Poet Reads Little Magazines by Margaret Atwood.

879). Porcupine Tree by Margaret Atwood.

878). Aging Female Poet Sits on the Balcony by Margaret Atwood.

877). Interlunar by Margaret Atwood.

876). A Boat by Margaret Atwood.

875). Heart Test with an Echo Chamber by Margaret Atwood.

874). The Words Continue Their Journey by Margaret Atwood.

873). Orpheus (2) by Margaret Atwood.

872). No Name by Margaret Atwood.

871). Letter from Persephone by Margaret Atwood.

870). The Robber Bridegroom by Margaret Atwood.

869). Eurydice by Margaret Atwood.

868). Orpheus (1) by Margaret Atwood.

867). A Sunday Drive by Margaret Atwood.

866). Georgia Beach by Margaret Atwood.

865). Anchorage by Margaret Atwood.

864). Keep by Margaret Atwood.

863). Precognition by Margaret Atwood.

862). Bedside by Margaret Atwood.

861). After Heraclitus by Margaret Atwood.

860). Quattrocento by Margaret Atwood.

859). Psalm to Snake by Margaret Atwood.

858). Metempsychosis by Margaret Atwood.

857). Eating Snake by Margaret Atwood.

856). Bad Mouth by Margaret Atwood.

855). Snake Woman by Margaret Atwood.

854). Last Day by Margaret Atwood.

853). Blue Dwarfs by Margaret Atwood.

852). Out by Margaret Atwood.

851). Mushrooms by Margaret Atwood.

850). Variation on the Word Sleep by Margaret Atwood.

849). Sunset II by Margaret Atwood.

848). Vultures by Margaret Atwood.

847). Notes Towards a Poem that Can Never Be Written (For Carolyn Forché) by Margaret Atwood.

846). Christmas Carols by Margaret Atwood.

845). A Women's Issue by Margaret Atwood.

844). Torture by Margaret Atwood.

843). Flying Inside Your Own Body by Margaret Atwood.

842). A Conversation by Margaret Atwood.

841). Nothing by Margaret Atwood.

840). Postcard by Margaret Atwood.

839). Landcrab II by Margaret Atwood.

838). Landcrab I by Margaret Atwood.

837). True Stories by Margaret Atwood.

836). You Begin by Margaret Atwood.

835). All Bread by Margaret Atwood.

834). Night Poem by Margaret Atwood.

833). A Red Shirt (For Ruth) by Margaret Atwood.

832). Marsh, Hawk by Margaret Atwood.

831). Solstice Poem by Margaret Atwood.

830). The Woman Makes Peace With Her Faulty Heart by Margaret Atwood.

829). The Bus to Alliston, Ontario by Margaret Atwood.

828). Two-Headed Poems by Margaret Atwood.

827). Four Small Elegies by Margaret Atwood.

826). Marrying the Hangman by Margaret Atwood.

825). Five Poems for Grandmothers by Margaret Atwood.

824). Five Poems for Dolls by Margaret Atwood.

823). The Woman Who Could Not Live With Her Faulty Heart by Margaret Atwood.

822). The Eternal Moment and Other Stories by E. M. Forster.[1]

821). The Eternal Moment by E. M. Forster.

820). The Story of the Siren by E. M. Forster.

819). Co-ordination by E. M. Forster.

818). Mr. Andrews by E. M. Forster.

817). The Point of It by E. M. Forster.

816). A Paper Bag by Margaret Atwood.

815). Power Politics by Margaret Atwood.[1]

814). He is last seen by Margaret Atwood.

813). Hesitations outside the door by Margaret Atwood.

812). They are hostile nations by Margaret Atwood.

811). He shifts from east to west by Margaret Atwood.

810). There are better ways of doing this by Margaret Atwood.

809). Small tactics by Margaret Atwood.

808). They travel by air by Margaret Atwood.

807). Their attitudes differ by Margaret Atwood.

806). He is a strange biological phenomenon by Margaret Atwood.

805). They eat out by Margaret Atwood.

804). She considers evading him by Margaret Atwood.

803). He reappears by Margaret Atwood.

Ágúst (10/133)

802). Beauty's Punishment by A. N. Roquelaure.[1]

801). No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters by Ursula K. Le Guin. Introduction by Karen Joy Fowler.[1]

800). Notes from a Week at a Ranch in the Oregon High Desert by Ursula K. Le Guin.

799). The Lynx by Ursula K. Le Guin.

798). First Contact by Ursula K. Le Guin.

797). The Horsies Upstairs by Ursula K. Le Guin.

796). The Tree by Ursula K. Le Guin.

795). Nôtre-Dame de la Faim by Ursula K. Le Guin.

794). Without Egg by Ursula K. Le Guin.

793). Someone Named Delores by Ursula K. Le Guin.

792). Rehearsal by Ursula K. Le Guin.

791). The Circling Stars, the Sea Surrounding: Philip Glass and John Luther Adams by Ursula K. Le Guin.

790). Doggerel for My Cat by Ursula K. Le Guin.

789). An Unfinished Education, Continued: Annals of Pard by Ursula K. Le Guin.

788). An Unfinished Education: Annals of Pard XII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

787). About Anger [...] by Ursula K. Le Guin.

786). Belief in Belief by Ursula K. Le Guin.

785). A Modest Proposal: Vegempathy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

784). The Inner Child and the Nude Politician by Ursula K. Le Guin.

783). Lying It All Away by Ursula K. Le Guin.

782). Clinging Desperately to a Metaphor by Ursula K. Le Guin.

781). Uniforms by Ursula K. Le Guin.

780). Exorcists by Ursula K. Le Guin.

779). A Band of Brothers, a Stream of Sisters by Ursula K. Le Guin.

778). The Trouble: Annals of Pard V by Ursula K. Le Guin.

777). Utopiyin, Utopiyang by Ursula K. Le Guin.

776). It Doesn't Have to Be the Way It Is by Ursula K. Le Guin.

775). The Narrative Gift as a Moral Conundrum by Ursula K. Le Guin.

774). TGAN Again by Ursula K. Le Guin.

773). TGAN and TGOW by Ursula K. Le Guin.

772). Papa H by Ursula K. Le Guin.

771). Having My Cake by Ursula K. Le Guin.

770). Kids' Letters by Ursula K. Le Guin.

769). Readers' Questions by Ursula K. Le Guin.

768). Would You Please Fucking Stop? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

767). Chosen by a Cat: Annals of Pard II by Ursula K. Le Guin.

766). Choosing a Cat: Annals of Pard I by Ursula K. Le Guin.

765). Catching Up, Ha Ha by Ursula K. Le Guin.

764). The Diminished Thing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

763). The Sissy Strikes Back by Ursula K. Le Guin.

762). In Your Spare Time by Ursula K. Le Guin.

761). A Note at the Beginning by Ursula K. Le Guin.

760). Dancing at the End of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

759). Golden Days, by Carolyn See by Ursula K. Le Guin.

758). Outside the Gates, by Molly Gloss by Ursula K. Le Guin.

757). Silent Partners, by Eugene Linden by Ursula K. Le Guin.

756). The Mythology of North America, by John Bierhorst by Ursula K. Le Guin.

755). "Forsaking Kingdoms": Five Poets by Ursula K. Le Guin.

754). Difficult Loves, by Italo Calvino by Ursula K. Le Guin.

753). The Sentimental Agents, by Doris Lessing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

752). Peake's Progress, by Mervyn Peake by Ursula K. Le Guin.

751). Italian Folktales, by Italo Calvino by Ursula K. Le Guin.

750). Unfinished Business, by Maggie Scarf by Ursula K. Le Guin.

749). Kalila and Dimna, retold by Ramsay Wood by Ursula K. Le Guin.

748). The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five, by Doris Lessing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

747). Freddy's Book and Vlemk the Box-Painter, by John Gardner by Ursula K. Le Guin.

746). Two from "Venom" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

745). Shikasta, by Doris Lessing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

744). Close Encounters, Star Wars, and the Tertium Quid by Ursula K. Le Guin.

743). The Dark Tower, by C. S. Lewis by Ursula K. Le Guin.

742). The Fisherwoman's Daughter by Ursula K. Le Guin.

741). Over the Hills and a Great Way Off by Ursula K. Le Guin.

740). "Where Do You Get Your Ideas From?" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

739). Conflict by Ursula K. Le Guin.

738). "Who is Responsible?" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

737). Text, Silence, Performance by Ursula K. Le Guin.

736). Prospects for Women in Writing by Ursula K. Le Guin.

735). Heroes by Ursula K. Le Guin.

734). Woman / Wilderness by Ursula K. Le Guin.

733). Bryn Mawr Commencement Address by Ursula K. Le Guin.

732). The Only Good Author? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

731). Science Fiction and the Future by Ursula K. Le Guin.

730). Theodora by Ursula K. Le Guin.

729). Room 9, Car 1430 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

728). The Second Report of the Shipwrecked Foreigner to the Kadanh of Derb by Ursula K. Le Guin.

727). The Woman Without Answers by Ursula K. Le Guin.

726). Whose Lathe? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

725). The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster.[1]

724). Along the Platte by Ursula K. Le Guin.

723). Reciprocity of Prose and Poetry by Ursula K. Le Guin.

722). Facing It by Ursula K. Le Guin.

721). A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place to Be by Ursula K. Le Guin.

720). The Princess by Ursula K. Le Guin.

719). Places Names by Ursula K. Le Guin.

718). Hunger by Ursula K. Le Guin.

717). World-Making by Ursula K. Le Guin.

716). Some Thoughts on Narrative by Ursula K. Le Guin.

715). Uzumaki by Junjo Ito. Translated by Yuji Oniki.[1]

714). Working on "The Lathe" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

713). It Was a Dark and Stormy Night; or, Why Are We Huddling About the Campfire? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

712). "Moral and Ethical Implications of Family Planning" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

711). Is Gender Necessary? Redux by Ursula K. Le Guin.

710). The Space Crone by Ursula K. Le Guin.

709). The Ekumen: Author's Introduction by Ursula K. Le Guin.

708). Second Words: Selected Critical Prose 1960-1982 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

707). Jay Macpherson: Poems Twice Told by Margaret Atwood.

706). Amnesty International: An Address by Margaret Atwood.

705). Canadian-American Relations: Surviving the Eighties by Margaret Atwood.

704). An Introduction to The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood.

703). Ann Beattie: Falling in Place by Margaret Atwood.

702). Nadine Gordimer: July's People by Margaret Atwood.

701). Midnight Birds: Stories of Contemporary Black Women Writers by Margaret Atwood.

700). An End to Audience? by Margaret Atwood.

699). Witches by Margaret Atwood.

698). E. L. Doctorow: Loon Lake by Margaret Atwood.

697). Valgardsonland: Review of Red Dust by W. D. Valgardson by Margaret Atwood.

696). Sylvia Plath: Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Margaret Atwood.

695). Tillie Olsen: Silences by Margaret Atwood.

694). Last Testaments: Pat Lowther and John Thompson by Margaret Atwood.

693). Diary Down Under by Margaret Atwood.

692). Timothy Findley: The Wars by Margaret Atwood.

691). A Harvest Yet to Reap: A History of Prairie Women by Margaret Atwood.

690). Marge Piercy: Woman on the Edge of Time, Living in the Open by Margaret Atwood.

689). Audrey Thomas: Ten Green Bottles, Ladies & Escorts by Margaret Atwood.

688). Marie-Claire Blais: St. Lawrence Blues by Margaret Atwood.

687). Speech to the Electors of Bristol by Edmund Burke.

686). Adrienne Rich: Of Woman Born by Margaret Atwood.

685). Canadian Monsters: Some Aspects of the Supernatural in Canadian Fiction by Margaret Atwood.

684). Svínshöfuð eftir Bergþóru Snæbjörnsdóttur.[1]

683). Kate Millett: Flying by Margaret Atwood.

682). Adrienne Rich: Poems, Selected and New by Margaret Atwood.

681). On Being a Woman Writer: Paradoxes and Dilemmas by Margaret Atwood.

680). What's So Funny? Notes on Canadian Humour by Margaret Atwood.

679). Erica Jong: Half-Lives by Margaret Atwood.

678). Audrey Thomas: Blown Figures by Margaret Atwood.

677). Review of Diving into the Wreck by Margaret Atwood.

676). Reaney Collected by Margaret Atwood.

675). Mathews and Misrepresentation by Margaret Atwood.

674). How Do I Get Out of Here: The Poetry of John Newlove by Margaret Atwood.

673). Travels Back by Margaret Atwood.

672). Al Purdy: Love in a Burning Building by Margaret Atwood.

671). Eleven Years of Alphabet by Margaret Atwood.

670). Nationalism, Limbo and the Canadian Club by Margaret Atwood.

669). The Messianic Stance: West Coast Seen by Margaret Atwood.

668). Annals of the Western Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin. Edited by Brian Attebery.[1]

667). Interview with Alexander Chee by Alexander Chee.

666). Interview with Brian Attebery by Brian Attebery.

665). Interview with Paola Castagno by Paola Castagno.

664). Some Assumptions about Fantasy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

663). The Young Adult in YA by Ursula K. Le Guin.

662). Powers by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

661). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling.[1]

660). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling.[1]

Júlí (11/25)

659). Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling.[1]

658). Voices by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

657). Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

656). Duft - söfnuður fallega fólksins eftir Bergþóru Snæbjörnsdóttur.[1]

655). MacEwen's Muse by Margaret Atwood.

654). Tekkonkinkreet by Taiyo Matsumoto. Foreword by Anthony Weintraub and Michael Arias. Translated by Lillian Olsen and R. Suter.[1]

653). Free: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi.[1]

652). The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control by Steven Hassan.[1]

651). Some Old, Some New, Some Boring, Some Blew, and Some Picture Books by Margaret Atwood.

650). Four Poets from Canada: Jones, Jonas, Mandel and Purdy by Margaret Atwood.

649). Superwoman Drawn and Quartered: The Early Forms of She by Margaret Atwood.

648). F. D. Reeve: Aleksandr Blok by Margaret Atwood.

647). Kangaroo and Beaver: Tradition in Exile by J. P. Matthews by Margaret Atwood.

646). Apocalyptic Squawk from a Splendid Auk by Margaret Atwood.

645). Narcissus: Double Entendre by Margaret Atwood.

644). Some Sun for This Winter by Margaret Atwood.

643). Corpse Song by Margaret Atwood.

642). Song of the Hen's Head by Margaret Atwood.

641). Fox/Fire Song by Margaret Atwood.

640). Siren Song by Margaret Atwood.

639). Owl Song by Margaret Atwood.

638). Song of the Worms by Margaret Atwood.

637). Crow Song by Margaret Atwood.

636). Rat Song by Margaret Atwood.

635). Bull Song by Margaret Atwood.

634). Pig Song by Margaret Atwood.

633). Moving Targets: Writing with Intent 1982-2004 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

632). Resisting the Veil: Reports from a Revolution by Margaret Atwood.

631). The Wrong Box: Matt Cohen, Fabulism, and Critical Taxonomy by Margaret Atwood.

630). The Awkward Sublime by Margaret Atwood.

629). Preface to The Canadian Green Consumer Guide by Margaret Atwood.

628). Margaret Atwood Remembers Marian Engel by Margaret Atwood.

627). Dennis Revisited by Margaret Atwood.

626). Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets by Svetlana Alexievich. Translated by Bela Shayevich.[1]

625). Jill the Reckless [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

624). The Perry Bible Fellowship Almanack: Tenth Anniversary Edition by Nicholas Gurewitch. Foreword by Michael Cera.[1]

Júní (14/350)

623). Keoland Blues by Paul Kidd. Illustrated by Adam Rex. [Greyhawk (Keoland)]

622). Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War by Howard W. French.[1]

621). Minor Detail by Adania Shibli. Translated by Elisabeth Jaquette.[1]

620). How to Talk to Ghosts by R. F. Kuang.

619). Another Name for Dawn by Paul Kemp. Illustrated by Carlo Arellano. [Forgotten Realms (Westgate)]

618). Short Fiction by P. G. Wodehouse.

617). Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

616). Mister Potter Takes a Rest Cure by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

615). Kang's Command by Don Perrin and Margaret Weis. Illustrated by Ashley Wood. [Dragonlance]

614). The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A. N. Roquelaure.[1]

613). Songbirds by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Illustrated by R. Ward Shipman.

612). The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia by Samuel Johnson. Introduction by Henry Morley.[1]

611). The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis.[1]

610). Screwtape Proposes a Toast by C. S. Lewis.[1]

609). Power and Glory by Ben Bova. Illustrated by Dave Dorman. [King Arthur, Orion]

608). Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War by Svetlana Alexievich. Translated by Julia Whitby and Robin Whitby.[1]

607). Shamur's Wager by Richard Lee Bryars. Illustrated by Therese Nielsen. [Forgotten Realms (Sembia, Selgaunt)]

606). In a Glass Darkly by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

605). The Room in the Dragon Volant by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

604). Last Witnesses: An Oral History of the Children of World War II by Svetlana Alexievich. Translated by Larissa Volokhonksy and Richard Pevear.[1]

603). Verða að vera vinstri menn ef þeir segjast vera vinstri menn eftir Ögmund Jónasson.

602). Mr. Justice Harbottle by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

601). The Familiar by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

600). Aesop's Fables introduction by G. K. Chesterton. Translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

599). The Traveller and Fortune translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

598). The Nightingale and the Swallow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

597). The Goatherd and the Wild Goats translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

596). The Hunter and the Horseman translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

595). The Swallow and the Crow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

594). Prometheus and the Making of Man translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

593). The Woman and the Farmer translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

592). The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

591). Grief and His Due translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

590). The Dog Chasing a Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

589). The Horse and the Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

588). The Rogue and the Oracle translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

587). The Serpent and the Eagle translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

586). The Hunter and the Woodman translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

585). The Runaway Slave translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

584). The Partridge and the Fowler translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

583). The Man Who Lost His Spade translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

582). The Lion, the Fox, and the Stag translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

581). The Fox and the Snake translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

580). The Fox and the Bramble translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

579). The Horse and the Stag translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

578). The Foxes and the River translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

577). The Miser translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

576). The Old Man and Death translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

575). The Witch translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

574). The Crow and the Raven translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

573). The Fox and the Hedgehog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

572). The Fox and the Leopard translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

571). Hercules and Plutus translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

570). The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

569). The Quack Doctor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

568). The Fox Who Served a Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

567). Hercules and Minerva translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

566). The Butcher and His Customers translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

565). The Eagle and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

564). The Farmer and His Dogs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

563). The Gnat and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

562). The Fowler, the Partridge, and the Cock translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

561). The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

560). The Dogs and the Hides translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

559). The Impostor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

558). The Stag and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

557). The Parrot and the Cat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

556). The Wily Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

555). Mercury and the Man Bitten by an Ant translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

554). The Ploughman and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

553). The Wolf and His Shadow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

552). The Snake and Jupiter translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

551). The Swan translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

550). The Wolves, the Sheep, and the Ram translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

549). The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

548). The Rose and the Amaranth translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

547). The Nightingale and the Hawk translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

546). The Dogs and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

545). The Crow and the Snake translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

544). The Monkey and the Dolphin translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

543). Demades and His Fable translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

542). The Ploughman, the Ass, and the Ox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

541). The Weasel and the Man translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

540). The Fisherman Piping translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

539). The Fowler and the Lark translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

538). The Eagle and the Beetle translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

537). The Wasp and the Snake translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

536). The Dog and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

535). The Bat, the Bramble, and the Seagull translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

534). The Wolf and the Horse translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

533). The Beekeeper translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

532). The Lion in Love translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

531). The Rivers and the Sea translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

530). The Gardener and His Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

529). The Pig and the Sheep translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

528). The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

527). The Shepherd and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

526). The Sheep and the Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

525). The Goatherd and the Goat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

524). The Athenian and the Theban translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

523). The Ass Carrying the Image translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

522). The Ass and the Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

521). The Farmer, His Boy, and the Rooks translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

520). The Fox and the Grasshopper translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

519). The Crab and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

518). The Frogs and the Well translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

517). The Ant translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

516). The Pack-Ass, the Wild Ass, and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

515). The Ass and His Masters translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

514). The Pack-Ass and the Wild Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

513). The Thief and the Innkeeper translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

512). The Father and His Daughters translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

511). The Hound and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

510). The Mule translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

509). The Herdsman and the Lost Bull translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

508). The Bald Huntsman translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

507). The Debtor and His Sow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

506). The Kid and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

505). The Ass and His Purchaser translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

504). The Cage-Bird and the Bat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

503). The Labourer and the Snake translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

502). The Astronomer translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

501). The Trees and the Axe translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

500). The Bull and the Calf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

499). The Wolves and the Dogs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

498). The Lion and the Hare translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

497). The Ass and His Driver translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

496). The Kingdom of the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

495). The Heifer and the Ox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

494). Brother and Sister translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

493). The Ass and the Mule translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

492). The Sick Stag translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

491). The Wolf and the Goat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

490). The Archer and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

489). The Lamb Chased by a Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

488). The Stag and the Vine translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

487). The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

486). The Wolf and the Boy translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

485). The Eagle, the Jackdaw, and the Shepherd translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

484). The Man and His Two Sweethearts translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

483). The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

482). The Flea and the Ox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

481). The Travellers and the Plane-Tree translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

480). The Sick Man and the Doctor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

479). The Monkey and the Camel translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

478). The Ass and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

477). The Bald Man and the Fly translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

476). The Belly and the Members translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

475). The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

474). The Cobbler Turned Doctor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

473). The Two Frogs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

472). The Farmer and the Viper translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

471). The Grasshopper and the Ants translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

470). The Grasshopper and the Owl translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

469). The Charger and the Miller translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

468). The Farmer and the Stork translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

467). The Wolf and the Shepherd translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

466). The Cock and the Jewel translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

465). The Fly and the Draught-Mule translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

464). The Stag with One Eye translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

463). The Crow and the Swan translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

462). Venus and the Cat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

461). The Farmer and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

460). The Escaped Jackdaw translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

459). The Eagle and the Cocks translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

458). The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

457). The Lion and the Bull translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

456). The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

455). The Hare and the Hound translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

454). The Mouse and the Bull translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

453). The Three Tradesmen translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

452). The Tunny-Fish and the Dolphin translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

451). The Wolf and the Sheep translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

450). The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

449). The Wolf and the Crane translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

448). The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

447). The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

446). The Hound and the Hare translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

445). The Prophet translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

444). The Lion and the Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

443). The Lark and the Farmer translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

442). The Clown and the Countryman translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

441). The Old Hound translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

440). The Two Pots translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

439). The Goat and the Vine translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

438). The Horse and His Rider translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

437). The Lion and the Three Bulls translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

436). The Sheep, the Wolf, and the Stag translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

435). The Wolf and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

434). The Oxen and the Butchers translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

433). The Soldier and His Horse translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

432). The Hare and the Tortoise translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

431). The Cat and the Cock translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

430). The Viper and the File translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

429). The Lioness and the Vixen translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

428). The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

427). The Wolf, the Mother, and Her Child translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

426). The Rich Man and the Tanner translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

425). The Eagle and the Arrow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

424). The Image-Seller translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

423). The Man and the Satyr translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

422). The Lion and the Wild Ass translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

421). The Two Soldiers and the Robber translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

420). The Blackamoor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

419). The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

418). Um flug geirfuglsins eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.

417). The Pomegranate, the Apple-Tree, and the Bramble translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

416). Hercules and the Wagoner translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

415). The Man and the Image translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

414). The Ox and the Frog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

413). The Ass and the Old Peasant translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

412). The Bear and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

411). The Peacock and Juno translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

410). The Mice and the Weasels translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

409). Mercury and the Tradesmen translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

408). The Dog and the Shadow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

407). The Stag at the Pool translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

406). The Blacksmith and His Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

405). The Eagle and His Captor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

404). The Fox and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

403). The Fawn and His Mother translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

402). Mercury and the Sculptor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

401). The Wild Boar and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

400). The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

399). The Traveller and His Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

398). The Vain Jackdaw translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

397). The Fox Without a Tail translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

396). The Kid on the Housetop translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

395). The Tortoise and the Eagle translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

394). The Man and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

393). The Walnut-Tree translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

392). The Lion and the Boar translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

391). The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

390). The Frogs Asking for a King translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

389). The Boy and the Filberts translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

388). The Oxen and the Axletrees translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

387). The Two Bags translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

386). The Dog in the Manger translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

385). Jupiter and the Tortoise translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

384). The Jackdaw and the Pigeons translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

383). The Peasant and the Apple-Tree translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

382). The Boy and the Nettles translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

381). The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

380). The Swollen Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

379). The Quack Frog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

378). The Boy Bathing translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

377). The Old Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

376). The She-Goats and Their Beards translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

375). The Ass in the Lion's Skin translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

374). The Owl and the Birds translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

373). The Lamp translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

372). Father and Sons translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

371). Jupiter and the Monkey translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

370). The Farmer and Fortune translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

369). The Thieves and the Cock translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

368). The Monkey as King translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

367). The Dog and the Cook translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

366). The Farmer and His Sons translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

365). The Ass and His Shadow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

364). The Crab and His Mother translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

363). The Boasting Traveller translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

362). The Fisherman and the Sprat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

361). The Fox and the Goat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

360). The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

359). The Ass and His Burdens translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

358). The Apes and the Two Travellers translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

357). The Boy and the Snails translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

356). The Blind Man and the Cub translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

355). The Oak and the Reeds translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

354). The Bee and Jupiter translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

353). The Flea and the Man translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

352). The Slave and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

351). The Bear and the Travellers translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

350). The Gnat and the Bull translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

349). The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

348). The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

347). The Fir-Tree and the Bramble translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

346). The Ass and the Lapdog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

345). The Fox and the Monkey translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

344). The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

343). The Milkmaid and Her Pail translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

342). The Stag in the Ox-Stall translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

341). The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

340). The Fox and the Stork translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

339). The Hares and the Frogs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

338). The Goods and the Ills translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

337). The Mistress and Her Servants translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

336). The North Wind and the Sun translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

335). The Boys and the Frogs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

334). The Crow and the Pitcher translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

333). The Lion and the Mouse translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

332). The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

331). Mercury and the Woodman translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

330). The Moon and Her Mother translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

329). The Old Woman and the Doctor translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

328). The Spendthrift and the Swallow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

327). The Cat and the Birds translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

326). The Peacock and the Crane translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

325). The Wolf and the Lamb translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

324). The Horse and the Groom translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

323). The Fox and the Crow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

322). The Dog and the Sow translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

321). The Bat and the Weasels translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.

320). The Mice in Council translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

319). The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

318). The Mischievous Dog translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

317). The Cat and the Mice translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

316). The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

315). The Fox and the Grapes translated by V. S. Vernon Jones.[1]

314). The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.[1] [Pulitzer Prize Finalist]

313). Green Tea by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

312). Poetry by James Joyce.

311). Pomes Penyeach by James Joyce.[1]

310). A Prayer by James Joyce.

309). Bahnhofstrasse by James Joyce.

308). A Memory of the Players in a Mirror at Midnight by James Joyce.

307). Alone by James Joyce.

306). Nightpiece by James Joyce.

305). Flood by James Joyce.

304). Simples by James Joyce.

303). On the Beach at Fontana by James Joyce.

302). Tutto è sciolto by James Joyce.

301). She Weeps over Rahoon by James Joyce.

300). A Flower Given to My Daughter by James Joyce.

299). Watching the Needleboats at San Sabba by James Joyce.

298). Tilly by James Joyce.

297). Gas from a Burner by James Joyce.

296). Chamber Music by James Joyce.[1]

295). I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land by James Joyce.

294). All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters by James Joyce.

293). Sleep Now, O Sleep Now by James Joyce.

292). Now, O Now, in This Brown Land by James Joyce.

291). Rain Has Fallen All the Day by James Joyce.

290). O, It Was Out by Donnycarney by James Joyce.

289). Love Came to Us in Time Gone By by James Joyce.

288). Dear Heart, Why Will You Use Me So? by James Joyce.

287). Gentle Lady, Do Not Sing by James Joyce.

286). Though I Thy Mithridates Were by James Joyce.

285). Thou Leanest to the Shell of Night by James Joyce.

284). Lightly Come or Lightly Go by James Joyce.

283). Silently She's Combing by James Joyce.

282). This Heart That Flutters Near My Heart by James Joyce.

281). Of That So Sweet Imprisonment by James Joyce.

280). He Who Hath Glory Lost, nor Hath by James Joyce.

279). In the Dark Pine-Wood by James Joyce.

278). Be Not Sad Because All Men by James Joyce.

277). O Sweetheart, Hear You by James Joyce.

276). Because Your Voice Was at My Side by James Joyce.

275). O Cool Is the Valley Now by James Joyce.

274). From Dewy Dreams, My Soul, Arise by James Joyce.

273). My Dove, My Beautiful One by James Joyce.

272). Go Seek Her Out All Courteously by James Joyce.

271). What Counsel Has the Hooded Moon by James Joyce.

270). Bid Adieu, Adieu, Adieu by James Joyce.

269). Bright Cap and Streamers by James Joyce.

268). Winds of May, That Dance on the Sea by James Joyce.

267). Who Goes Amid the Green Wood by James Joyce.

266). My Love Is in a Light Attire by James Joyce.

265). I Would in That Sweet Bosom Be by James Joyce.

264). Lean Out of the Window by James Joyce.

263). When the Shy Star Goes Forth in Heaven by James Joyce.

262). At That Hour When All Things Have Repose by James Joyce.

261). The Twilight Turns from Amethyst by James Joyce.

260). Strings in the Earth and Air by James Joyce.

Maí (14/38)

259). The Skin Witch by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Stephen Daniele. [Fool Wolf]

258). By the Job by Paul Kidd. Illustrated by Greg Staples. [Greyhawk]

257). Tilefni eftir Pál Ívan frá Eiðum.

256). Hönd á plóg eftir Pál Ívan frá Eiðum.

255). Hin svarta útsending eftir Kött Grá Pje.[1]

254). Stálskip - nokkur ævintýri eftir Atla Sigþórsson.

253). Ung, há, feig og ljóshærð eftir Auði Haraldsdóttur.[1]

252). In the Country of Last Things by Paul Auster.[1]

251). All Too Familiar by J. Robert King. Illustrated by Marc Sasso.

250). Faith, Hope and Carnage by Nick Cave and Seán O'Hagan.[1]

249). Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories by Bram Stoker. Preface by Florence Bram Stoker.[1]

248). Crooken Sands by Bram Stoker.

247). A Dream of Red Hands by Bram Stoker.

246). The Burial of the Rats by Bram Stoker.

245). The Coming of Abel Behenna by Bram Stoker.

244). The Gipsy Prophecy by Bram Stoker.

243). The Python King's Treasure by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Andrew Goldhawk. [Fool Wolf]

242). Baneitrað samband á Njálsgötunni eftir Auði Haraldsdóttur.[1]

241). The Secret of the Growing Gold by Bram Stoker.

240). The Squaw by Bram Stoker.

239). The Judge's House by Bram Stoker.

238). Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker.[1]

237). The Knight's Watch by Nancy Varian Berberick. Illustrated by Greg Staples. [Dragonlance]

236). The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver.[1]

235). The City of Dreadful Night by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

234). Hlustið þér á Mozart? Ævintýri fyrir rosknar vonsviknar konur og eldri menn eftir Auði Haraldsdóttur.[1]

233). Life's Handicap by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

232). L'Envoi by Rudyard Kipling.

231). The Dream of Duncan Parrenness by Rudyard Kipling.

230). Naboth by Rudyard Kipling.

229). Georgie Porgie by Rudyard Kipling.

228). Bubbling Well Road by Rudyard Kipling.

227). Moti Guj—Mutineer by Rudyard Kipling.

226). Little Tobrah by Rudyard Kipling.

225). The Limitations of Pambé Serang by Rudyard Kipling.

224). Jews in Shushan by Rudyard Kipling.

223). The Amir's Homily by Rudyard Kipling.

222). The Finances of the Gods by Rudyard Kipling.

221). Through the Fire by Rudyard Kipling.

220). The Wandering Jew by Rudyard Kipling.

219). Reingelder and the German Flag by Rudyard Kipling.

218). Bertran and Bimi by Rudyard Kipling.

217). The Lang Men o' Larut by Rudyard Kipling.

216). The Woman Who Walked into Doors by Roddy Doyle.[1]

215). Namgay Doola by Rudyard Kipling.

214). The Return of Imray by Rudyard Kipling.

213). The Mark of the Beast by Rudyard Kipling.

212). The Mutiny of the Mavericks by Rudyard Kipling.

211). At the End of the Passage by Rudyard Kipling.

210). Læknamafían: Lítil pen bók eftir Auði Haraldsdóttur.[1]

209). Without Benefit of Clergy by Rudyard Kipling.

208). Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder by Salman Rushdie.[1]

Apríl (17/54)

207). Middlemarch, A Study of Provincial Life by George Eliot.[1]

206). The Head of the District by Rudyard Kipling.

205). On Greenhow Hill by Rudyard Kipling.

204). The Purchase of the North Pole by Jules Verne.[1]

203). The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne.[1]

202). Under the Deodars [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

201). The Enlightenments of Pagett, M. P. by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

200). Only a Subaltern by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

199). A Second-Rate Woman by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

198). The Hill of Illusion by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

197). A Wayside Comedy by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

196). At the Pit's Mouth by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

195). The Education of Otis Yeere by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

194). Soldier Stories by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

193). The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney by Rudyard Kipling.

192). The Courting of Dinah Shadd by Rudyard Kipling.

191). The Man Who Was by Rudyard Kipling.

190). Doctors: An Address Delivered to the Students of the Medical School of the Middlesex Hospital, 1st October, 1908 by Rudyard Kipling. Preface by Reginald Lucas.[1]

189). The Two Armies by Oliver Wendell Holmes.

188). Soldiers Three and Other Stories by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

187). In Black and White by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

186). The Dedication by Rudyard Kipling.

185). On the City Wall by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

184). The Sending of Dana Dee by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

183). In Flood Time by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

182). At Twenty-Two by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

181). Gemini by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

180). At Howli Thana by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

179). The Judgement of Dungara by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

178). Dray Wara Yow Dee by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

177). Eldarnir - Ástin og aðrar hamfarir eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.[1]

176). The Story of the Gadsbys: A Tale without a Plot by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

175). L'Envoi by Rudyard Kipling.

174). The Swelling of Jordan by Rudyard Kipling.

173). The Valley of the Shadow by Rudyard Kipling.

172). Fatima by Rudyard Kipling.

171). The Garden of Eden by Rudyard Kipling.

170). With Any Amazement by Rudyard Kipling.

169). The Tents of Kedar by Rudyard Kipling.

168). The World Without by Rudyard Kipling.

167). Poor Dear Mamma by Rudyard Kipling.

166). Soldiers Three by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

165). L'Envoi by Rudyard Kipling.

164). Black Jack by Rudyard Kipling.

163). In the Matter of a Private by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

162). With the Main Guard by Rudyard Kipling.

161). The Solid Muldoon by Rudyard Kipling.

160). The Big Drunk Draf' by Rudyard Kipling.

159). Private Learoyd's Story by Rudyard Kipling.

158). Takið aldrei framar mark á mér! eftir Illuga Jökulson.

157). The God from the Machine by Rudyard Kipling.

156). It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth: An Auto-bio-graphic-novel eftir Zoe Thorogood.[1]

155). Kvár: Hvað er að vera kynsegin? eftir Elísabet Rún.[1]

154). Þriðja vaktin: Jafnréttishandbók heimilisins eftir Huldu Tölgyes og Þorstein V. Einarsson.[1]

153). Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

152). The Drums of the Fore and Aft by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

151). His Majesty the King by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

150). Baa, Baa, Black Sheep by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

149). Wee Willie Winkie by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

148). The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy edited by Peter Haining.[1]

147). There's a Wolf in My Time Machine by Larry Niven.[1]

146). Playboy and the Slime God by Isaac Asimov.[1]

145). Captain Wyxtpthll's Flying Saucer by Arthur C. Clarke.[1]

144). The Gnurrs Come from the Voodvork Out by Reginald Bretnor.[1][2] [Retro Hugo Award nominee]

143). The Odd Old Bird by Avram Davidson.[1]

142). A Good Knight's Work by Robert Bloch.[1]

141). The Bait by Fritz Leiber.[1]

140). The Ring of Hans Carvel by Fredric Brown.[1]

139). The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Eerie Tales [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

138). The Man Who Would Be King by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

137). Affairs in Poictesme by James Branch Cabell.[1]

Mars (12/48)

136). I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy.[1]

135). The Adventure of the Snowing Globe by F. Anstey.[1]

134). The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaró.[1]

133). Doodad by Ray Bradbury.[1][2]

132). A Great Deal of Power by Eric Frank Russell.[1]

131). The Twonky by C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner.[1]

130). Hell Hath No Fury by John Collier.[1]

129). Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote.[1]

128). A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote.[1]

127). A Diamond Guitar by Truman Capote.[1]

126). House of Flowers by Truman Capote.[1]

125). Speech at the Mansion House, London, on January 27, 1915 by Rudyard Kipling.

124). The Tabu Tale by Rudyard Kipling.

123). The City of Dreadful Night by Rudyard Kipling.

122). Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote.[1]

121). The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

120). The Last Assassin: The Hunt for the Killers of Julius Caesar by Peter Stothard.[1]

119). My Own True Ghost Story by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

118). Næturvörðurinn eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.[1]

117). The Phantom 'Rickshaw by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

116). Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein. Preface by Virginia Heinlein.[1] [Hugo Award Winner]

115). Dropar á strjálingi eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

114). Jóhannes bíður eftir rútu eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

113). Fötin eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

112). Látið blómin tala eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

111). Hveitilím: Riss eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

110). The Blockade Runners by Lee N. Falconer.[1]

109). Addisabeba eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

108). A Floating City by Jules Verne.[1]

107). Þangað til við deyjum eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

106). Mynd úr marmara eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

105). Svona fór það eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

104). Maður og blóm eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

103). Plain Tales from the Hills [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

102). To Be Filed for Reference [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

101). By Word of Mouth [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

100). Wressley of the Foreign Office [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

99). On the Strength of a Likeness [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

98). The Story of Muhammad Din [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

97). The Madness of Private Ortheris by Rudyard Kipling.

96). The Gate of a Hundred Sorrows [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

95). A Friend's Friend by Rudyard Kipling.

94). The Bisara of Pooree [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

93). Venus Annodomini [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

92). The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

91). The Rout of the White Hussars [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

90). Pig [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

89). All the Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

88). In the Rukh by Rudyard Kipling.

87). In the Pride of His Youth [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

86). The Daughter of the Regiment by Rudyard Kipling.

85). Tods' Amendment [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

84). A Bank Fraud [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

83). In Error [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

82). Beyond the Pale [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

81). Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton.[1]

80). Anti/Hero by Demitria Lunetta and Kate Karyus Quinn with Sam Lotfi. Illustrated by Maca Gil.[1]

79). The Broken-Link Handicap [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

78). Hið heilaga orð eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.[1]

77). His Wedded Wife [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

Febrúar (8/49)

76). The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker.[1]

75). In the House of Suddhoo [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

74). The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

73). Kidnapped [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

72). The Taking of Lungtungpen by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

71). A Germ Destroyer by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

70). In Search of the Castaways or The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne.[1]

69). The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

68). Costa Blanca eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

67). Consequences [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

66). Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.[1] [Pulitzer Prize winner]

65). Næturheimsókn eftir Jökul Jakobsson.[1]

64). Næturheimsókn eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

63). Revúar Nicolai! eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

62). Herbergi 307 eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

61). Farið upp á Skaga [...] eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

60). Jafnvægi í byggð landsins eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

59). Skip koma aldrei aftur eftir Jökul Jakobsson.

58). Barbara: A Tale of Transformation by Garðar Eyjólfsson. Illustrated by Janosch Bela Kratz. Translated by Marteinn Sindri Jónsson.[1]

57). The Other Man [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

56). Deus eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.[1]

55). Síðasta ást Genghis prins eftir Marguerite Yourcenar. Þýtt af Hallfríði Jakobsdóttur.

54). Brúðan: Brot úr dögum byltingarinnar í Portúgal árið 1975 eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

53). Ilmur af nafni rósarinnar: Heimspeki Vilhjálms af Baskerville og nafna hans af Ockham eftir Eyjólf Kjalar Emilsson.

52). Tvíbreitt (svig)rúm eftir Gyrði Elíasson eftir Pétur Gunnarsson.

51). Sumar plöntur eftir Atla Ingólfsson.

50). Ljóð eftir Geirlaug Magnússon.

49). Gluggagægir eftir Kristján Kristjánsson. Myndskreytt af Aðalsteini Svani.

48). Um lífið að tefla eftir Kristján Kristjánsson.

47). Ágúst 1984 eftir Einar Ólafsson.

46). Ellefusýning eftir Svein Yngva Egilsson.

45). Mínotarus og völundarhúsið eftir Svein Yngva Egilsson.

44). Ellefuhundruðáraafmæli eftir Þóru Jónsdóttur.

43). Tvö höfuð á sama kodda eftir Þóru Jónsdóttur.

42). Eintal í kaffiskúr eftir Einar Má Guðmumdsson.

41). Tíminn milli fjallanna eftir Einar Má Guðmumdsson.

40). Veðurfræðilegt söguljóð eftir Einar Má Guðmumdsson.

39). Ísabelíta eftir Onelio Jorge Cardoso. Þýtt af Ingibjörgu Haraldsdóttur.

38). Bið eftir Elías Má. Myndskreytt af Önnu V. Gunnarsdóttur.

37). Tvö ljóð eftir Kristján Jóhann Jónsson.

36). Hrun orða eftir Magnús Skúlason.

35). Kyrrð eftir Magnús Skúlason.

34). Bros eftir Magnús Skúlason.

33). Auðnir: Að loknum lestri kvæða Bjarna Thorarensen eftir Gunnar Harðarson.

32). Undirheimalíf eftir Kristján Árnason.

31). Hellislíf eftir Kristján Árnason.

30). Inni eftir Stefán Hörð Grímsson.

29). Næturbón eftir Stefán Hörð Grímsson.

28). Spör eftir Stefán Hörð Grímsson.

27). Watches of the Night [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

26). Norma eftir Sofi Oksanen. Þýtt af Sigurði Karlssyni.[1]

25). His Chance in Life [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

24). A Very Good Year: Development Notes for 1830 by Bruce Shelley.

23). Take a Ride on the Reading: Variants for 1830 by Alan R. Moon.

22). The Three Musketeers by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

21). Cupid's Arrows [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

20). DJ Bambi eftir Auði Övu Ólafsdóttur.[1]

Janúar (7/12)

19). The Roles We Play by Sabba Khan.[1]

18). Mörgæs með brostið hjarta: ástarsaga eftir Stefán Mána.[1]

17). The Rescue of Pluffles [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

16). Five Weeks in a Balloon or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen by Jules Verne.[1]

15). Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West by John Rapley and Peter Heather.[1]

14). Barbararnir við hliðið eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

13). False Dawn [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

12). American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.[1]

11). Yoked with an Unbeliever [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

10). Tattúínárdøla saga: The Saga of the People of the Tattúín River Valley [...] eftir Jackson Crawford.

9). Undirstöður samfélagsins molna eftir Jón Karl Stefánsson.

8). Tattúínárdøla saga: If Star Wars Were an Icelandic Saga by Jackson Crawford.

7). Miss Youghal's Sais [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

6). A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through? by Kelly Weinersmith and Zach Weinersmith.[1]

5). Thrown Away [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

4). We have a tool to stop Israel's war crimes: BDS by Naomi Klein.

3). Three and—an Extra [...] by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

2). The Beast in the Jungle by Henry James.[1]

1). Það sem var skrítið við áramótaskaupið eftir Jón Trausta Reynisson.

2023 (142/869)

Desember (7/77)

1011). Our Little Secret by Emily Carrington.[1]

1010). Not Forever but for Now by Chuck Palahniuk.[1]

1009). The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë. Introduction by Mary A. Ward.[1]

1008). Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm.[1]

1007). On the Road by Jack Kerouac.[1]

1006). Lispeth by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

1005). Fifty-One Tales by Lord Dunsany.[1]

1004). The Poet Speaks with Earth by Lord Dunsany.

1003). What We Have Come To by Lord Dunsany.

1002). Compromise by Lord Dunsany.

1001). The Three Tall Sons by Lord Dunsany.

1000). The Messengers by Lord Dunsany.

999). The Song of the Blackbird by Lord Dunsany.

998). Nature and Time by Lord Dunsany.

997). The Return of the Exiles by Lord Dunsany.

996). Lobster Salad by Lord Dunsany.

995). Furrow-Maker by Lord Dunsany.

994). The Mist by Lord Dunsany.

993). The Trouble in Leafy Green Street by Lord Dunsany.

992). The Reward by Lord Dunsany.

991). The Sphinx in Thebes (Massachusetts) by Lord Dunsany.

990). The Lonely Idol by Lord Dunsany.

989). The City by Lord Dunsany.

988). After the Fire by Lord Dunsany.

987). Taking Up Picadilly by Lord Dunsany.

986). A Losing Game by Lord Dunsany.

985). How the Enemy Came to Thlūnrāna by Lord Dunsany.

984). Spring in Town by Lord Dunsany.

983). The Return of Song by Lord Dunsany.

982). A Moral Little Tale by Lord Dunsany.

981). Alone the Immortals by Lord Dunsany.

980). The True History of the Hare and the Tortoise by Lord Dunsany.

979). The Storm by Lord Dunsany.

978). The Dream of King Karna-Vootra by Lord Dunsany.

977). The Man with the Golden Earrings by Lord Dunsany.

976). Roses by Lord Dunsany.

975). The Giant Poppy by Lord Dunsany.

974). The Demagogue and the Demimonde by Lord Dunsany.

973). The Latest Thing by Lord Dunsany.

972). The Songless Country by Lord Dunsany.

971). The Worm and the Angel by Lord Dunsany.

970). The Unpasturable Fields by Lord Dunsany.

969). The Little City by Lord Dunsany.

968). Time and the Tradesman by Lord Dunsany.

967). The Prayer of the Flowers by Lord Dunsany.

966). Death and the Orange by Lord Dunsany.

965). Death and Odysseus by Lord Dunsany.

964). The Guest by Lord Dunsany.

963). The Workman by Lord Dunsany.

962). The Raft-Builders by Lord Dunsany.

961). Wind and Fog by Lord Dunsany.

960). The Hen by Lord Dunsany.

959). The Sphinx at Giza by Lord Dunsany.

958). The Death of Pan by Lord Dunsany.

957). Charon by Lord Dunsany.

956). The Assignation by Lord Dunsany.

955). The Burden by Rudyard Kipling.

954). The Gardener [...] by Rudyard Kipling.

953). Writing with Intent: Essays, Reviews, Personal Prose: 1983–2005 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

952). Review: Acquainted with the Night: Excursions Through the World After Dark by Christopher Dewdney by Margaret Atwood.

951). Introduction: Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition [revised edition] by Owen Beattie and John Geiger by Margaret Atwood.

950). To Beechy Island by Margaret Atwood.

949). Review: From Eve to Dawn by Marilyn French by Margaret Atwood.

948). Review: The Mays of Ventadorn by W. S. Merwin by Margaret Atwood.

947). Review: A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World by Robert Bringhurst by Margaret Atwood.

946). Introduction: The Complete Stories, Volume 4 by Morley Callaghan by Margaret Atwood.

945). Review: Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi by Margaret Atwood.

944). Review: Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age by Bill McKibben by Margaret Atwood.

943). Napoleon's Two Biggest Mistakes by Margaret Atwood.

942). Review: Child of My Heart by Alice McDermott by Margaret Atwood.

941). Introduction: High Latitudes by Farley Mowat by Margaret Atwood.

940). Introduction: Ground Works, Christian Bok, editor by Margaret Atwood.

939). Eulogy: Tiff and the Animals by Margaret Atwood.

938). Review: Life of Pi by Yann Martel by Margaret Atwood.

937). Review: According to Queeney by Beryl Bainbridge by Margaret Atwood.

936). First Job, Waitressing by Margaret Atwood.

935). Review: Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art 2nd The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property by Lewis Hyde by Margaret Atwood.

934). Review: Burning Your Boats: The Collected Short Stories by Angela Carter by Margaret Atwood.

933). Introduction: Women Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, George Plimpton, editor by Margaret Atwood.

932). Afterword: A Jest of God by Margaret Laurence by Margaret Atwood.

931). True North by Margaret Atwood.

930). That Certain Thing Called the Girlfriend by Margaret Atwood.

929). Review: Difficult Loves by Italo Calvino by Margaret Atwood.

928). Laughter vs. Death by Margaret Atwood.

Nóvember (9/56)

927). Stone Mattress: Nine Tales by Margaret Atwood.[1]

926). Torching the Dusties by Margaret Atwood.

925). The Dead Hand Loves You by Margaret Atwood.

924). I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth by Margaret Atwood.

923). The Freeze-Dried Groom by Margaret Atwood.

922). Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood.

921). Dark Lady by Margaret Atwood.

920). Revenant by Margaret Atwood.

919). Alphinland by Margaret Atwood.

918). Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World by Tom Holland.[1]

917). Tsalmoth by Steven Brust.[1]

916). Victory City by Salman Rushdie.[1]

915). Rights of Man by Thomas Paine. Foreword by Moncure Daniel Conway.[1]

914). Róttæk skoðun: ekki myrða börn eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

913). The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.[1]

912). Fairies and Fusiliers by Robert Graves.[1]

911). Free Verse by Robert Graves.

910). 1915 by Robert Graves.

909). Cherry-Time by Robert Graves.

908). In the Wilderness by Robert Graves.

907). The Poet in the Nursery by Robert Graves.

906). The Assault Heroic by Robert Graves.

905). Corporal Stare by Robert Graves.

904). A Boy in Church by Robert Graves.

903). Not Dead by Robert Graves.

902). The Bough of Nonsense: An Idyll by Robert Graves.

901). Escape by Robert Graves.

900). A Child's Nightmare by Robert Graves.

899). Smoke-Rings by Robert Graves.

898). Love and Black Magic by Robert Graves.

897). The Lady Visitor in the Pauper Ward by Robert Graves.

896). Marigolds by Robert Graves.

895). Strong Beer by Robert Graves.

894). The Next War by Robert Graves.

893). I'd Love to Be a Fairy's Child by Robert Graves.

892). Careers by Robert Graves.

891). Double Red Daisies by Robert Graves.

890). I Wonder What It Feels Like to Be Drowned? by Robert Graves.

889). John Skelton by Robert Graves.

888). Jonah by Robert Graves.

887). The Shivering Beggar by Robert Graves.

886). The Spoilsport by Robert Graves.

885). Faun by Robert Graves.

884). A Dead Boche by Robert Graves.

883). Letter to S.S. from Mametz Wood by Robert Graves.

882). When I'm Killed by Robert Graves.

881). The Last Post by Robert Graves.

880). The Cottage by Robert Graves.

879). Sorley's Weather by Robert Graves.

878). The Caterpillar by Robert Graves.

877). A Pinch of Salt by Robert Graves.

876). Finland by Robert Graves.

875). The Cruel Moon by Robert Graves.

874). Mr. Philosopher by Robert Graves.

873). Babylon by Robert Graves.

872). Goliath and David by Robert Graves.

871). Two Fusiliers by Robert Graves.

870). Dead Cow Farm by Robert Graves.

869). To Robert Nichols by Robert Graves.

868). To Lucasta on Going to the War—For the Fourth Time by Robert Graves.

867). An Old Twenty-Third Man by Robert Graves.

866). To an Ungentle Critic by Robert Graves.

865). To Each According to Their Space-Need: Communes in Outer Space by John Lehr, Kelly Weinersmith, Ran Abramitzky, and Zach Weinersmith.

864). Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein.[1]

863). Thy Neighbor's Wife by Gay Talese. Foreword by Katie Roiphe.[1]

Október (13/48)

862). Climb Every (White Plume) Mountain by Aaron Williams.

861). The Innkeeper's Secret by Troy Denning. Illustrated by Carl Critchlow. [Forgotten Realms (Cormyr)]

860). The King of Winter by Mark Anthony. Illustrated by John Matson.

859). The Unreal and the Real: Selected Short Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

858). The Unreal and the Real Volume Two: Outer Space, Inner Lands by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

857). The Jar of Water by Ursula K. Le Guin.

856). The Poacher by Ursula K. Le Guin.

855). The Wild Girls Plus... by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

854). "A Lovely Art": Ursula K. Le Guin Interviewed by Terry Bisson by Terry Bisson.

853). "The Conversation of the Modest" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

852). The City of the Plain by Ursula K. Le Guin.

851). Variations on an Old Theme by Ursula K. Le Guin.

850). Peace Vigils by Ursula K. Le Guin.

849). The Next War by Ursula K. Le Guin.

848). "Staying Awake While We Read" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

847). The Wild Girls by Ursula K. Le Guin.

846). Shademehr and the Old Wives Tale by Don Perrin and Margaret Weis. Illustrated by Dave Dorman.

845). Changing Planes by Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by Eric Beddows.[1] [Locus Award winner]

844). Confusions of Uñi by Ursula K. Le Guin.

843). The Island of the Immortals by Ursula K. Le Guin.

842). The Fliers of Gy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

841). The Building by Ursula K. Le Guin.

840). The Nna Mmoy Language by Ursula K. Le Guin.

839). Wake Island by Ursula K. Le Guin.

838). Great Joy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

837). Woeful Tales from Mahigul by Ursula K. Le Guin.

836). The Royals of Hegn by Ursula K. Le Guin.

835). Social Dreaming of the Firn by Ursula K. Le Guin.

834). Seasons of the Ansarac by Ursula K. Le Guin.

833). The Ire of the Veksi by Ursula K. Le Guin.

832). Feeling at Home with the Hennebet by Ursula K. Le Guin.

831). The Silence of the Asonu by Ursula K. Le Guin.

830). Porridge on Islac by Ursula K. Le Guin.

829). Dux Bellorum by Ben Bova. Illustrated by Dennis Calero. [King Arthur, Orion]

828). To Dam Where It Trickles by Pete D. Manison. Illustrated by Alan Rabinowitz.

827). Sita Dulip's Method by Ursula K. Le Guin.

826). The Birthday of the World and Other Stories by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

825). A Few Words to a Young Writer by Ursula K. Le Guin.

824). Answers to a Questionnaire by Ursula K. Le Guin.

823). On Despising Genres by Ursula K. Le Guin.

822). The Found and the Lost: The Complete Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

821). Paradises Lost by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

820). The Birthday of the World by Ursula K. Le Guin.

819). Solitude by Ursula K. Le Guin. [Nebula Award winner]

818). Mountain Ways by Ursula K. Le Guin.

817). Unchosen Love by Ursula K. Le Guin.

816). The Matter of Seggri by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

815). Coming of Age in Karhide by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

814). My Body by Emily Ratajkowski.[1]

813). Land tækifæranna eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

812). Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford.[1]

811). The Fallen God by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Andrew Goldhawk. [Fool Wolf]

810). The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition by Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by Charles Vess.[1]

809). Earthsea Revisioned by Ursula K. Le Guin.

808). Firelight by Ursula K. Le Guin.

807). The Daughter of Odren by Ursula K. Le Guin.

806). The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Nebula Award nominee]

805). Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach.[1]

804). Essay About Technology and the Arts by Amon Tobin.

803). The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhlem Reich. Translated by Theodore P. Wolfe.[1]

802). MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood.[1]

September (17/35)

801). The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It by Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews.

800). Stríðið um athygli þína og reiði eftir Braga Pál Sigurðsson.

799). Four Tales by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Peter Bailey.[1]

798). The Scarecrow and His Servant by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Peter Bailey.[1]

797). I Was a Rat! or The Scarlet Slippers by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Peter Bailey.[1]

796). The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Peter Bailey.[1]

795). The New Cut Gang: The Gas-Fitters' Ball by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Mark Thomas.

794). The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan.[1]

793). The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood.[1]

792). Marriage and Morals by Bertrand Russell.[1]

791). Að hræðast allt nema raunveruleikann eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

790). Goðheimar 13: Feigðardraumar eftir Peter Madsen. Þýtt af Bjarna Frímanni Karlssyni.[1][2]

789). On the Consolation of Philosophy [...] by Boethius. Translated by H. R. James.[1]

788). More than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory by Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux. Foreword by Janet Hardy.[1]

787). Andleg algebra eftir Rakel Hinriksdóttur.[1]

786). The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf.[1]

785). How It Strikes a Contemporary by Virginia Woolf.

784). Joseph Conrad by Virginia Woolf.

783). The Modern Essay by Virginia Woolf.

782). The Patron and the Crocus by Virginia Woolf.

781). Outlines IV.: Archbishop Thomson by Virginia Woolf.

780). Outlines III.: Lady Dorothy Nevill by Virginia Woolf.

779). Outlines II.: Dr. Bentley by Virginia Woolf.

778). Outlines I.: Miss Mitford by Virginia Woolf.

777). The Russian Point of View by Virginia Woolf.

776). George Eliot by Virginia Woolf.

775). The Unreal and the Real Volume One: Where on Earth by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

774). Half Past Four by Ursula K. Le Guin.

773). "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights" by Virginia Woolf.

772). Modern Fiction by Virginia Woolf.[1]

771). Jane Austen by Virginia Woolf.

770). The Lives of the Obscure III.: Miss Ormerod by Virginia Woolf.

769). The Lost Children by Ursula K. Le Guin.

768). The Lives of the Obscure II.: Laetitia Pilkington by Virginia Woolf.

767). The Lives of the Obscure I.: The Taylors and the Edgeworths by Virginia Woolf.

766). Addison by Virginia Woolf.

765). Defoe by Virginia Woolf.

764). Rambling Round Evelyn by Arundhati Roy.

763). The Duchess of Newcastle by Virginia Woolf.

762). Montaigne by Virginia Woolf.

761). Notes on an Elizabethan Play by Virginia Woolf.

760). Firstborn by Brandon Sanderson.

759). With Folded Hands... by Jack Williamson.[1]

758). Dauðinn og mörgæsin eftir Andrey Kurkov. Þýtt af Áslaugu Agnarsdóttur.[1]

757). Sloræturnar eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

756). The Elizabethan Lumber Room by Virginia Woolf.

755). On Not Knowing Greek by Virginia Woolf.

754). The Pastons and Chaucer by Virginia Woolf.

753). One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.[1]

752). Gufuvél Rómaveldis eftir Illuga Jökulson.

751). Endurminningar - 20 bréf til vinar eftir Svetlana Alliluyeva. Þýtt af Arnheiði Sigurðardóttur.[1]

750). The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf.

Ágúst (20/55)

749). The Swan by Sully Prudhomme. Translated by Toru Dutt.

748). Sonnet—A Dream by Sully Prudhomme. Translated by Toru Dutt.

747). To the Swallow by Sully Prudhomme. Translated by Toru Dutt.

746). Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

745). Hernes by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

744). Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal by Maria Monk.[1]

743). Jane Eyre: An Autobiography by Charlotte Brontë.[1]

742). Ég er ekki að segja að við ættum að gera byltingu eftir Braga Pál Sigurðsson.

741). The Honor of Two Swords by Kate Novak. Illustrated by Russell Walks. [Forgotten Realms, Kara-Tur]

740). Crosswords by Ursula K. Le Guin.

739). Quoits by Ursula K. Le Guin.

738). True Love by Ursula K. Le Guin.

737). Bill Weisler by Ursula K. Le Guin.

736). Stolen Dreams by Elaine Cunningham. Illustrated by Russell Walks. [Forgotten Realms (Waterdeep)]

735). In and Out by Ursula K. Le Guin.

734). Charger by Ben Bova. Illustrated by Roger Raupp. [King Arthur, Orion]

733). Geezers by Ursula K. Le Guin.

732). Boobs by Suzy McKee Charnas.[1] [Hugo Award Winner]

731). Þegar skrímslið er klætt í pels eftir Þórð Snæ Júlíusson.

730). The Visionary by Ursula K. Le Guin.

729). I Love Dick by Chris Kraus. Introduction by Eileen Myles. Afterword by Joan Hawkins.[1]

728). Hand, Cup, Shell by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

727). Sleepwalkers by Ursula K. Le Guin.

726). Texts by Ursula K. Le Guin.

725). The Ship Ahoy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

724). The Span by Diane Duane. Illustrated by Rebecca Guay.

723). A Secret of Amber by Ed Greenwood and Roger Zelazny.

722). The Shortest History of the Soviet Union by Sheila Fitzpatrick.[1]

721). Ether, OR by Ursula K. Le Guin.

720). Foam Women, Rain Women by Ursula K. Le Guin.

719). Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by S. D. Schindler.[1]

718). Catwings Return by Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by S. D. Schindler.[1]

717). Doctor Who: Nothing O'Clock by Neil Gaiman.[1]

716). Paying the Land by Joe Sacco.[1]

715). Journalism by Joe Sacco.[1]

714). Kushinagar by Joe Sacco.

713). The Unwanted by Joe Sacco.

712). Trauma on Loan by Joe Sacco.

711). Down! Up! by Joe Sacco.

710). Complacency Kills by Joe Sacco.

709). What Refugees? by Joe Sacco.

708). Chechen War, Chechen Women by Joe Sacco.

707). The Underground War in Gaza by Joe Sacco.

706). Gaza Portfolio by Joe Sacco.

705). Hebron: A Look Inside by Joe Sacco.

704). The War Crimes Trials by Joe Sacco.

703). Goth Girl and the Wuthering Fright by Chris Riddell.[1]

702). Once Upon a Time in the North by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by John Lawrence.[1]

701). I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison.[1] [Hugo Award winner]

700). The Ghost Who Came to Say He Was Sorry by Chuck Palahniuk.

699). Clockwork — or All Wound Up — by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by Leonid Gore.[1]

698). Spring-Heeled Jack: A Story of Bravery and Evil by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by David Mostyn.[1]

697). Lyra's Oxford by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by John Lawrence.[1]

696). Lyra and the Birds by Philip Pullman. Illustrated by John Lawrence.

695). The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena / Stories and Songs by Ursula K. Le Guin. Edited by Brian Attebery.[1]

694). Sisters and Science Fiction by Karl Kroeber.

693). The Walls of Rakava (Polana Province) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

692). Red Berries (Montayna Province) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

691). Folk Song from the Montayna Province by Ursula K. Le Guin.

690). Victory Unintentional by Isaac Asimov.[1]

689). Olders by Ursula K. Le Guin.

688). Five Ways to Forgiveness by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

687). Old Music and the Slave Women by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

686). Tapiola eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

685). Hreinlífi 8. september eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

684). Sársaukinn á sér ekki endastöð eftir Berglindi Gunnarsdóttur.

683). Dúfuvængir eftir Edward Brathwaite. Þýtt af Sigfúsi Bjartmarssyni.

682). 1984 eftir Óskar Árna Óskarsson.

681). Sónetta (um fegurðina) eftir Þorgeir Þorgeirsson.

680). Nótt eftir Ólaf Jóhann Sigurðsson.

679). Hamingja þessa heims -riddarasaga- eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.[1]

678). Orsinia by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

677). Unlocking the Air by Ursula K. Le Guin.

676). The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.[1]

675). Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville.[1]

Júlí (8/243)

674). Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy.[1]

673). Kærastinn er rjóður eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.[1]

672). Umfang eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

671). Kæri bréfritari 2 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

670). Hæ fyrrverndi eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

669). 7 stefnumót með 7 útgáfum af honum eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

668). Kæri bréfritari 1 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

667). Kærasti nr. 6 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

666). Kærasti nr. 5 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

665). Kærasti nr. 4 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

664). Kærasti nr. 3 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

663). Kærasti nr. 2 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

662). Kærasti nr. 1 eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.

661). The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving.[1]

660). Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth by Margaret Atwood.[1]

659). Er þetta terta? eftir Lóu Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttur.

658). The Tomb of Pan by Lord Dunsany.

657). A Mistaken Identity by Lord Dunsany.

656). The Food of Death by Lord Dunsany.

655). Alan Bean Plus Four by Tom Hanks.

654). How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art upon the Gnoles by Lord Dunsany.

653). The Road by Cormac McCarthy.[1] [Pulitzer Prize Winner]

652). Herman Wouk Is Still Alive by Stephen King.[1]

651). Skilnaðarbörnin eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

650). Þöglu myndirnar: Smáprósar I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

649). Faraó eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

648). Við vatnið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

647). Stólpar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

646). Blómin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

645). Lyf eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

644). Burt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

643). Dótið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

642). Fuglinn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

641). Kyrrstaða eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

640). Þöglu myndirnar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

639). Vaxmyndir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

638). Ofan eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

637). Á meira en ljóshraða eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

636). Í vatninu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

635). Opnunartímar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

634). Þáttaskil eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

633). Útförin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

632). Á hlaðinu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

631). Skjálfandi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

630). Í stofunni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

629). Bið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

628). Salt lífsins eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

627). Þróun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

626). Hækkun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

625). Skjálfti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

624). Augun mín eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

623). Hugarmyndir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

622). Skálaræða sósíalistans eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

621). Við gluggann eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

620). Fákurinn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

619). Fortíðarhúsið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

618). Kólusar I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

617). Innan veggja eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

616). Um fjöll eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

615). Fiskarnir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

614). Boltasafnið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

613). Hliðrun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

612). Hvarfið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

611). Pensilför eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

610). Dagur við ána eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

609). Þvottadagur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

608). Útilokun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

607). Fregn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

606). Ásjónur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

605). Vængir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

604). Orðin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

603). Í Vesturbænum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

602). Sebrarendur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

601). Grisjun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

600). Fyrir austan eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

599). Nefin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

598). Gaslýsing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

597). Steypiregn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

596). Ský eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

595). Á ferð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

594). Almanak eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

593). Í fjallinu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

592). Músík eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

591). Árekstur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

590). Innhverfa eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

589). Draumköfun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

588). Tilfærsla eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

587). Valkvíði eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

586). Túrkís eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

585). Upplýsingar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

584). Árhús eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

583). Beðið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

582). Skrift eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

581). Madeira eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

580). Ráðgáta eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

579). Orð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

578). Þurrkví eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

577). Hvíld eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

576). Til baka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

575). Áhorfandi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

574). Reynitréð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

573). Hrafnamál eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

572). Taskan eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

571). Þar sem störin vex eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

570). Kjólarnir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

569). Hugleiðing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

568). Farþeginn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

567). Alhvítt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

566). Bókin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

565). Á glugga eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

564). Spurning eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

563). Eimur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

562). Að svíkja lit eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

561). Vaknað eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

560). Herbergisnúmerið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

559). Horfnihvammur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

558). Kvöldgöngur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

557). Sjóslys eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

556). Matarhefðir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

555). Endurlifun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

554). Landafundir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

553). Dropar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

552). Stofnar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

551). Minning eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

550). Raddir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

549). Samræður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

548). Dyrnar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

547). Vetur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

546). Kortið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

545). Ósýnileiki eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

544). Hveitikornið þekktu þitt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

543). Samanlagt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

542). Trén eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

541). Úr kafi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

540). Vélarbilun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

539). Óleyst eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

538). Utan þjónustusvæðis eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

537). Fram og til baka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

536). Möskvar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

535). Gata bernskunnar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

534). Sumar á Ströndum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

533). Dagsferð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

532). Plan B eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

531). Einstefna eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

530). Hljótt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

529). Rán eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

528). Ekki fokhelt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

527). Náttstaður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

526). Upprifjun II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

525). Niðurskurður II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

524). Engin segl eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

523). Strandþankar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

522). Pastoralía eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

521). Hin beittu spor eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

520). Of eða van eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

519). Niðurskurður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

518). Mæðgin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

517). Upphafsmenn II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

516). Jarðtónar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

515). Ókunnar slóðir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

514). Svalalind eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

513). Stórhýsið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

512). Enginn ræður för eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

511). Sýn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

510). Vítahringur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

509). Horfnir tónar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

508). Lestur II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

507). Holur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

506). Lestur I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

505). Perú eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

504). Bitið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

503). Við sjóinn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

502). Maður á blautu glerþaki eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

501). Postulína eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

500). Bakstur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

499). Allt fram streymir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

498). Upprifjun I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

497). Dúkkuheimilið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

496). Umskipti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

495). Endurtekið stef eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

494). Upphafsmenn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

493). Lýsing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

492). Atvinnusamtal eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

491). Undir öxinni f. GM eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

490). Ísmaðurinn kemur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

489). Innkast eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

488). Eftir yfirheyrslu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

487). Heimsóknir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

486). Á dögum Sherlock Holmes eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

485). Aðgát eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

484). Hinn ónefnanlegi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

483). Úrlausn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

482). Skurðpunktar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

481). Meira grjót eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

480). Misséð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

479). Síðsumar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

478). Misvísandi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

477). Mosfellsdalur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

476). Djúprautt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

475). Tortryggni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

474). Fyrirspurn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

473). Vonarneisti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

472). Djúpsvefn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

471). Breyttir tímar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

470). Í skugga gardínanna eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

469). 995 millibör eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

468). Óskýrt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

467). Sikileyjarvörn II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

466). Liðnir dagar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

465). Kaþólsk viðhorf II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

464). Sýn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

463). Hringjarinn frá Notre Dame eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

462). Sagði hún eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

461). Hrap eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

460). Næturflug eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

459). Sjónhverfing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

458). Hljóðbærni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

457). Nikto nie je doma eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

456). Svarthol eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

455). Brottnám eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

454). Veðurfregnir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

453). Fjölgun Hugsað til H.J. eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

452). Svefn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

451). Grasið stingur f. Doris Lessing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

450). Þögn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

449). Kvöld eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

448). Pósthúmus II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

447). Doctor Dolittle eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

446). Símtal eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

445). Framtaksleysi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

444). Höfnun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

443). Loftbelgir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

442). Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

441). A Description of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin.

440). Dragonfly by Ursula K. Le Guin.

439). On the High Marsh by Ursula K. Le Guin.

438). The Bones of the Earth by Ursula K. Le Guin. [Hugo Award nominee]

437). Darkrose and Diamond by Ursula K. Le Guin.

436). The Finder by Ursula K. Le Guin.

435). Cities of the Plain by Cormac McCarthy.[1]

434). Burning Questions: Essays and Occasional Pieces 2004-2021 by Margaret Atwood.[1]

433). The Sea Trilogy: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

432). Barry Lopez by Margaret Atwood.

431). Big Science by Margaret Atwood.

430). Caught in Time's Current: Margaret Atwood on Grief, Poetry, and the Last Four Years by Margaret Atwood.

429). Perpetual Motion and Gentleman Death: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

428). The Bedside Book of Birds: Foreword by Margaret Atwood.

427). The Writing of The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.

426). We: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

425). Inseparable: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

424). The Equivalents by Margaret Atwood.

Júní (15/95)

423). The Tent by Margaret Atwood.[1]

422). But It Could Still by Margaret Atwood.

421). Tree Baby by Margaret Atwood.

420). Time Folds by Margaret Atwood.

419). The Tent by Margaret Atwood.

418). Warlords by Margaret Atwood.

417). Nightingale by Margaret Atwood.

416). Something Has Happened by Margaret Atwood.

415). Eating the Birds by Margaret Atwood.

414). Faster by Margaret Atwood.

413). King Log in Exile by Margaret Atwood.

412). Horatio's Version by Margaret Atwood.

411). Bring Back Mom: An Invocation by Margaret Atwood.

410). Heritage House by Margaret Atwood.

409). Post-Colonial by Margaret Atwood.

408). Take Charge by Margaret Atwood.

407). Three Novels I Won't Write Soon by Margaret Atwood.

406). The Animals Reject Their Names and Things Return to Their Origins by Margaret Atwood.

405). Thylacine Ragout by Margaret Atwood.

404). Chicken Little Goes Too Far by Margaret Atwood.

403). Our Cat Enters Heaven by Margaret Atwood.

402). Resources of the Ikarians by Margaret Atwood.

401). Plots for Exotics by Margaret Atwood.

400). Salome Was a Dancer by Margaret Atwood.

399). Tell. The. Truth. by Margaret Atwood.

398). Memory of Fire: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

397). Payback: Introduction to the New Edition by Margaret Atwood.

396). Greetings, Earthlings! What Are These Human Rights of Which You Speak? by Margaret Atwood.

395). Oryx and Crake: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

394). A Slave State? by Margaret Atwood.

393). It's Not Easy Being Half-Divine by Margaret Atwood.

392). Winter's Tales by Margaret Atwood.

391). Bottle II by Margaret Atwood.

390). Gateway by Margaret Atwood.

389). Orphan Stories by Margaret Atwood.

388). No More Photos by Margaret Atwood.

387). Voice by Margaret Atwood.

386). Encouraging the Young by Margaret Atwood.

385). Impenetrable Forest by Margaret Atwood. [Forgotten Realms (Shining Sea)]

384). Bottle by Margaret Atwood.

383). Clothing Dreams by Margaret Atwood.

382). Life Stories by Margaret Atwood.

381). Three Tarot Cards by Margaret Atwood.

380). We Lost Ursula Le Guin When We Needed Her Most by Margaret Atwood.

379). The Illustrated Man: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

378). What Art Under Trump? by Margaret Atwood.

377). We Hang by a Thread by Margaret Atwood.

376). Kiss of the Fur Queen by Margaret Atwood.

375). Marie-Claire Blais: The One Who Blew Everything Up by Margaret Atwood.

374). Shakespeare and Me: A Tempestuous Love Story by Margaret Atwood.

373). Gabrielle Roy: In Nine Parts by Margaret Atwood.

372). Buttons or Bows? by Margaret Atwood.

371). Reflections on The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.

370). Future Library by Margaret Atwood.

369). Kafka: Three Encounters by Margaret Atwood.

368). The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You by Dina Nayeri.[1]

367). The Summer of the Stromatolites by Margaret Atwood.

366). On Beauty by Margaret Atwood.

365). In Translationland by Margaret Atwood.

364). How to Change the World? by Margaret Atwood.

363). Doris Lessing by Margaret Atwood.

362). Doctor Sleep by Margaret Atwood.

361). Seven Gothic Tales: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

360). Why I Wrote MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood.

359). The Futures Market: Stories We Tell About the Time to Come by Margaret Atwood.

358). Rachel Carson Anniversary by Margaret Atwood.

357). Bring Up the Bodies by Margaret Atwood.

356). The Gift: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

355). Alice Munro by Margaret Atwood.

354). Literature and the Environment by Margaret Atwood.

353). The Writer as Political Agent? Really? by Margaret Atwood.

352). A Writing Life by Margaret Atwood.

351). Scrooge: An Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

350). Ancient Balances by Margaret Atwood.

349). Alice Munro by Margaret Atwood.

348). Ryszard Kapuściński by Margaret Atwood.

347). Trees of Life, Trees of Death by Margaret Atwood.

346). Wetlands by Margaret Atwood.

345). The Echo Maker by Margaret Atwood.

344). Five Visits to the Word-Hoard by Margaret Atwood.

343). Somebody's Daughter by Margaret Atwood.

342). Polonia by Margaret Atwood.

341). From Eve to Dawn by Margaret Atwood.

340). Frozen in Time: Introduction by Margaret Atwood.

339). Scientific Romancing by Margaret Atwood.

338). The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Locus Award winner]

337). HOMO sapína eftir Niviaq Korneliussen. Þýtt af Heiðrúnu Ólafsdóttur.[1]

336). My Father by Charles Bukowski.

335). The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood.[1]

334). Saknaðarilmur eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.[1]

333). Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.[1]

332). 10 leiðir til að lifa verðbólguna af í sumar eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

331). We Are Not the World - We Are DEVO by Henry Rollins.

330). Beware: we ignore Robert F Kennedy Jr's candidacy at our peril by Naomi Klein.

329). Dark Legacy by Mel Odom. Illustrated by Dave Kooharian.

328). Oroonoko, the Royal Slave by Aphra Behn.[1]

327). Orlando: A Biography by Virginia Woolf.[1]

326). Advice to Little Girls [...] by Mark Twain.[1]

325). Good Night, Hem by Jason.[1]

324). King Dog: A Movie for the Mind's Eye by Ursula K. Le Guin.

323). A Ride on the Red Mare's Back by Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by Julie Downing.[1]

322). Four Ways to Forgiveness by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

321). Notes on Werel and Yeowe by Ursula K. Le Guin.

320). A Woman's Liberation by Ursula K. Le Guin.

319). Betrayals by Ursula K. Le Guin.

318). A Man of the People by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

317). Forgiveness Day by Ursula K. Le Guin.

316). Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood.[1]

315). A Room of One's Own [...] by Virginia Woolf.[1]

314). There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury.[1][2]

Maí (13/69)

313). Arthur's Final Morn by J. Robert King. Illustrated by Jeff Miracola. [King Arthur]

312). Two Stories by Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf.[1]

311). The Mark on the Wall by Virginia Woolf.[1]

310). Three Jews by Leonard Woolf.

309). Guardian of the Barrow by Nancy Varian Berberick. Illustrated by Roger Raupp. [Beowulf]

308). Tól eftir Kristínu Eiríksdóttur.[1]

307). Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons (Opinions) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

306). Playboy Interview by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

305). A Political Disease: A Review of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: On the Campaign Trail '72 by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

304). Address to P.E.N. Conference in Stockholm, 1973 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

303). Invite Rita Rait to America! by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

302). Address at Rededication of Wheaton College Library, 1973 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

301). Thinking Unthinkable, Speaking Unspeakable by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

300). In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

299). Reflections on My Own Death by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

298). Address to the National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1971 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

297). Torture and Blubber by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

296). Address to Graduating Class at Bennington College, 1970 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

295). Biafra: A People Betrayed by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

294). The Mysterious Madame Blavatsky by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

293). Oversexed in Indianapolis: Review of Going All the Way by Dan Wakefield by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

292). Why They Read Hesse by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

291). Good Missiles, Good Manners, Good Night by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

290). Address to the American Physical Society by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

289). Excelsior! We're Going to the Moon! Excelsior! by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

288). "There's a Maniac Loose Out There" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

287). Mather's Blood by R. A. Salvatore. Illustrated by Christina Wald.

286). Fortitude by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

285). Yes, We Have No Nirvanas by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

284). Teaching the Unteachable by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

283). Hello, Star Vega: Review of Intelligent Life in the Universe by I. S. Shklovskii and Carl Sagan by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

282). Brief Encounters on the Inland Waterway by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

281). Science Fiction by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

280). Slapstick, or Lonesome No More! by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

279). The Lizard Shoppe by Neal Barrett, Jr.. Illustrated by Mark Nelson.

278). Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis. Introduction by Keith Gessen.[1]

277). Dedrak's Quest by Tracy Hickman. Illustrated by Susan Van Camp.

276). A Fisherman of the Inland Sea by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

275). Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

274). Dancing to Ganam by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

273). Ég á þetta ekki en má þetta víst eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

272). Wakes the Narrow Forest by J. Gregory Keyes. Illustrated by Henry Melton. [Fool Wolf]

271). The Shobies' Story by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

270). A Death by Stephen King.[1]

269). The Kerastion by Ursula K. Le Guin.

268). The Rock that Changed Things by Ursula K. Le Guin.

267). The Ascent of the North Face by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

266). Newton's Sleep by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

265). Elisha from The Bible Explains Why He Made 2 Bears Maul 42 Children by Dash McIntyre.

264). The First Contact with Gorgonids by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

263). Stjarna á himni: Lítil sál sem aldrei komst til jarðar eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.[1]

262). Að lokum eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

261). Tengdadóttir mín eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

260). Ljóð eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

259). Að rata eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

258). Fósturlát eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

257). Hvert á að sækja ljósið eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

256). Að berjast eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

255). Dauðinn eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

254). Orðin eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

253). Ljós eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

252). Litla barnið eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

251). Hvar sést það eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

250). Stjarna á himni eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

249). Hegðun eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

248). Eign eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

247). Draumurinn eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

246). Sorg eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

245). Lítil sál eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

244). Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

243). Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Nebula & Locus Award winner]

242). The coronation arrests are just the start. Police can do what they want to us now by George Monbiot.

241). Between Time and Timbuktu or Prometheus-5 by David Odell and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

240). On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Jünger. Translated by Stuart Hood.[1]

239). The Origins of Sex: A History of the First Sexual Revolution by Faramerz Dabhoiwala.[1]

238). Intruder in the Dusk (What Can Come of Trying to Read William Faulkner While Minding a Child, or Vice Versa) by Peter De Vries.

237). Barn Burning by William Faulkner.[1]

236). The Right to Be Lazy by Paul Lafargue.[1]

235). AI machines aren't 'hallucinating'. But their makers are by Naomi Klein.

234). Stríðið óendanlega eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

233). The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood.[1] [Man Booker Prize Winner]

232). Ein gömul, ein ný eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

Apríl (14/74)

231). The Man Who Sold the Moon by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

230). The Fifth Step by Stephen King.[1]

229). Premium Harmony by Stephen King.[1]

228). Rocket Ship Galileo by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

227). Old Babes in the Woods: Stories by Margaret Atwood.

226). Old Babes in the Woods by Margaret Atwood.

225). Wooden Box by Margaret Atwood.

224). Widows by Margaret Atwood.

223). A Dusty Lunch by Margaret Atwood.

222). Airborne: A Symposium by Margaret Atwood.

221). Metempsychosis: or, The Journey of the Soul by Margaret Atwood.

220). Freeforall by Margaret Atwood.[1]

219). Death by Clamshell by Margaret Atwood.

218). Bad Teeth by Margaret Atwood.

217). Impatient Griselda by Margaret Atwood.

216). The Dead Interview by Margaret Atwood.

215). My Evil Mother by Margaret Atwood.

214). Morte de Smudgie by Margaret Atwood.

213). Two Scorched Men by Margaret Atwood.

212). First Aid by Margaret Atwood.

211). Cookie Jar by Stephen King.[1]

210). Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

209). The Book of Martha by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

208). Amnesty by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

207). Furor Scribendi by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

206). Positive Obsession by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

205). Crossover by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

204). Speech Sounds by Octavia E. Butler.[1] [Hugo Award winner]

203). Near of Kin by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

202). The Evening and the Morning and the Night by Octavia E. Butler.[1] [Nebula Award winner]

201). Batman and Robin Have an Altercation by Stephen King.[1]

200). Bloodchild by Octavia E. Butler.[1] [Hugo, Locus, and Nebula Award winner]

199). The Dune by Stephen King.[1]

198). Sing Backwards and Weep by Mark Lanegan.[1]

197). Harvey's Dream by Stephen King.[1]

196). The Gourmet by Kazuo Ishiguro.

195). Wedding Silk by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.[1]

194). Treasure in the Sand by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.[1]

193). Hunting Harkonnens by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.[1]

192). Red Plague by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.[1]

191). The Illegitimate Stage by Frank Herbert.

190). The Cage by Frank Herbert.

189). The Summer After the War by Kazuo Ishiguro.

188). Covehithe by China Miéville.

187). An End to Hunger by China Miéville.

186). The Drone King by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

185). The Position by Warren Ellis.

184). Lich House by Warren Ellis.

183). Trading Hearts at the Half Kaffe Café by Charles de Lint.

182). The Road to Jerusalem by Mary Gentle.

181). At the Zoo by Warren Ellis.

180). Replay by Ken Grimwood.[1]

179). Sápufuglinn eftir Maríu Elísabetu Bragadóttur.[1]

178). Dvergurinn með eyrað eftir Maríu Elísabetu Bragadóttur.

177). Sápufuglinn eftir Maríu Elísabetu Bragadóttur.

176). Til hamingju með afmælið eftir Maríu Elísabetu Bragadóttur.

175). Factory Summers by Guy Delisle. Translated by Helge Dascher and Rob Aspinall.[1]

174). Eyland eftir Sigríði Hagalín Björnsdóttur.[1]

173). Kvíðasnillingurinn: Skáldsaga í hæfilegri lengd eftir Sverri Norland.

172). Ísbjörninn á Hótel Viktoría eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

171). Hringavitleysusaga —villutrúarrit— eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

170). The Shards by Bret Easton Ellis.[1]

169). Lost Souls by Clive Barker.

168). Human Moments in World War III by Don DeLillo.[1]

167). The Hammer of God by Arthur C. Clarke.

166). The Wind from the Sun by Arthur C. Clarke.[1]

165). The Shining Ones by Arthur C. Clarke.

164). Superiority by Arthur C. Clarke.[1]

163). A Walk in the Dark by Arthur C. Clarke.

162). "All You Zombies..." by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

161). The Menace from Earth by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

160). Delilah and the Space-Rigger by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

159). The Long Watch by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

158). Gulf by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

157). Sugar Daddy by Angela Carter.

156). Heel by Philip José Farmer.

155). Rescue Party by Arthur C. Clarke.[1]

154). Daughter by Philip José Farmer.

153). It's Great to Be Back! by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

152). Space Jockey by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

151). Solution Unsatisfactory by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

150). Blowups Happen by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

149). Heil! [...] by Robert A. Heinlein.

148). Life-Line by Robert A. Heinlein.[1]

147). Old Hundredth by Brian Aldiss.

146). Poor Little Warrior by Brian Aldiss.

145). 240,000 Miles Straight Up by L. Ron Hubbard.

144). Final Blackout by L. Ron Hubbard.[1]

Mars (7/28)

143). The Unseen Blushers by Alfred Bester.

142). The Push of a Finger by Alfred Bester.

141). A Traveler in Time by August Derleth.

140). McIlvane's Star by August Derleth.

139). Strain by L. Ron Hubbard.

138). Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World by Mike Davis.[1]

137). Did Gwyneth Paltrow ski into a retired optometrist? I couldn't care less, but the farce is unmissable by Marina Hyde.

136). Ma Perkins Comes to Stay by Ray Bradbury.

135). The Vengeance of Nitocris by Tennessee Williams.[1]

134). The No-Talent Kid by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

133). The Two that It Took by John Brunner.

132). The Square Pegs by Ray Bradbury.

131). The Irritated People by Ray Bradbury.

130). The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use by Isaac Asimov.[1]

129). The Martians Claim Canada by Margaret Atwood.

128). The Quest for Steel by Ben Bova. Illustrated by William O'Connor. [King Arthur, Orion]

127). Reunification (Body and Soul) by Jeff Grubb.

126). Hvað er drottinn að drolla? eftir Auði Haraldsdóttur.[1]

125). The Great Hunt by Elaine Cunningham. Illustrated by Stephen Schwartz.

124). Utopia by Sir Thomas More. Translated by Gilbert Burnet.[1]

123). The Moon Hoax by Richard Adams Locke.[1]

122). Kalevala edited by Elias Lönnrot. Translated by John Martin Crawford.[1]

121). Honest and True by Troy Denning. Illustrated by Matt Wilson.

120). Silicon Valley Bank Isn't Lehman by Paul Krugman.

119). Dream Pictures by Kenzaburo Oe. Translated by John Nathan.

118). Attila: The Barbarian King Who Challenged Rome by John Man.[1]

117). Rotni samfélagssáttmálinn eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

116). Það er verið að tala við ykkur eftir Þórð Snæ Júlíusson.

115). I once admired Russell Brand. But his grim trajectory shows us where politics is heading by George Monbiot.

114). Feedback by Ken Grimwood.

113). Static by Ken Grimwood.

112). The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences by Eugene Wigner.[1]

111). Soulkeeper by Michaelene Pendleton. Illustrated by Karl Waller.

110). Bjarmalönd: Rússland, Úkraína og nágrenni í nútíð, fortíð og framtíð eftir Val Gunnarsson.[1]

109). The Case for Shunning by A. R. Moxon.

Febrúar (10/46)

108). A Ballet of Lepers: A Novel and Stories by Leonard Cohen. Afterword by Alexandra Pleshoyano.[1]

107). Trade by Leonard Cohen.

106). Strange Boy with a Hammer by Leonard Cohen.

105). ive had lots of pets by Leonard Cohen.

104). Short Story on Greek Island by Leonard Cohen.

103). David Who? by Leonard Cohen.

102). The Jukebox Heart: Excerpt from a Journal by Leonard Cohen.

101). A Week Is a Very Long Time by Leonard Cohen.

100). Lullaby by Leonard Cohen.

99). The Shaving Ritual by Leonard Cohen.

98). Mister Euemer Episodes by Leonard Cohen.

97). Ceremonies by Leonard Cohen.

96). A Hundred Suits from Russia by Leonard Cohen.

95). Polly by Leonard Cohen.

94). Signals by Leonard Cohen.

93). O.K. Herb, O.K. Flo by Leonard Cohen.

92). Saint Jig by Leonard Cohen.

91). A Ballet of Lepers by Leonard Cohen.

90). Nastya by Vladimir Sorokin. Translated by Max Lawton.

89). Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin. Translated by Jamey Gambrell.[1]

88). Honor and Guile by Margaret Weis. Illustrated by Dan Frazier.

87). All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. Translated by A. W. Wheen.[1]

86). The Enduring Impact of All Quiet on the Western Front by G. J. Meyer.

85). We must confront Russian propaganda - even when it comes from those we respect by George Monbiot.

84). Spook Country by William Gibson.[1]

83). Upside Dawn by Jason.[1]

82). Etc. by Jason.

81). From Outer Space by Jason.

80). ...EC Go by Jason.

79). EC Come... by Jason.

78). One Million and One B.C. by Jason.

77). Who Will Kill the Spider? by Jason.

76). The City of Light, Forever by Jason.

75). What Rhymes with Giallo? by Jason.

74). Ionesco by Jason.

73). Ulysses by Jason.

72). Crime and Punishment by Jason.

71). The Prisoner in the Castle by Jason.

70). Seal VII by Jason.

69). Vampyros Dyslexicos by Jason.

68). I Remember by Jason.

67). Perec, PI by Jason.

66). Man, Woman, Bird by Jason.

65). Getnaður: Sögur af samböndum sem sjást ekki á samfélagsmiðlum eftir Heiðu Vigdísi Sigfúsdóttur.[1]

64). Freedom Hospital: A Syrian Story by Hamid Sulaiman. Translated by Francesca Barrie.[1]

63). Suburban Glamour by Jamie McKelvie.[1]

62). Svefngríman eftir Örvar Smárason.[1]

61). Nætursveifin eftir Örvar Smárason.

60). Blekhafið eftir Örvar Smárason.

59). Óráð eftir Örvar Smárason.

58). Raddbönd eftir Örvar Smárason.

57). Holur eftir Örvar Smárason.

56). Gæsir himins eftir Örvar Smárason.

55). Sprettur eftir Örvar Smárason.

54). Svefngríman eftir Örvar Smárason.

53). Dracula by Bram Stoker.[1]

Janúar (9/43)

52). In the Bleak Deepwinter by Lynn Abbey. Illustrated by Susan Van Camp.

51). Divine Comedy [...] by Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.[1]

50). Paradise by Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.[1]

49). Purgatory by Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.[1]

48). Innkeeper's Solution by Steven Piziks. Illustrated by Chrz'stina Wald.

47). Inferno by Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.[1]

46). Storm Scale: Throne of Eldraine Through Strixhaven, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

45). Storm Scale: Throne of Eldraine Through Strixhaven, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

44). The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? by Michael J. Sandel.[1]

43). Strámannabrennan eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

42). True Power by Ron Collins. Illustrated by Michael Sutfin.

41). Parabólusetning eftir Eirík Örn Norðdahl.

40). Of Course the QAnon Guy Blamed QAnon on George Soros by David Gilbert.

39). Mér skjátlaðist varðandi skaupið eftir Eirík Ragnarsson.

38). Calling Bullshit: The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World by Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin D. West.[1]

37). The Giver by Lois Lowry. Foreword by Margaret Mahy.[1] [Newbery Medal winner]

36). The Citadel of Forgotten Myths by Michael Moorcock.[1]

35). Rusty Brown by F. Chris Ware.[1]

34). Breytt Ástand eftir Berglindi Ósk.[1]

33). Handan við leirbrúnu fjöllin eftir Berglindi Ósk.

32). Kaffiþjónusta eftir Berglindi Ósk.

31). Deitkvöld eftir Berglindi Ósk.

30). Barnvænn garður eftir Berglindi Ósk.

29). Breytt ástand eftir Berglindi Ósk.

28). Svefnórar eftir Berglindi Ósk.

27). Stál eftir Berglindi Ósk.

26). Valentínusardagur eftir Berglindi Ósk.

25). Frá Tinder til Tene eftir Berglindi Ósk.

24). Fölbláar tjarnir eftir Berglindi Ósk.

23). Það sem fer upp kemur aftur niður eftir Berglindi Ósk.

22). Augnablikið eftir Berglindi Ósk.

21). Lögmál frumskógarins eftir Berglindi Ósk.

20). Ormurinn eftir Berglindi Ósk.

19). Rætur og dætur eftir Berglindi Ósk.

18). Skýjahula eftir Berglindi Ósk.

17). Löng leið eftir Berglindi Ósk.

16). Black Petals by Michael Moorcock.[1]

15). And a Ship to Sail by Chris Pierson. Illustrated by Rebecca Guay.

14). Red Pearls: An Elric Story by Michael Moorcock.[1]

13). Nothing but Trouble by Ed Greenwood. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

12). Kyrrstaða eftir Berglindi Ósk.

11). Gamlárskvöld eftir Berglindi Ósk.

10). The Sailor from Gibraltar by Marguerite Duras. Translated by Barbara Bray.[1]

9). Soonest Mended by John Ashbery.

8). Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco.

7). The Strenuous Life by Theodore Roosevelt.[1]

6). Citizenship in a Republic by Theodore Roosevelt.[1]

5). If— by Rudyard Kipling.[1]

4). Division by Zero by Ted Chiang.[1]

3). Legendary Heroes by Ben Bova. Illustrated by R. K. Post. [Beowulf, Orion]

2). The King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany.[1]

1). Why do so many western Muslim men love Andrew Tate? by Zainab Iqbal.

2022 (158/1447)

Desember (11/203)

1605). Tales of the Fifth Age: Relics by Jeff Grubb. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1604). Tales of the Fifth Age: Firstborn by Dave Gross. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1603). How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg.[1]

1602). Ég bara hangi í hárinu á þér eftir Jón Kalman Stefánsson.

1601). La Vita Nuova by Dante Alighieri. Preface by W. M. Rossetti. Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.[1]

1600). Tales of the Fifth Age: Thunder and Ice by Douglas Niles. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1599). Tales of the Fifth Age: The Gift of Fire by Sue Weinlein Cook and William W. Connors. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1598). Tales of the Fifth Age: Measure of the Home Guard by J. Robert King. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1597). The Nostalgia Differential: A Jerry Cornelius Adventure by Michael Moorcock.[1]

1596). Tales of the Fifth Age: Mirta's God by Mark Anthony. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1595). What Mary Didn't Know by Frank Jackson.

1594). Tales of the Fifth Age: The Taking of Mount Nevermind by David Wise. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1593). Kleptopia: How Dirty Money Is Conquering the World by Tom Burgis.[1]

1592). Tales of the Fifth Age: Mission from Kendermore [...] by Harold J. Johnson.

1591). Tales of the Fifth Age: Kindling by Jean Rabe. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1590). The Best of Michael Moorcock by Michael Moorcock. Edited by John Davey. Afterword by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer.[1]

1589). The Birds of the Moon by Michael Moorcock.

1588). Crossing into Cambodia by Michael Moorcock.

1587). Leaving Pasadena by Michael Moorcock.

1586). Going to Canada by Michael Moorcock.

1585). Colour by Michael Moorcock.

1584). Daði og Ragnheiður eftir Guðmund Kamban. Formáli eftir Kjartan Sveinsson.

1583). Behold the Man by Michael Moorcock.[1] [Nebula Award winner]

1582). The Opium General by Michael Moorcock.

1581). Mythos: The Greek Myths Reimagined by Stephen Fry.[1]

1580). A Dead Singer by Michael Moorcock.

1579). The Visible Men or, Down the Multiversal Rabbit Hole by Michael Moorcock.

1578). Nokkur almenn orð um kulnun sólar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

1577). Á göngu í desembermánuði langt utan við Hálsaskóg eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1576). Fagnaðarefni fyrir ritstjóra orðabóka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1575). Næturmynd eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1574). Lengsta heimildarmyndin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1573). Lifandi steinar Fyrir Aðalstein Kristmundsson eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1572). Svalandi stund eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1571). Kvöldblíða eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1570). Hugleiðsla eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1569). Tímaflakk eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1568). Í slóð H.G. Wells eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1567). Dreymt að veturnóttum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1566). Í Litla-skógi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1565). Framvindan mikla eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1564). Í grafreitnum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1563). Stjörnufræði fyrir byrjendur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1562). Endurhæfing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1561). Duft og aska eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1560). Að hausti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1559). Októbervísa eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1558). Nútímamaðurinn Handa Yang Wan-Li eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1557). Aðgangur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1556). Síðasta lag fyrir myrkur II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1555). Síðasta lag fyrir myrkur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1554). Hugleiðing II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1553). Samfélagslegt ljóð Fyrir Dag Sigurðarson eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1552). Kvöldganga í C-moll eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1551). Elegía eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1550). Hugleiðing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1549). Í fiðrildaskólanum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1548). Næturakstur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1547). Dreymt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1546). Í skóginum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1545). Engin leið til baka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1544). Blaupunkt 1967 In memoriam eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1543). Aftur til framtíðar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1542). Tínslufólk eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1541). Að moldu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1540). Horfinn heimur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1539). Enn um hlýnun Jarðar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1538). Að baki Dyrfjöllum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1537). Árstíð í einskonar víti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1536). Langferð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1535). Lífið er spennistöð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1534). Í landi norna eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1533). Haustljóð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1532). Gotneskt ljóð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1531). Spenntur hugur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1530). Rifið af almanaki eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1529). Sýn að hausti II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1528). Tilfærsla eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1527). Skarð í sjálfinu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1526). Sýn að hausti eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1525). Undur í Þistilfirði eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1524). Undir morgun eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1523). Þýðing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1522). Að drekkja hvolpum Frá liðnum tíma eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1521). Septembersýning úti á landi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1520). Júníhret eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1519). Skilaboð til næsta manns eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1518). Hálfkveðið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1517). Nokkrar misjafnar almennar hugmyndir um dauðann eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1516). Óvissa hins einmana eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1515). Hækkað sjávarmál Tileinkað James Hanley eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1514). Að losna úr búri hversdagsins eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1513). Kvöld á eynni Burra Hjaltland eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1512). Rúmsjór eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1511). Í djúpinu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1510). Handan við allt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1509). Þorpið Hamnavoe á Hjaltlandi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1508). Hylurinn Fyrir Izaak Walton eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1507). Framtíðarsýn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1506). Sólhvörf eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1505). Svartnætti í Langadal eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1504). Fossvogskirkjugarður á björtum sumardegi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1503). Andvaraleysi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1502). Dýpsta lægðin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1501). Á uppleið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1500). Hugarorka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1499). Arnarstapi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1498). Mýrdalssandur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1497). Walden í nóvember 2005 eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1496). Við Öskjuvatn í september 2005 eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1495). Fyrir norðan 1999 Tileinkað Þ.f.H. eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1494). Meðalfellsvatn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1493). Skilgreining bréfritarans eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1492). Melankólía eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1491). Skuggi Jónsmessurunnans Fyrir lyfjafræðinga eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1490). Talað við babúsku eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1489). Samhliða eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1488). Innland eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1487). Mynd úr ferðalagi Smáskilaboð til Kristjáns Fjallaskálds eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1486). Vetraráform um sumarferðalag eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

1485). Ljóð fyrir harmóniku á Sólbakka eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1484). Tvílýsi í sumarlok eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1483). Ágústgaldur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1482). Hugleiðing í júlí eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1481). Í kjölfarið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1480). Barnagæla eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1479). Farið til tegrasa eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1478). Um rykdeyfða hringingu að utan fyrir svefn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1477). Ljóð fyrir kvöldsvæf börn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1476). Haustdagur á Sauðárkróki eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1475). Næturferð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1474). Svefn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1473). Hugskeyti úr ferðalagi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1472). Sumardagur á Núpsstað eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1471). Í Mýrdal eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1470). Boðskort frá eilífðarlandinu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1469). Við svaladyr eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1468). Lauslega munað úr veiðiferð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1467). Marsnóttin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1466). Umbreyting eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1465). Vetraráform um sumarferðalag eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1464). Í sveitinni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1463). Miðsumar fyrir kínverskt flugnaskáld eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1462). Rölt í góðviðri eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1461). Sumarþyngsli eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1460). Breyttir tímar til Óskars Árna eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1459). Brot úr kvöldþulu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1458). Fornleifafundur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1457). Aðsókn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1456). Á Reykjaströnd eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1455). Sumar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1454). Draumför eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1453). Um gamlan hund eystra eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1452). Kvöld nærri útvarpstæki eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1451). Sólmyrkvi á hátíðisdegi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1450). Samvitund tréskurður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1449). Hugsað norður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1448). Fyrir utan glugga eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1447). Kvöldþankar úr austurvegi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1446). Skömmu fyrir Jónsmessu til Einars Braga eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1445). Við landsenda eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1444). Týnt búmerang eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1443). Úr öllum áttum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1442). William Heinesen 1900-1991 eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1441). Í Möðrudal á Fjöllum eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1440). Júníljóð til bróður eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1439). Vornótt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1438). Margt í mörgu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1437). Í þokunni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1436). Ljóðsaga til Kristínar Steinsdóttur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1435). Skilaboð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1434). Að Dyrafjallabaki í Njarðvík eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1433). Langt í burtu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1432). Steinhús í Wales tileinkað John Cowper Powys eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1431). Úr lífríki fjörunnar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1430). Á Rauðgranaslóðum í Skagafirði eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1429). Maímorgunljóð eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1428). Eftir hádegi fyrir Norðfirðing eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1427). Vorljóð til Elísu eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1426). Flutningur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1425). Gegnum aldir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1424). Gler og steinar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1423). Desemberbréf til De La Mare eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1422). Skammdegisblámi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1421). Ljóshúsið eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1420). Hyborian Genesis: Notes on the Creation of the Conan Stories by Patrice Louinet.

1419). Smartís eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1418). Líkþvottakonan eftir Sara Omar. Þýtt af Katrínu Fjeldsted.[1]

1417). No More Nice Girls: Countercultural Essays by Ellen Willis.[1]

1416). Epilogue: The Neo-Guilt Trip by Ellen Willis.

1415). Coming Down Again by Ellen Willis.

1414). The Drug War: Hell No, I Won't Go by Ellen Willis.

1413). The Drug War: From Vision to Vice by Ellen Willis.

1412). Now, Voyager by Ellen Willis.

1411). Beyond Pluralism by Ellen Willis.

1410). In Defense of Offense: Salman Rushdie's Religious Problem by Ellen Willis.

1409). Andy Warhol, ?-1987 by Ellen Willis.

1408). The End of Fatherhood: Family Plots by Ellen Willis.

1407). Exile on Main Street: What the Pollard Case Means to Jews by Ellen Willis.

1406). Ministries of Fear by Ellen Willis.

1405). Sins of Confession by Ellen Willis.

1404). The People's Picasso by Ellen Willis.

1403). Escape from New York by Ellen Willis.

1402). Rebel Girl: What de Beauvoir Left Us by Ellen Willis.

1401). Feminism Without Freedom by Ellen Willis.

1400). Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism by Ellen Willis.

1399). Sisters Under the Skin? Confronting Race and Sex by Ellen Willis.

1398). From Forced Pregnancy to Forced Surgery by Ellen Willis.

1397). Looking for Mr. Good Dad by Ellen Willis.

1396). Putting Women Back in the Abortion Debate by Ellen Willis.

1395). Marriage on the Rocks by Ellen Willis.

1394). Peace in Our Time? The Greening of Betty Friedan by Ellen Willis.

1393). The Last Unmarried Person in America by Ellen Willis.

1392). Toward a Feminist Sexual Revolution by Ellen Willis.

Nóvember (8/74)

1391). Human Nature and Moral Education in Mencius, Xunzi, Hobbes, and Rousseau by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1390). Do We Think in Inner Speech? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1389). Nature's Revenge by Ellen Willis.

1388). Lust Horizons: Is the Women's Movement Pro-Sex? by Ellen Willis.

1387). Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen.[1][2]

1386). Pop Sonnet CIII (Kermit the Frog, "The Rainbow Connection") by Erik Didriksen.

1385). Pop Sonnet CII (The Beatles, "In My Life") by Erik Didriksen.

1384). Pop Sonnet CI (The Rembrandts, "I'll Be There for You") by Erik Didriksen.

1383). Pop Sonnet C (LMFAO, "Sexy and I Know It") by Erik Didriksen.

1382). Pop Sonnet XCIX (Ed Sheeran, "Thinking Out Loud") by Erik Didriksen.

1381). Pop Sonnet XCVIII (Lou Bega, "Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...)") by Erik Didriksen.

1380). Pop Sonnet XCVII (Coldplay, "Viva la Vida") by Erik Didriksen.

1379). Pop Sonnet XCVI (The Who, "Pinball Wizard") by Erik Didriksen.

1378). Pop Sonnet XCV (The Eagles, "Already Gone") by Erik Didriksen.

1377). Pop Sonnet XCIV (David Bowie, "Heroes") by Erik Didriksen.

1376). Pop Sonnet XCIII (Justin Bieber, "What Do You Mean") by Erik Didriksen.

1375). Pop Sonnet XCII (Queen, "We Are the Champions") by Erik Didriksen.

1374). Pop Sonnet XCI (Elmo & Patsy, "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer") by Erik Didriksen.

1373). Pop Sonnet XC ("Weird Al" Yankovic, "The Saga Begins") by Erik Didriksen.

1372). Pop Sonnet LXXXIX (Adele, "Hello") by Erik Didriksen.

1371). Pop Sonnet LXXXVIII (The Wellingtons, "The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle") by Erik Didriksen.

1370). Pop Sonnet LXXXVII (Rupert Holmes, "The Piña Colada Song") by Erik Didriksen.

1369). Pop Sonnet LXXXVI (John Lennon, "Imagine") by Erik Didriksen.

1368). Pop Sonnet LXXXIV (Drake, "Hotline Bling") by Erik Didriksen.

1367). Pop Sonnet LXXXIII (Bobby Pickett, "Monster Mash") by Erik Didriksen.

1366). Pop Sonnet LXXXII (Chuck Berry, "Johnny B. Goode") by Erik Didriksen.

1365). Somnium by Johannes Kepler. Translated by Reverend Normand Raymond Falardeau, S.S.S..[1]

1364). Pop Sonnet LXXXI (The Black Eyed Peas, "My Humps") by Erik Didriksen.

1363). Pop Sonnet LXXX (The Beatles, "Paperback Writer") by Erik Didriksen.

1362). Pop Sonnet LXXIX (Michael Jackson, "Billie Jean") by Erik Didriksen.

1361). Pop Sonnet LXXVIII (Smash Mouth, "All-Star") by Erik Didriksen.

1360). Interventions 2020 by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.[1]

1359). The Vincent Lambert Affair Should Not Have Taken Place by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1358). A Bit Worse. A Response to a Few Friends by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1357). Conversation with Geoffroy Lejeune by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1356). Donald Trump Is a Good President by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1355). Emmanuel Carrère and the Problem of Goodness by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1354). Interview with Agathe Novak-Lechevalier by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1353). Interview with Marin de Viry and Valérie Toranian by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1352). A Remedy for the Exhaustion of Being by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1351). Interview with Frédéric Beigbeder by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1350). The Lost Text by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1349). Soil Cutting by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1348). I Have Read My Whole Life Long by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1347). I'm Normal. A Normal Writer by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1346). Prolegomena to Positivism by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1345). Conservatism, a Source of Progress by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1344). Towards a Semi-Rehabilitation of the Hick by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1343). Philippe Muray in 2002 by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1342). Leaving the Twentieth Century by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1341). Sky, Earth, Sun by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1340). Technical Consolation by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1339). Interview with Christian Authier by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1338). Neil Young by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1337). I Have a Dream by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1336). Empty Heavens by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1335). Humanity, the Second Stage by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1334). The Question of Paedophilia by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1333). Letter to Lakis Proguidis by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1332). Opera Bianca by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1331). Time Out by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1330). The Party by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1329). Creative Absurdity by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1328). Art as Peeling by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1327). Interview with Jean-Yves Jouannais and Christophe Duchâtelet by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1326). Staring into the Distance: In Praise of Silent Cinema by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1325). Approaches to Distress by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1324). The Mirage by Jean-Claude Guiguet by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1323). Jacques Prévert Is a Jerk by Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Andrew Brown.

1322). On the Epidemiology of Sexual Norms by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1321). At the Earth's Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

1320). The Morality of Ethics Professors: Survey by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1319). Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch by Rivka Galchen.[1]

1318). The Flight of Colors by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1317). Act of War, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

1316). Reporting What We Think, Want, and Fear by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1315). The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

1314). Turning Back Your Eyes by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1313). The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1312). Epic of Gilgamesh translated by William Muss-Arnolt.[1]

1311). Act of War, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

1310). Why Does "Believe" Have No Present Progressive? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

Október (31/336)

1309). The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

1308). #YesAllWomen Changes the Story by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1307). Cassandra Among the Creeps by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1306). Berlin by Jason Lutes.[1]

1305). Berlin Book Three: City of Light by Jason Lutes.[1]

1304). Berlin Book Two: City of Smoke: A Work of Fiction by Jason Lutes.[1]

1303). The Devil's Thoughts by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1302). Frost at Midnight by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1301). The Eolian Harp by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1300). The Destruction of the Bastille by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1299). Songs of the Pixies by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1298). Inexhaustibility of the Subject of Christmas by Leigh Hunt.

1297). To Kosciusko by John Keats.[1]

1296). To Kosciusko by Leigh Hunt.[1]

1295). Happy Lynchers by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1294). Images as "Pictures" by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1293). Against longtermism by Émile P. Torres.

1292). Berlin Book One: City of Stones: A Work of Fiction by Jason Lutes.[1]

1291). What a relief! Sunak the Sensible is here and the chaos has all magically gone away by Marina Hyde.

1290). Do Things Look Flat? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1289). Do Tilted Coins Look Elliptical? (Part Two) by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1288). Do Tilted Coins Look Elliptical? (Part One) by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1287). Odds & Ends: Unfinity by Mark Rosewater.

1286). Fight Club 2: The Tranquility Gambit by Chuck Palahniuk. Introduction by Gerald Howard. Illustrated by Cameron Stewart.[1]

1285). Killing and Dying: Six Stories by Adrian Tomine.[1]

1284). Intruders for Yoshihiro Tatsumi by Adrian Tomine.

1283). Killing and Dying by Adrian Tomine.

1282). Translated, from the Japanese, by Adrian Tomine.

1281). Go Owls by Adrian Tomine.

1280). Amber Sweet by Adrian Tomine.

1279). A Brief History of the Art Form Known as "Hortisculpture" by Adrian Tomine.

1278). Patience by Daniel Clowes.[1]

1277). Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley.[1]

1276). Neonomicon by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1275). Neonomicon 4: The Lurker Within by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1274). Neonomicon 3: The Language at the Threshold by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1273). Neonomicon 2: The Shadow Out of America by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1272). Neonomicon 1: At the Mansions of Madness by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1271). The Courtyard 2 by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1270). The Courtyard 1 by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1269). American Virgin 4: Around the World by Steven T. Seagle. Illustrated by Becky Cloonan and Ryan Kelly.[1]

1268). Goðheimar 12: Gegnum eld og vatn eftir Peter Madsen. Þýtt af Bjarna Frímanni Karlssyni.[1][2]

1267). Elskhuginn eftir Marguerite Duras. Þýtt af Hallfríði Jakobsdóttur.[1] [Prix Goncourt]

1266). The Bridegrooms by Daria Serenko. Translated by Eugene Ostashevsky.

1265). Providence Compendium by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1264). Providence XII: The Book by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1263). Providence XI: The Unnameable by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1262). Providence X: The Haunted Place by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1261). Providence IX: Outsiders by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1260). Providence VIII: The Key by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1259). Men Explain Things to Me and Other Essays by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1258). Pandora's Box and the Volunteer Police Force by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1257). Woolf's Darkness: Embracing the Inexplicable by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1256). To Kosciusko by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1255). Grandmother Spider by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1254). In Praise of the Threat: What Marriage Equality Really Means by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1253). Worlds Collide in a Luxury Suite: Some Thoughts on the IMF, Global Injustice, and a Stranger on a Train by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1252). The Longest War by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1251). Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit.[1]

1250). A Mathematical Problem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

1249). A Lover's Complaint to his Mistress, who deserted him in quest of a more wealthy husband in the East Indies by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

1248). Can a State Be "Half-Conscious"? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1247). The Unfinity Gauntlet, Part 3 by Mark Rosewater.

1246). How Many People *Really* Believe in God and Heaven? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1245). Providence VII: The Picture by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1244). Providence VI: Out of Time by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1243). Providence V: In the Walls by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1242). Providence IV: White Apes by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1241). Providence III: A Lurking Fear by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1240). Providence II: The Hook by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1239). Providence I: The Yellow Sign by Alan Moore. Illustrated by Jacen Burrows.[1]

1238). To Autumn by John Keats.[1]

1237). Lamia by John Keats.[1]

1236). Ode on Melancholy by John Keats.[1]

1235). Ode on Indolence by John Keats.[1]

1234). Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats.[1]

1233). Ode to Psyche by John Keats.[1]

1232). Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats.[1]

1231). Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley.[1]

1230). What Does It Mean to Say "Human Nature Is Good"? by Neil Krolicki.

1229). Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1228). The Boys at the Lab by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1227). The Labrador Fiasco by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1226). The Entities by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1225). White Horse by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1224). Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1223). Hugdregill eftir Kristján Jóhann Jónsson.

1222). Konan, draumurinn og dátinn eftir Kristin Kristjánsson.

1221). Vorljóð eftir Einar Ólafsson.

1220). Hundsbit eftir Pétur Hraunfjörð.

1219). Iljalaus ár eftir Sigfús Bjartmarsson.

1218). Margt líkist því að drepast eftir Sigfús Bjartmarsson.

1217). Þegar Aleixandre fékk Nóbelsverðlaunin eftir Thor Vilhjálmsson.

1216). Til Boga og allar nýføðingar í verðini efter Jóanes Nielsen.

1215). Fjøllini efter Guðrið Helmsdal Nielsen.

1214). Morgun í mars efter Guðrið Helmsdal Nielsen.

1213). Bíðar tú efter Rói Patursson.

1212). Órói eftir Kristján Árnason.

1211). Í Ális eftir Kristján Árnason.

1210). Gamlar nýstefnur og fleira gott eftir Einar Kárason.

1209). Skapadægur eftir Sigurð A. Magnússon.

1208). Ef skáldsagan leggur upp laupana eftir Milan Kundera. Þýtt af Pétri Gunnarssyni.

1207). Um þrálátan dauða félaga Leníns eða Ó hverfult er vort byltingarlán eftir Hauk Hallsson.

1206). Morgunninn eftir Magnús Jóhannsson frá Hafnarnesi.

1205). Haust eftir Magnús Jóhannsson frá Hafnarnesi.

1204). Frá henni eftir Þuríði Guðmundsdóttur.

1203). Steinn eftir Þuríði Guðmundsdóttur.

1202). Dögun eftir Þuríði Guðmundsdóttur.

1201). Óskíýranlegt eftir Sigurlaug Elíasson.

1200). A-V eftir Sigurlaug Elíasson.

1199). Nútítt eftir Sigurlaug Elíasson.

1198). Þankar sunnudaginn 23. maí 1982 eftir Benedikt Sigurðarson.

1197). Maðurinn sem vildi gera allt fyrir alþýðuna eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

1196). Karlarnir og greiðan eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

1195). Leit að lífsskilningi: Um Hel eftir Sigurð Norðdal eftir Pál Valsson.

1194). Kertalog: Til Leifs eftir Kristján Kristjánsson.

1193). Bíóljóð eftir Kristján Kristjánsson.

1192). Saga í þágu samtíðar eða Síðbúin ritdómur um Íslenska menningu Sigurðar Norðdal eftir Gunnar Karlsson.

1191). Heimspekin og Sigurður Norðdal eftir Pál Skúlason.

1190). Drápa eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1189). Strandir eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1188). Skautaferð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1187). Veisla eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1186). Níð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1185). Kleinur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1184). Litla-Fjarðarhorn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1183). Safamýri eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1182). Aðflug eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1181). Japanskt ævintýr eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1180). Í uppsveitum Úganda eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1179). Silki eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1178). Skarphéðinn í Kolkata eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1177). Indland eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1176). Doktor Mengele drukknar undan ströndum São Paulo eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1175). Skór Marie-Antoinette eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1174). Sumarkvöld á Gotlandi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1173). Værð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1172). Ljóð um börn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1171). Kjötkrókur kemst í feitt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1170). Jólaljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1169). Stjarna fæðist á Vestdalseyri eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1168). Hofsós eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1167). Bill Holm deyr eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1166). Í minningu skáldbróður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1165). Pourquoi-pas eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1164). Ávarp fjallkonu eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1163). Hólavallagarður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1162). Vor í Skerjafirði eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1161). Snæfellsnes eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1160). Haganesvík eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1159). Maðurinn með ljáinn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1158). Öxnadalur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1157). Strandir eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1156). Höggstaður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1155). Annar í jólum eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1154). Kirkjufell eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1153). Erfðaskrá eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1152). Við vatnið eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1151). Logn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1150). Vinur minn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1149). Vesturbær eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1148). Nýársmorgunn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1147). Anna eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1146). Skagafjörður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1145). Sigurgleði eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1144). Afplánun eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1143). Hamingjan eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1142). Brúðkaup eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1141). Dánartilkynning trúlausa mannsins eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1140). Trója eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1139). Rúst eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1138). Dauðastríð Egils eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1137). Jónas eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1136). Laufskálarétt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1135). Brottför eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1134). Höggstaður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1133). Hallgerður í Laugarnesi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1132). Rask eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1131). Ævintýri á fjöllum eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1130). Gamla hverfið í Nice eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1129). Ægisíða eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1128). Nótt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1127). Langanes eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1126). Heimsókn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1125). Helgi tattú eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1124). María eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1123). Norður eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1122). Aðför eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1121). Ættjarðarljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1120). Perlumóðir eftir Sólveigu Eir Stewart.

1119). Monopoly by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1118). The Other Place by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1117). My Last Duchess by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1116). The Headless Horseman by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1115). The Art of Cooking and Serving by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1114). The Bad News by Margaret Atwood.[1]

1113). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.[1]

1112). Why Do the Good Guys Always Win in Morality Tales? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1111). The Invisible Man by Lucy Sante.

1110). Can There Be Non-Obvious Illusions? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1109). My Last Duchess by Robert Browning.[1]

1108). The Return of Tarzan [...] by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

1107). Delusional broadcast disorder has claimed its latest victim: John Cleese by Marina Hyde.

1106). Development of the Moon Illusion? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

1105). The Unfinity Gauntlet, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

1104). Wockyjabber by Hilbert Schenck, Jr..

1103). Plain Geometry by Emma Rounds.

1102). Launkofi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1101). Tröllagjöf eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1100). Guð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1099). Kveðja frá Ararat eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1098). Vænghaf eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1097). Skotbolti eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1096). Ferð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1095). Veðurfrétt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1094). Franklín (1938-1998) eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1093). Desember eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1092). Samviskubit eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1091). Hugskot eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1090). Hljóðskraf eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1089). Ljóð um hamingjuna eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1088). Sylvia Plath eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1087). Launkofi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1086). Bæn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1085). Verksummerki eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1084). Sumarljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1083). Þakkir eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1082). Hnetusúkkulaði eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1081). Arfur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1080). Ísland eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1079). Bergþóra eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1078). Harðfiskur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1077). Ljóð um kött eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1076). Systkini mín eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1075). Svefnherbergi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1074). Ástarljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1073). Vök eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1072). Skál eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1071). Ísfrétt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

1070). Þú eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1069). Vetrarljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1068). Ljóð um bækur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1067). Fjarlægð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1066). Björg eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1065). Þessi ást, þessi ást eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1064). Ísfrétt eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1063). Medúsa eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1062). Síðasti vetrardagur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1061). Einn af þessum morgnum eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1060). Svalbarðseyri eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1059). Vísur Hallgerðar eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1058). Við Flóann eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1057). Með eld eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1056). Næturljóð eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1055). Ástarkveðja eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1054). Til Skírnis eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1053). Hvalfang eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1052). Hefnd eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1051). Fok eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

1050). Pop Sonnet LXXVII (Katy Perry, "Teenage Dream") by Erik Didriksen.

1049). Tvíbreitt (svig)rúm eða póesíbók númer eitt komma tvö eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

1048). another poem for allen ginsberg and einar már eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1047). eða hvað eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1046). háspenna eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1045). sól án blóma eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1044). sjálfsrýni eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1043). hugleiðing II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1042). hugleiðing I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1041). impressjón eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1040). sjónar horn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1039). upp/upp eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1038). f eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1037). dagar koma &svoframnesvegis eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1036). sápugrænn himinn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1035). eindagar eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1034). án titils eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1033). einskonar elegía eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1032). tímans dust eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1031). leit eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1030). dagur ei meir eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1029). á tali eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1028). + - eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1027). tvö eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1026). (þaðvarfyrirátjánárum) eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1025). SCHREIB MASCHINEN PAPIER 50 blatt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1024). hreinsivökvi eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1023). ávaxtamarkaður í tókýó/draumsendur japanpappír tileinkað brautigan eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1022). post (war) poetry eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1021). horft eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1020). ø eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1019). liszt eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1018). júlíkvöld eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1017). blóm (& kransar afþakkaðir) eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1016). 0-0 eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1015). 5 km/klst eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1014). tilverur eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1013). melankólía í c-moll eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1012). 2½% eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1011). c eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1010). e eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1009). k eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1008). n eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1007). a eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1006). þú eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1005). ég eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1004). kirkjublús eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1003). konsert eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1002). hundertwasser eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1001). kastalavist A eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

1000). 451 eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

999). þýngsli IV eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

998). þýngsli III eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

997). þýngsli II eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

996). þýngsli I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

995). svefn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

994). insomnia IV eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

993). insomnia III eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

992). insomnia II (tilbrigði við japanskt ljóð) eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

991). insomnia I eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

990). Söngur steinasafnarans eftir Sjón.[1]

989). tilraun til endurlífgunar dúu khalil aswad eftir Sjón.

988). náttúruljóð (vi) eftir Sjón.

987). náttúruljóð (v) eftir Sjón.

986). dægurlag eftir Sjón.

985). söngur steinasafnarans eftir Sjón.

984). heimilislíf eftir Sjón.

983). steinþrykk eftir Sjón.

982). sólhvörf eftir Sjón.

981). næturþankar eftir Sjón.

980). fórnargjafir handa 22 reginöflum eftir Sjón.

979). steinar eftir Sjón.

978). strengleikur eftir Sjón.

977). náttúruljóð (iv) eftir Sjón.

976). náttúruljóð (iii) eftir Sjón.

975). allt sem við lærum í sextíuogáttaára bekk eftir Sjón.

974). 23. apríl 2006 eftir Sjón.

973). það sem stúlkurnar geyma eftir Sjón.

972). náttúruljóð (ii) eftir Sjón.

971). náttúruljóð (i) eftir Sjón.

970). tímamót eftir Sjón.

969). borgarlíf eftir Sjón.

968). á ferð með vísum manni eftir Sjón.

967). Rauðir hestar eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

966). Scusa da Kalina Muhova.[1]

965). The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. Translated by Carol Della Chiesa.[1]

964). Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. Translated by Louis Mercier.[1]

963). Can Freethinkers Be Conservative? by S. T. Joshi.

962). Is There an Experience of Thinking? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

961). The Unreliability of Naive Introspection by Eric Schwitzgebel.

960). Is Conscious Experience Rich or Thin? And How Does One Find Out? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

959). The Unfinity Gauntlet, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

958). The Stories of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury.[1]

957). Gotcha! by Ray Bradbury.

956). The Aqueduct by Ray Bradbury.[1]

955). McGillahee's Brat by Ray Bradbury.

954). Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury.

953). The Black Ferris by Ray Bradbury.

952). Long After Midnight by Ray Bradbury.[1]

951). Have I Got a Chocolate Bar for You! by Ray Bradbury.

950). The Pumpernickel by Ray Bradbury.

949). The October Game by Ray Bradbury.

948). The Miracles of Jamie by Ray Bradbury.

947). Darling Adolf by Ray Bradbury.

946). The Better Part of Wisdom by Ray Bradbury.

945). Forever and the Earth by Ray Bradbury.

944). The Wish by Ray Bradbury.

943). A Story of Love by Ray Bradbury.

September (15/172)

942). Interval in Sunlight by Ray Bradbury.

941). Liz did it, Charles did it, lots of celebs have done it: Why don't we care about the awfulness of adultery any more? by Oliver Keens.

940). I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories by Ray Bradbury.[1]

939). Drink Entire: Against the Madness of Crowds by Ray Bradbury.

938). Getting Through Sunday Somehow by Ray Bradbury.

937). Punishment Without Crime by Ray Bradbury.

936). G.B.S.-Mark V by Ray Bradbury.

935). The Messiah by Ray Bradbury.

934). A Piece of Wood by Ray Bradbury.

933). The Burning Man by Ray Bradbury.

932). The Parrot Who Met Papa by Ray Bradbury.

931). One Timeless Spring by Ray Bradbury.

930). The Blue Bottle by Ray Bradbury.

929). I Sing the Body Electric! by Ray Bradbury.[1]

928). Christus Apollo by Ray Bradbury.

927). The Lost City of Mars by Ray Bradbury.

926). Henry the Ninth by Ray Bradbury.

925). The Man in the Rorschach Shirt by Ray Bradbury.

924). Heavy-Set by Ray Bradbury.

923). The Problem of the Ethics Professors by Eric Schwitzgebel.

922). Making Space, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

921). Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby's Is a Friend of Mine by Ray Bradbury.

920). The Tombling Day by Ray Bradbury.

919). I Sing the Body Electric! by Ray Bradbury.

918). Í haustsólinni eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

917). a rhetoric poem in semi-icelandic dedicated to einar már and allen ginsberg eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

916). Málarinn eftir Magnús Skúlason.

915). Við höfnina eftir Guðna Má Henningsson.

914). Góðir lesendur og góðir höfundar eftir Vladimir Nabokov. Þýtt af Sverri Hólmarsyni.

913). Haustlauf eftir Ingibjörgu Haraldsdóttur.

912). Hið hvekkta tré eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

911). Lýrísk fuglafræði eftir Þórarinn Eldjárn.

910). Álftanes eftir Þórarinn Eldjárn.

909). Raun vísinda eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

908). Ljóðabréf eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

907). Gljátíð eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

906). Vetur í Reykjavík eftir Eyvind Eiríksson.

905). Gesturinn eftir Jón frá Pálmholti.

904). Upphafning eftir Thor Vilhjálmsson.

903). Stúfur, Súpermann og Afiguð á himnum eftir Einar Ólafsson.

902). Dans stöðumælana á regnvotu strætinu eftir Einar Ólafsson.

901). Hvaðan eftir Njörð P. Njarðvík.

900). Dans eftir Atla Ingólfsson.

899). Svefnrof eftir Atla Ingólfsson.

898). á erfiðum tímum í evrópu eftir Anton Helga Jónsson.

897). Lítið ljóð um heimspeki eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

896). Rannsóknir í háskóla eftir Pál Skúlason.

895). Morgunn eftir Þorstein frá Hamri.

894). Faðir vor eftir José Leandro Urbina. Þýtt af Vésteini Lúðvíkssyni.

893). Söngur um sjálfan mig (Brot) eftir Walt Whitman. Þýtt af Sigurði A. Magnússyni.[1]

892). Þurfa ljóð annað nafn en svona? eftir Ísak Harðarson.

891). Lóusöngur eftir Vilborgu Dagbjartsdóttur.

890). Óskar Halldórsson: Kveðja eftir Véstein Ólason.

889). Stjórnarskrá eftir Geirlaug Magnússon.

888). Samruni garðanna eftir Julio Cortázar. Þýtt af Ingibjörgu Haraldsdóttur.[1]

887). Úr kvöldbók einstæðings eftir Gyrði Elíasson.

886). Í hafsauga eftir Þorstein frá Hamri.

885). Inga Ló eftir Edgar Allan Poe. Þýtt af Þorsteini frá Hamri.

884). Vatnið eftir Edgar Allan Poe. Þýtt af Þorsteini frá Hamri.

883). Vísa eftir Olgu Guðrúnu Árnadóttur.

882). Ljóðið eftir Olgu Guðrúnu Árnadóttur.

881). Stúlka á engi eftir Olgu Guðrúnu Árnadóttur.

880). Konúngsleyfi eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

879). Getið sólskinsfífl eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

878). Hvað úngur nemur: Pöddugoggsljóð eftir Dag Sigurðarson.

877). Jólasaga um íslendinga, eskimóa og dani eftir Guðberg Bergsson.

876). Vald eftir Árna Ibsen.

875). Fornar slóðir eftir Þórberg Þórðarson.

874). Atvik eftir Árna Ibsen.

873). Bréf til Gabriel Turville-Petre eftir Þórberg Þórðarson.

872). Að liðnum vetri eftir Ólaf Jóhann Sigurðsson.

871). Vísa um reyni - tileinkað Þ.Ö.S. eftir Ólaf Jóhann Sigurðsson.

870). The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists by Naomi Klein.[1]

869). Einskonar höfuð lausn eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

868). Myrkar fígúrur eftir Sjón.[1]

867). Uppstigning á fjöllum eftir Sjón.

866). Svik eftir Sjón.

865). Höfuðlausn eftir Sjón.

864). Þversummur eftir Sjón.

863). Harlekin eftir Sjón.

862). Sigurvegarinn eftir Sjón.

861). Fez Instamatic eftir Sjón.

860). París (1895/1985) eftir Sjón.

859). Tvísaga eftir Sjón.

858). Ferðalangur eftir Sjón.

857). Brosmildi eftir Sjón.

856). Þrettándaganga eftir Sjón.

855). Augað eftir Sjón.

854). Finnagaldur eftir Sjón.

853). Við gröf ósýnilega mannsins eftir Sjón.

852). Íslenskur hagfræðingur í Sóhó eftir Sjón.

851). Fez Instamatic eftir Sjón.

850). Frétt frá undralandi eftir Sjón.

849). Félagsfræðineminn eftir Sjón.

848). Stjörnufræði hins svanga eftir Sjón.

847). Upphefð eftir Sjón.

846). Reykvíkingur hugsar á göngu eftir Sjón.

845). Birting eftir Sjón.

844). Eilífar speglanir: Vísindalegar athuganir eftir Kristínu Ómarsdóttur.[1]

843). Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss ritstýrt af Bjarka Bjarnasyni.[1]

842). Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. Translated by G. M. Towle.[1]

841). Víðtækar afleiðingar ósigra Rússlands eftir Jón Orm Halldórsson.

840). John Coltrane: All That Jazz by Martin Smith.

839). Pop Sonnet LXXVI (Metallica, "Enter Sandman") by Erik Didriksen.

838). The Haunting of the New by Ray Bradbury.

837). Pop Sonnet LXXV (Bruno Mars, "Grenade") by Erik Didriksen.

836). The Cold Wind and the Warm by Ray Bradbury.

835). Three Kopecks by Mikhail Bulgakov. Translated by Eric Konkol.

834). Remembering Gudok by Mikhail Bulgakov. Translated by Margaret Wettlin.

833). Designing the Warhammer 40,000 Commander Decks by Ethan Fleischer.

832). Making Space, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

831). Sheryl Sandberg and the Crackling Hellfire of Corporate America by Caitlin Flanagan.

830). Yes, We'll Gather at the River by Ray Bradbury.

829). Downwind From Gettysburg by Ray Bradbury.

828). The Curse of Capistrano [...] by Johnston McCulley.[1]

827). The Inspired Chicken Motel by Ray Bradbury.

826). The Women by Ray Bradbury.

825). Tomorrow's Child by Ray Bradbury.

824). The Terrible Conflagration Up at the Place by Ray Bradbury.

823). The Kilimanjaro Device by Ray Bradbury.

822). To Unfinity and Beyond by Mark Rosewater.

821). Designing for Universes Beyond by Mark Rosewater.

820). Dominaria United States of Design, Part 3 by Mark Rosewater.

819). A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

818). Tarzan of the Apes [...] by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

817). A Theory of Jerks and Other Philosophical Misadventures by Eric Schwitzgebel.[1]

816). Will Future Generations Find Us Morally Loathsome? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

815). Blogging and Philosophical Cognition by Eric Schwitzgebel.

814). On Being Good at Seeming Smart by Eric Schwitzgebel.

813). Invisible Revisions by Eric Schwitzgebel.

812). Against Charity in the History of Philosophy by Eric Schwitzgebel.

811). Nazi Philosophers, World War I, and the Grand Wisdom Hypothesis by Eric Schwitzgebel.

810). Kant on Killing Bastards, Masturbation, Organ Donation, Homosexuality, Tyrants, Wives, and Servants by Eric Schwitzgebel.

809). Obfuscatory Philosophy as Intellectual Authoritarianism and Cowardice by Eric Schwitzgebel.

808). The Philosopher of Hair by Eric Schwitzgebel.

807). Why Metaphysics Is Always Bizarre by Eric Schwitzgebel.

806). What's in People's Stream of Experience During Philosophy Talks? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

805). Trusting Your Sense of Fun by Eric Schwitzgebel.

804). Truth, Dare, and Wonder by Eric Schwitzgebel.

803). Are Garden Snails Conscious? Yes, No, or *Gong* by Eric Schwitzgebel.

802). Goldfish-Pool Immortality by Eric Schwitzgebel.

801). Penelope's Guide to Defeating Time, Space, and Causation by Eric Schwitzgebel.

800). How Everything You Do Might Have Huge Cosmic Significance by Eric Schwitzgebel.

799). Choosing to Be That Fellow Back Then: Voluntarism about Personal Identity by Eric Schwitzgebel.

798). Might You Be a Cosmic Freak? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

797). Is the United States Literally Conscious? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

796). A Two-Seater Homunculus by Eric Schwitzgebel.

795). Possible Psychology of a Matrioshka Brain by Eric Schwitzgebel.

794). Birthday Cake and a Chapel by Eric Schwitzgebel.

793). On the Morality of Hypotenuse Walking by Eric Schwitzgebel.

792). What Happens to Democracy When the Experts Can't Be Both Factual and Balanced? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

791). The Legend of the Leaning Behaviorist by Eric Schwitzgebel.

790). Profanity Inflation, Profanity Migration, and the Paradox of Prohibition (or I Love You, "Fuck") by Eric Schwitzgebel.

789). Competing Perspectives on One's Final, Dying Thought by Eric Schwitzgebel.

788). The Epistemic Status of Deathbed Regrets by Eric Schwitzgebel.

787). Knowing What You Love by Eric Schwitzgebel.

786). Thoughts on Conjugal Love by Eric Schwitzgebel.

785). Flying Free of the Deathbed, with Technological Help by Eric Schwitzgebel.

784). Memories of My Father by Eric Schwitzgebel.

783). Does It Matter If the Passover Story Is Literally True? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

782). Dreidel: A Seemingly Foolish Game That Contains the Moral World in Miniature by Eric Schwitzgebel.

781). How to Accidentally Become a Zombie Robot by Eric Schwitzgebel.

780). Skepticism, Godzilla, and the Artificial Computerized Many-Branching You by Eric Schwitzgebel.

779). Our Possible Imminent Divinity by Eric Schwitzgebel.

778). How Robots and Monsters Might Destroy Human Moral Systems by Eric Schwitzgebel.

777). We Would Have Greater Moral Obligations to Conscious Robots than to Otherwise Similar Humans by Eric Schwitzgebel.

776). Cheerfully Suicidal AI Slaves by Eric Schwitzgebel.

775). Someday, Your Employer Will Technologically Control Your Moods by Eric Schwitzgebel.

774). My Daughter's Rented Eyes by Eric Schwitzgebel.

773). Cute AI and the ASIMO Problem by Eric Schwitzgebel.

772). Should Your Driverless Car Kill You So Others May Live? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

771). The Moral Compass and the Liberal Ideal in Moral Education by Eric Schwitzgebel.

770). A Moral Dunning-Kruger Effect? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

769). The Mush of Normativity by Eric Schwitzgebel.

768). On Not Distinguishing Too Finely among Your Motivations by Eric Schwitzgebel.

767). A Theory of Hypocrisy by Eric Schwitzgebel.

766). Kindred by Octavia E. Butler.[1]

765). Kindred Reader's Guide: Critical Essay by Robert Crossley.

764). Erewhon, or Over the Range by Samuel Butler.[1]

763). The Utterly Perfect Murder by Ray Bradbury.

762). MTV Video Music Awards (Kanye West, 2015 Video Vanguard Acceptance Speech) by Erik Didriksen.

761). Darwin Among the Machines by Samuel Butler.[1]

760). Dominaria United States of Design, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

759). How will history recall the reign of Bad King Boris? by Stewart Lee.

758). Pop Sonnet LXXIV (The Charlie Daniels Band, "The Devil Went Down to Georgia") by Erik Didriksen.

757). Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood.[1]

756). Pop Sonnet LXXIII (Tina Fabrique, "Reading Rainbows") by Erik Didriksen.

Ágúst (16/65)

755). Dominaria United States of Design, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

754). Is It Perfectly Fine to Aim for Moral Mediocrity? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

753). Imagining Yourself in Another's Shoes versus Extending Your Love by Eric Schwitzgebel.

752). How Much Should You Care about How You Feel in Your Dreams? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

751). On Not Seeking Pleasure Much by Eric Schwitzgebel.

750). Cheeseburger Ethics ( or How Often Do Ethicists Call Their Mothers?) by Eric Schwitzgebel.

749). The Happy Coincidence Defense and The-Most-You-Can-Do Sweet Spot by Eric Schwitzgebel.

748). Forgetting as an Unwitting Confession of Your Values by Eric Schwitzgebel.

747). A Theory of Jerks by Eric Schwitzgebel.

746). Do Some People Literally See Red When They're Angry? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

745). In-Between Believing by Eric Schwitzgebel.

744). Do You Know If You're a Racist? by Eric Schwitzgebel.

743). This Is Not a Story by Denis Diderot. Translated by Peter Phalen.[1]

742). Pop Sonnet LXXII (Snoop Doggy Dogg, "Gin and Juice") by Erik Didriksen.

741). The Turn of the Screw by Henry James.[1]

740). Shamela by Henry Fielding.[1]

739). Dominaria United We Stand, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

738). Symposium by Plato. Translated by Benjamin Jowett.[1]

737). Dominaria United We Stand, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

736). Red Clocks by Leni Zumas.[1]

735). The Habsburgs: The Rise and Fall of a World Power by Martyn Rady.[1]

734). Pop Sonnet LXXI (The Jackson 5, "ABC") by Erik Didriksen.

733). Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security by Sarah Chayes.[1]

732). Pop Sonnet LXX (The Ramones, "I Wanna Be Sedated") by Erik Didriksen.

731). Three Weeks by Elinor Glyn.[1]

730). White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson.[1]

729). Ravnica Design Handoff Document by Mark Rosewater.

728). Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata. Translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori.[1]

727). De rerum natura by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.[1]

726). Great Meteorological Phenomena, Etc. by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

725). Can Civilization Survive Capitalism? by Noam Chomsky.

724). Origins and Savage Period of Mankind by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

723). Origins of Vegetable and Animal Life by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

722). The World Is Not Eternal by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

721). The Passion of Love by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

720). Some Vital Functions by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

719). The Senses and Mental Pictures by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

718). Existence and Character of the Images by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

717). Folly of the Fear of Death by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

716). The Soul Is Mortal by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

715). Nature and Composition of the Mind by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

714). Pop Sonnet LXIX (5 Seconds of Summer, "Amnesia") by Erik Didriksen.

713). Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive by Kristen J. Sollée.[1]

712). Pop Sonnet LXVIII (Bryan Adams, "Summer of '69") by Erik Didriksen.

711). Treasure Island!!! by Sara Levine.[1]

710). Kláði eftir Fríðu Ísberg.[1]

709). Undanhlaup eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

708). Bláir dagar eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

707). Sjö eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

706). 1. apríl 2006 eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

705). Grenitré eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

704). Fingur eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

703). Prófíll eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

702). Einmitt eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

701). Dúkka eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

700). Viðtalið eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

699). Infinite Worlds by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

698). Atomic Forms and Their Combinations by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

697). Atomic Motions by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

696). State of Design 2022 by Mark Rosewater.

695). Magic Design from A to Z, Part 3 by Mark Rosewater.

694). Magic Design from A to Z, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

693). Magic Design from A to Z, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

692). More Life Lessons by Mark Rosewater.

691). A Double Take, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

690). A Double Take, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

689). Seeing Double Masters 2022 by Mark Rosewater.

688). Quirk Summer Jams (Jimmy Buffet, "Margaritaville") by Erik Didriksen.

687). The Infinity of the Universe by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

686). Confutation of Other Philosophers by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

685). Character of the Atoms by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

684). Nothing Exists per se Except Atoms and the Void by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

683). The Void by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

682). Substance Is Eternal by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

681). Sumar konur eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

680). The Moon Maid Complete and Restored by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Preface by Gary H. Dunham. Introduction by Terry Bisson. Afterword by Richard J. Golsan.[1]

679). Red Blood vs. the Red Flag by Phillip R. Burger.

678). The Red Hawk by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

677). Pop Sonnet LXVII (Panic! at the Disco, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies") by Erik Didriksen.

676). The Moon Men by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

675). Að horfast í augu við viðurstyggðina by Illugi Jökulson.

Júlí (10/51)

674). Heim eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

673). Að kúga eða kúgast eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

672). Ljósakrónan eftir Fríðu Ísberg.

671). Næturverk eftir Sjón.[1]

670). Söngur breytinganna eftir Sjón.

669). Mæling skuggans eftir Sjón.

668). Framfarir eftir Sjón.

667). Fimm þýðingar úr bókmenntum trjáa eftir Sjón.

666). Úr leiðslusafninu eftir Sjón.

665). Tölfræði skáldskapar eftir Sjón.

664). Blóm sem má endurtaka eftir Sjón.

663). Sigurður Pálsson eftir Sjón.

662). Og mannasiðir eftir Sjón.

661). Tunglspeki eftir Sjón.

660). Dagur tuttugu og sjö eftir Sjón.

659). Mannfræði eftir Sjón.

658). Næturverk eftir Sjón.

657). Kvenhöfuð eftir Sjón.

656). Árstíðarflökt eftir Sjón.

655). Jóhann Hjálmarsson til skuggans eftir Sjón.

654). Birting eftir Sjón.

653). The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs.[1]

652). Trigger Warning eftir Elísabetu Jökulsdóttur.

651). Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

650). She Unnames Them by Ursula K. Le Guin.

649). The Eighth Elegy by Rainer Maria Rilke. Translated by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

648). May's Lion by Ursula K. Le Guin.

647). For Leonard, Darko, and Burton Watson by Ursula K. Le Guin.

646). A Conversation with a Silence by Ursula K. Le Guin.

645). Black Leonard in Negative Space by Ursula K. Le Guin.

644). Tabby Lorenzo by Ursula K. Le Guin.

643). Horse Camp by Ursula K. Le Guin.

642). Sleeping Out by Ursula K. Le Guin.

641). The Man Eater by Ursula K. Le Guin.

640). Winter Downs (For Barbara) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

639). Totem by Ursula K. Le Guin.

638). Found Poem by Ursula K. Le Guin.

637). For Ted by Ursula K. Le Guin.

636). What Is Going on in the Oaks Around the Barn by Ursula K. Le Guin.

635). The Crown of Laurel by Ursula K. Le Guin.

634). Xmas Over by Ursula K. Le Guin.

633). West Texas by Ursula K. Le Guin.

632). Lewis and Clark and After by Ursula K. Le Guin.

631). Torrey Pines Reserve (For Bob and Mary Elliott) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

630). Vegfarandinn eftir Davið Stefánsson.

629). Mount St Helens/Omphalos by Ursula K. Le Guin.

628). Flints by Ursula K. Le Guin.

627). The Basalt by Ursula K. Le Guin.

626). Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Hugo Award winner, Nebula Award nominee]

625). Come into Animal Presence by Denise Levertov.

624). Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

623). I'd Rather Die than Delete Truthful Tweet for Cancel Creeps by Jordan Peterson.

622). Hamingja eftir Diddu.[1]

621). The Consolidator; or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon by Daniel Defoe.[1]

620). Venjulegar konur: Vændi á Íslandi eftir Brynhildi Björnsdóttur.[1]

619). The Power of Geography: Ten Maps that Reveal the Future of Our World by Tim Marshall.[1]

618). The Husband Stitch by Carmen Maria Machado.

617). The Other World: Comical History of the States and Empires of the Moon by Cyrano de Bergerac. Translated by Archibald Lovell.[1]

616). Quirk Summer Jams (DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, "Summertime") by Erik Didriksen.

615). The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein.[1] [Hugo Award Winner; Nebula Award nominee]

614). Glasto Reminded Me How I Hate People, but Not as Much as I Hate Myself by Marc Burrows.

Júní (9/14)

613). Crimea: The Last Crusade by Orlando Figes.[1]

612). The Grug Brained Developer: A layman's guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained

611). Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne. Translated by Frederick Amadeus Malleson.[1]

610). The 1885 Reviews of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

609). A True Story by Lucian. Introduction by Charles Whibley. Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley, J. B. Clark, and William Strang. Translated by Francis Hicks.[1]

608). The Discovery of a World in the Moone by John Wilkins.[1]

607). Self-described "Christian fascist" movement is trying to sabotage LGBTQ Pride Month by Ben Lorber and Kathryn Joyce.

606). The Man in the Moone by Francis Godwin.[1]

605). Around the Moon by Jules Verne. Translated by Eleanor Elizabeth King and Louis Mercier.[1]

604). The bleak spectacle of the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial by Michael Hobbes.

603). Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate Vision Design Handoff by Mark Rosewater.

602). From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne. Translated by Eleanor Elizabeth King and Louis Mercier.[1]

601). Vinsæl afþreying að úthúða konum fyrir allra augaum eftir Melkorku Gunborg Briansdóttur.

600). Pop Sonnet LXVI (Kesha, "Tik Tok") by Erik Didriksen.

599). The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells.[1]

598). Þegar ráðherra VG þarf stuðning, hvað gerist þá? eftir Illuga Jökulson.

597). 'Stranger Things' Fell for My Favorite Sexist Dead Girl Trope by Emily Leibert.

596). Quirk Summer Jams (Martha & the Vandellas, "Dancing in the Street") by Erik Didriksen.

595). Pop Sonnet LXV (The Temptations, "My Girl") by Erik Didriksen.

594). Quirk Summer Jams (LFO, "Summer Girls") by Erik Didriksen.

593). Going Baldur's Gate, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

592). Pop Sonnet LXIV (Jimmy Eat World, "The Middle") by Erik Didriksen.

591). Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.[1]

Maí (12/122)

590). The Third Law of Power by Richard Parks. Illustrated by Deran Wright.

589). Winter's Knight by Mark Anthony. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

588). Pop Sonnet LXIII (Don McLean, "American Pie") by Erik Didriksen.

587). On the Scent at Slab's by John Gregory Betancourt. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

586). Pop Sonnet LXII (Justin Bieber, "Baby") by Erik Didriksen.

585). Why Atheism Is Morally Bankrupt by Ben Shapiro.

584). Going Baldur's Gate, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

583). Hunt's End by Rudy Thauberger. Illustrated by Stephen Daniele.

582). The Compass Rose by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

581). Sur by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Hugo Award nominee]

580). Some Approaches to the Problem of the Shortage of Time (Where Does the Time Go?) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

579). The Wife's Story by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

578). The Water Is Wide by Ursula K. Le Guin.

577). Malheur County by Ursula K. Le Guin.

576). Gwilan's Harp by Ursula K. Le Guin.

575). The Pathways of Desire by Ursula K. Le Guin.

574). Mazes by Ursula K. Le Guin.

573). The Eye Altering by Ursula K. Le Guin.

572). Intracom by Ursula K. Le Guin.

571). The Phoenix by Ursula K. Le Guin.

570). The White Donkey by Ursula K. Le Guin.

569). The Diary of the Rose by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

568). The First Report of the Shipwrecked Foreigner to the Kadanh of Derb by Ursula K. Le Guin.

567). Small Change by Ursula K. Le Guin.

566). SQ by Ursula K. Le Guin.

565). Two Delays on the Northern Line by Ursula K. Le Guin.

564). How Pingwill Was Routed by H. G. Wells.

563). How Gabriel Became Thompson by H. G. Wells.

562). The New Faust: A Film Story by H. G. Wells.

561). First Out of Baldur's Gate by Mark Rosewater.

560). To Her Husband for Beating Her by Gwerful Mechain. Translated by A. M. Juster.

559). The Female Genitals by Gwerful Mechain. Translated by Dafydd Johnston.

558). On the Gleefully Indecent Poems of a Medieval Welsh Feminist Poet by Lauren Cocking.

557). Schrödinger's Cat by Ursula K. Le Guin.

556). Answer to Prayer by H. G. Wells.

555). The Loyalty of Esau Common: A Fragment by H. G. Wells.

554). Pop Sonnet LXI (Taylor Swift, "Shake It Off") by Erik Didriksen.

553). Pop Sonnet LX (Ace of Base, "The Sign") by Erik Didriksen.

552). Pop Sonnet LIX (Sam Smith, "Stay with Me") by Erik Didriksen.

551). The New Atlantis by Ursula K. Le Guin.

550). Our Little Neighbour by H. G. Wells.

549). The Thumbmark by H. G. Wells.

548). The Thing in No. 7 by H. G. Wells.

547). Mr Marshall's Doppelganger by H. G. Wells.

546). The Presence by the Fire by H. G. Wells.

545). The Devotee of Art by H. G. Wells.

544). Walcote by H. G. Wells.

543). Wayde's Essence by H. G. Wells.

542). A Perfect Gentleman on Wheels by H. G. Wells.

541). A Family Elopement by H. G. Wells.

540). The Short Stories of H. G. Wells by H. G. Wells.[1]

539). The Story of the Last Trump by H. G. Wells.

538). The Grisly Folk by H. G. Wells.

537). Little Mother Up the Mörderberg by H. G. Wells.

536). My First Aeroplane — "Alauda Magna" by H. G. Wells.

535). The Wild Asses of the Devil by H. G. Wells. Preface by Jon Richfield.

534). 'The Author of the Acacia Seeds' and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics by Ursula K. Le Guin.

533). The Land Ironclads by H. G. Wells.[1]

532). A Tale of the Twentieth Century: For Advanced Thinkers by H. G. Wells.

531). A Talk with Gryllotalpa by H. G. Wells.

530). Pop Sonnet LVIII (Miley Cyrus, "Wrecking Ball") by Erik Didriksen.

529). Short Fiction by H. G. Wells.

528). The Pearl of Love [...] by H. G. Wells.[1]

527). I Invented Gilead. The Supreme Court Is Making It Real. by Margaret Atwood.

526). The Country of the Blind and Other Stories by H. G. Wells.[1]

525). The Beautiful Suit by H. G. Wells.[1]

524). The Country of the Blind by H. G. Wells.[1]

523). University Assessment Committee Erotica by Juliana Gray.

522). Reviewing Course Evaluations: The Drinking Game by Steph Jeffries.

521). Heartburn by Nora Ephron.[1]

520). The Door in the Wall by H. G. Wells.

519). The Empire of the Ants by H. G. Wells.[1]

518). A Vision of Judgment by H. G. Wells.[1]

517). Tales of Space and Time by H. G. Wells.[1]

516). The Man Who Could Work Miracles: A Pantoum in Prose by H. G. Wells.[1]

515). A Story of the Days to Come by H. G. Wells.[1]

514). Odds & Ends: Streets of New Capenna by Mark Rosewater.

513). Breaking the Wall by Lois Tilton. Illustrated by Larry Smith.

512). "Hann getur ekki farið fram úr rúminu án þess að selja ættmennum eignir okkar á útsöluprís" eftir Braga Pál Sigurðsson.

511). Pop Sonnet LVII (Black Sabbath, "Iron Man") by Erik Didriksen.

510). A Story of the Stone Age by H. G. Wells.[1]

509). Pop Sonnet LVI (The Spice Girls, "Wannabe") by Erik Didriksen.

508). If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is? by James Baldwin.

507). Mother's Day is gaslighting by Alison Stine.

506). What I Don't Tell My Students About "The Husband Stitch" by Jane Dykema.

505). The Beginning Place by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

504). Goðheimar 11: Ráðgátan um skáldamjöðinn eftir Peter Madsen ásamt Henning Kure og Per Vadmand. Þýtt af Bjarna Frímanni Karlssyni.[1][2]

503). The Star by H. G. Wells.[1]

502). The Crystal Egg by H. G. Wells.[1]

501). Pop Sonnet LV (Jason Derulo, "Talk Dirty") by Erik Didriksen.

500). Announcement by Erik Didriksen.

499). Pop Sonnet LIV (Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars, "Uptown Funk") by Erik Didriksen.

498). Gluggi - Draumskrá eftir Ástu Fanneyju Sigurðardóttur.

497). Certain Personal Matters: A Collection of Material, Mainly Autobiographical by H. G. Wells.[1]

496). How I Died by H. G. Wells.

495). The Mode in Monuments: Stray Thoughts in Highgate Cemetery by H. G. Wells.

494). From an Observatory by H. G. Wells.

493). The Amateur Nature Lover by H. G. Wells.

492). The Pleasure of Quarreling by H. G. Wells.

491). Through a Microscope: Some Moral Reflections by H. G. Wells.

490). The Book of Essays Dedicatory by H. G. Wells.

489). Bagarrow by H. G. Wells.

488). The Coal-Scuttle: A Study in Domestic Æsthetics by H. G. Wells.

487). Concerning Chess by H. G. Wells.

486). On the Art of Staying at the Seaside: A Meditation at Eastbourne by H. G. Wells.

485). The Theory of Quotation by H. G. Wells.

484). Bleak March in Epping Forest by H. G. Wells.

483). The Parkes Museum: The Place to Spend a Happy Day by H. G. Wells.

482). The Writing of Essays by H. G. Wells.

481). The Extinction of Man by H. G. Wells.

480). Of a Book Unwritten by H. G. Wells.

479). Pop Sonnet LIII (Eminem, "Lose Yourself") by Erik Didriksen.

478). Working in a New Zealand brothel was anything but 'a job like any other' by Rae Story.

477). Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson.[1]

476). Incidental Thoughts on a Bald Head by H. G. Wells.

475). For Freedom of Spelling: The Discovery of an Art by H. G. Wells.

474). Euphemia's New Entertainment by H. G. Wells.

473). Dunstone's Dear Lady by H. G. Wells.

472). The Book of Curses by H. G. Wells.

471). The Shopman by H. G. Wells.

470). Word on the Streets of New Capenna, Part 3 by Mark Rosewater.

469). Concerning a Certain Lady by H. G. Wells.

468). The Veteran Cricketer by H. G. Wells.

467). Gloves Off: Roound VII by Chuck Palahniuk.

466). Don't Tell Your Mom OR The Legend of Josie Brambrook by Maegan Heil.

465). The Pose Novel by H. G. Wells.

464). Marxism vs. Liberalism: An Interview by H. G. Wells.[1]

463). Of Cleverness: Àpropos of One Crichton by H. G. Wells.

462). Of Blades and Bladery by H. G. Wells.

461). House-Hunting as an Outdoor Amusement by H. G. Wells.

460). The Literary Regimen by H. G. Wells.

459). Pop Sonnet LII (NSYNC, "Bye Bye Bye") by Erik Didriksen.

458). Pop Sonnet LI (Shaggy, "It Wasn't Me") by Erik Didriksen.

457). Pop Sonnet L (The Killers, "Mr. Brightside") by Erik Didriksen.

Apríl (15/157)

456). The Diary of a Settler of Catan by Jeremiah Budin.

455). The Language of Flowers by H. G. Wells.

454). The Poet and the Emporium by H. G. Wells.

453). The Plague by Christina Rossetti.

452). The Plague Athens by Lucretius. Translated by William Ellery Leonard.

451). A Litany in the Time of the Plague by Thomas Nashe.

450). My Death by Dan Frrazier.[1]

449). On Schooling and the Phases of Mr. Sandsome by H. G. Wells.

448). In a Literary Household by H. G. Wells.

447). Of Conversation: An Apology by H. G. Wells.

446). What If? A Writing Prompt by Chuck Palahniuk.

445). Round VI: Gloves Off by Chuck Palahniuk.

444). Natural Selection by Dan Frrazier.

443). Odds & Ends: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty by Mark Rosewater.

442). Gloves Off: Round V by Chuck Palahniuk.

441). Tumble salts by Kerri Rickard.

440). Gloves Off: Round IV by Chuck Palahniuk.

439). Chronicles of a BarFly by Erik Knudtson.

438). Af vanhæfi eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

437). The Prison Guard Gives Her Elegy by Allison Darcy.

436). Now Accepting Remorse by Neil Krolicki.

435). Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway.[1]

434). ORGASM by Benjamin Davis.

433). A Writing Prompt #6 by Chuck Palahniuk.

432). Ephemera: The '90s by Chuck Palahniuk.

431). Gloves Off: Round III by Chuck Palahniuk.

430). Inside the Last Cinnamon Raisin Bagel by Benjamin Davis.

429). The House of Di Sorno: A Manuscript Found in a Box by H. G. Wells.

428). The Time of Leaving by Ron Collins. Illustrated by Dave Kooharian.

427). On the Choice of a Wife by H. G. Wells.

426). The Trouble of Life by H. G. Wells.

425). The Easter Quiz Winners! by Chuck Palahniuk.

424). A Writing Prompt #5 by Chuck Palahniuk.

423). A Postcard from Tour: Los Angeles by Chuck Palahniuk.

422). Try This: Make the Incredible Mundane by Chuck Palahniuk.

421). Thanks 4 the Thanks by Chuck Palahniuk.

420). Gloves Off: Round II by Chuck Palahniuk.

419). Destined by Greg Eidson.

418). The Stuffed Crust Conquistador by Matt Perky.

417). Please, Touch the Art by Remy Lazarus.

416). Word on the Streets of New Capenna, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

415). Have You Read: Thurnley Abbey by Chuck Palahniuk.

414). Thurnley Abbey by Perceval Landon.[1]

413). A Call for Stories by Chuck Palahniuk.

412). A Writing Prompt #4 by Chuck Palahniuk.

411). Gloves Off: The Mercurian by Chuck Palahniuk.

410). The Mercurian by Lyra Ohare.

409). Be Aware of: The Woo-Woo by Chuck Palahniuk.

408). Under the Influence of: Reporting by Chuck Palahniuk.

407). A Writing Prompt #2 by Chuck Palahniuk.

406). A Writing Prompt by Chuck Palahniuk.

405). Thoughts on Cheapness and My Aunt Charlotte by H. G. Wells.

404). Atheism is not as rare or as rational as you think by Will Gervais.

403). Address of the International Working Men's Association to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America by Karl Marx.

402). Dead Man's Curse by Roy V. Young. Illustrated by Dave Kooharian.

401). Pop Sonnet XLIX (Cyndi Lauper, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun") by Erik Didriksen.

400). The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa. Translated by Stephen Snyder.[1]

399). Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) and Two Other Reminiscences by H. G. Wells.[1]

398). The Man with a Nose by H. G. Wells.

397). A Misunderstood Artist by H. G. Wells.

396). The Pains of Marriage by H. G. Wells.

395). The Great Change by H. G. Wells.

394). An Unsuspected Masterpiece (Authoress Unknown) by H. G. Wells.

393). On a Tricycle by H. G. Wells.

392). La Belle Dame Sans Merci: A Rhapsody by H. G. Wells.

391). The Joys of Being Engaged by H. G. Wells.

390). On Social Music by H. G. Wells.

389). Bagshot's Mural Decorations by H. G. Wells.

388). Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead by Milan Kundera.[1]

387). The Art of Being Photographed by H. G. Wells.

386). The Use of Ideals by H. G. Wells.

385). The Theory of the Perpetual Discomfort of Humanity by H. G. Wells.

384). Of Conversation and the Anatomy of Fashion by H. G. Wells.

383). The Adventures of Tommy by H. G. Wells.

382). The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper by H. G. Wells.[1]

381). Pop Sonnet XLVIII (Katy Perry, "I Kissed a Girl") by Erik Didriksen.

380). Why Is This Classic Rock, and Where Did I Put My Glasses? by Jeremy Hooper.

379). Fjármálaráðherra, flækjufótur, föðurlandssvikari eftir Braga Pál Sigurðsson.

378). Merking eftir Fríðu Ísberg.[1]

377). Pop Sonnet XLVII (Beastie Boys, "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party!)") by Erik Didriksen.

376). Thirty Strange Stories by H. G. Wells.[1]

375). Le Mari Terrible by H. G. Wells.

374). The Rajah's Treasure by H. G. Wells.

373). The Reconciliation by H. G. Wells.

372). Word on the Streets of New Capenna, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

371). Wallflower at the Orgy by Nora Ephron.[1]

370). On Location with Catch-22 by Nora Ephron.

369). An Interview with Mike Nichols by Nora Ephron.

368). The Diary of a Beach Wife by Nora Ephron.

367). Publishing Prophets for Profit by Nora Ephron.

366). Eating and Sleeping with Arthur Frommer by Nora Ephron.

365). A Rhinestone in a Trash Can and The Love Machine Phenomenon of J. Susann by Nora Ephron.

364). The Man in the Bill Blass Suit by Nora Ephron.

363). Tímaþjófar eftir Auði Jónsdóttur.

362). The Plattner Story and Others by H. G. Wells.[1]

361). A Slip Under the Microscope by H. G. Wells.

360). The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic by H. G. Wells.

359). The Lost Inheritance by H. G. Wells.

358). A Catastrophe by H. G. Wells.

357). In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story by H. G. Wells.

356). Mush by Nora Ephron.

355). Women's Wear Daily Unclothed by Nora Ephron.

354). Hin ósnertanlegu eftir Eyju Margréti Brynjarsdóttur.

353). Makeover: The Short, Unglamorous Saga of a New, Glamorous Me by Nora Ephron.

352). The Fountainhead Revisited by Nora Ephron.

351). The Jilting of Jane by H. G. Wells.

350). The Purple Pileus by H. G. Wells.

349). The Cone by H. G. Wells.[1]

348). "If You're a Little Mouseburger, Come with Me. I Was a Mouseburger and I Will Help You." by Nora Ephron.

347). The Food Establishment: Life in the Land of the Rising Soufflé (Or Is It the Rising Meringue?) by Nora Ephron.

346). The Red Room by H. G. Wells.[1]

345). Pop Sonnet XLVI (John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John, "You're the One That I Want") by Erik Didriksen.

344). Pollock and the Porroh Man by H. G. Wells.

343). The Sea Raiders by H. G. Wells.[1]

342). Under the Knife by H. G. Wells.

341). Hitting the Streets of New Capenna, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

340). The Apple by H. G. Wells.

339). Ljósagangur: Vísindaskáldsaga eftir Dag Hjartarson.

338). In the Abyss [...] by H. G. Wells.[1]

337). The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham by H. G. Wells.

336). The Argonauts of the Air by H. G. Wells.[1]

335). The Plattner Story by H. G. Wells.[1]

334). A Sandwich by Nora Ephron.

333). Sugar Babies by Nora Ephron.

332). About (Almost Surely) New York, or Something by Nora Ephron.

331). Nora Ephron's Aha! Moment by Nora Ephron.

330). I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron.[1]

329). Considering the Alternative by Nora Ephron.

328). What I Wish I'd Known by Nora Ephron.

327). On Rapture by Nora Ephron.

326). The Lost Strudel or Le Strudel Perdu by Nora Ephron.

325). The Story of My Life in 3,500 Words or Less by Nora Ephron.

324). Where I Live by Nora Ephron.

323). Me and Bill: The End of Love by Nora Ephron.

322). Me and JFK: Now It Can Be Told by Nora Ephron.

321). Moving On by Nora Ephron.

320). Parenting in Three Stages by Nora Ephron.

319). Blind as a Bat by Nora Ephron.

318). "Old Town the Road" by Lil Nas X, featuring Cormac McCarthy by Ada Wofford.

317). On Maintenance by Nora Ephron.

316). Serial Monogamy: A Memoir by Nora Ephron.

315). I Hate My Purse by Nora Ephron.

314). I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron.

313). Ain't I a Woman? by Sojourner Truth.[1]

312). Malafrena by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

311). The Young Man and the Tax Return by Carlos Greaves.

310). Þetta er bara fóturinn, Svenni eftir Sif Sigmarsdóttur.

309). Seldi sínum bankann okkar eftir Hallgrím Helgason.

308). Seams by Olga Tokarczuk. Translated by Jennifer Croft.

307). Pop Sonnet XLV (Rebecca Black, "Friday") by H. G. Wells.

306). Hitting the Streets of New Capenna, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

305). The Mysterious Fall of the Nacirema by Neil B. Thompson.[1]

304). Body Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace Miner.[1]

303). Pop Sonnet XLIV (Vanilla Ice, "Ice Ice Baby") by Erik Didriksen.

302). The Sleeper Awakes by H. G. Wells.[1]

301). Pop Sonnet XLIII (Alanis Morissette, "Ironic") by Erik Didriksen.

300). Fulli frændinn eftir Hrafn Jónsson.

299). Pop Sonnet XLII (Sir Mix-a-Lot, "Baby Got Back") by Erik Didriksen.

298). The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells.[1]

297). Pop Sonnet XLI (Bruno Mars, "Just the Way You Are") by Erik Didriksen.

296). The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance by H. G. Wells.[1]

295). The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells.[1]

294). Short Fiction by Robert E. Howard.

293). Weekly Short Story by Robert E. Howard.

292). Sleeping Beauty by Robert E. Howard.

291). After the Game by Robert E. Howard.

290). Pop Sonnet XL (Nicki Minaj, "Super Bass") by Erik Didriksen.

289). Pop Sonnet XXXIX (Mariah Carey, "All I Want for Christmas Is You") by Erik Didriksen.

288). Pop Sonnet XXXVIII (Destiny's Child, "Say My Name") by Erik Didriksen.

287). Pop Sonnet XXXVII (Green Day, "Basket Case") by Erik Didriksen.

286). Pop Sonnet XXXVI (Celine Dion, "My Heart Will Go On") by Erik Didriksen.

285). Pop Sonnet XXXV (Arlo Guthrie, "Alice's Restaurant") by Erik Didriksen.

Mars (10/94)

284). The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents by H. G. Wells.[1]

283). The Treasure in the Forest by H. G. Wells.

282). The Moth—Genus Novo by H. G. Wells.

281). The Hammerpond Park Burglary by H. G. Wells.

280). The Lord of the Dynamos by H. G. Wells.[1]

279). The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes by H. G. Wells.

278). Æpyornis Island by H. G. Wells.[1]

277). The Diamond Maker by H. G. Wells.[1]

276). The Flying Man by H. G. Wells.

275). The Temptation of Harringay by H. G. Wells.

274). Through a Window by H. G. Wells.

273). A Deal in Ostriches by H. G. Wells.[1]

272). The Triumphs of a Taxidermist by H. G. Wells.[1]

271). In the Avu Observatory by H. G. Wells.

270). The Flowering of the Strange Orchid by H. G. Wells.

269). The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells.

268). Pop Sonnet XXXIV (One Direction, "What Makes You Beautiful") by Erik Didriksen.

267). The Wonderful Visit by H. G. Wells.[1]

266). Pop Sonnet XXXIII (Elton John, "Rocket Man") by Erik Didriksen.

265). Pop Sonnet XXXII (Rihanna feat. Jay-Z, "Umbrella") by Erik Didriksen.

264). Pop Sonnet XXXI (Michael Jackson, "Thriller") by Erik Didriksen.

263). Deciduous by Mark Rosewater.

262). Pop Sonnet XXX (The Monkees, "I'm a Believer") by Erik Didriksen.

261). In Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus. Illustrated by Hans Holbein.[1]

260). Pop Sonnet XXIX (Britney Spears, "Oops! I Did It Again") by Erik Didriksen.

259). The Narrative Structure in Ian Fleming by Umberto Eco.

258). Pop Sonnet XXVIII (The Beatles, "All You Need Is Love") by Erik Didriksen.

257). The Power by Naomi Alderman.[1]

256). Pop Sonnet XXVII (Eiffel 65, "Blue (Da Ba Dee)") by Erik Didriksen.

255). SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas.[1]

254). Pop Sonnet XXVI (ABBA, "Dancing Queen") by Erik Didriksen.

253). Where Thingies Rush In by J. Robert King. Illustrated by Scott Rosema.

252). Pop Sonnet XXV (Journey, "Don't Stop Believin'") by Erik Didriksen.

251). Get It? Unstable Edition by Mark Rosewater.

250). Pop Sonnet XXIV (Queen, "Bohemian Rhapsody") by Erik Didriksen.

249). Pop Sonnet XXIII (Blink-182, "What's My Age Again?") by Erik Didriksen.

248). Pop Sonnet XXII (Avril Lavigne, "Complicated") by Erik Didriksen.

247). Úkraínska þjóðin er að breyta Evrópu eftir Jón Orm Halldórsson.

246). Pop Sonnet XXI (Backstreet Boys, "I Want It That Way") by Erik Didriksen.

245). Pop Sonnet XX (Bon Jovi, "Livin' on a Prayer") by Erik Didriksen.

244). Pop Sonnet XIX (Spin Doctors, "Two Princes") by Erik Didriksen.

243). Pop Sonnet XVIII (Will Smith, "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air") by Erik Didriksen.

242). Pop Sonnet XVII (Magic!, "Rude") by Erik Didriksen.

241). Pop Sonnet XVI (Village People, "YMCA") by Erik Didriksen.

240). Caged Bird by Maya Angelou.

239). Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar.[1]

238). The Machineries of Joy by Ray Bradbury.[1]

237). To the Chicago Abyss by Ray Bradbury.[1]

236). The Lifework of Juan Díaz by Ray Bradbury.[1]

235). The Best of All Possible Worlds by Ray Bradbury.[1]

234). A Flight of Ravens by Ray Bradbury.[1]

233). Death and the Maiden by Ray Bradbury.[1]

232). The Beggar on Dublin Bridge by Ray Bradbury.[1]

231). And So Died Riabouchinska by Ray Bradbury.[1]

230). A Miracle of Rare Device by Ray Bradbury.[1]

229). Some Live Like Lazarus by Ray Bradbury.[1]

228). The Illustrated Woman by Ray Bradbury.[1]

227). El Día de Muerte by Ray Bradbury.[1]

226). Forever Voyage by Ray Bradbury.[1]

225). Perhaps We Are Going Away by Ray Bradbury.[1]

224). The Drummer Boy of Shiloh by Ray Bradbury.[1]

223). The Vacation by Ray Bradbury.[1]

222). Pop Sonnet XV (Fountains of Wayne, "Stacy's Mom") by Erik Didriksen.

221). Which Came First? by Mark Rosewater.

220). The Prehistoric Producer by Ray Bradbury.[1]

219). The Machineries of Joy by Ray Bradbury.[1]

218). Pop Sonnet XIV (Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea, "Problem") by Erik Didriksen.

217). The Eye of the Heron by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

216). Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster by Svetlana Alexievich. Translated by Keith Gessen.[1]

215). Selected Negative Teaching Evaluations of Jesus Christ by Amanda Lehr.

214). Pop Sonnet XIII (Idina Menzel, "Let It Go") by Erik Didriksen.

213). Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe.[1]

212). Pop Sonnet XII (Avicii, "Wake Me Up") by Erik Didriksen.

211). Pop Sonnet XI (Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams, "Get Lucky") by Erik Didriksen.

210). Pop Sonnet X (The Chainsmokers, "#SELFIE") by Erik Didriksen.

209). Captain Ahab, Woman by Leslie Ylinen.

208). Pop Sonnet IX (Lorde, "Royals") by Erik Didriksen.

207). Nuts & Bolts #14: Initial Ideation by Mark Rosewater.

206). Pop Sonnet VIII (Taylor Swift, "We Are Never Getting Back Together") by Erik Didriksen.

205). Pop Sonnet VII (The Bee Gees, "Staying Alive") by Erik Didriksen.

204). The Vintage Bradbury by Ray Bradbury.[1]

203). The Anthem Sprinters by Ray Bradbury.[1]

202). Pop Sonnet VI (Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX, "I Love It") by Erik Didriksen.

201). Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.[1]

200). The Tarot Witch by Ray Bradbury.

199). Pop Sonnet V (Gloria Gaynor, "I Will Surviver") by Erik Didriksen.

198). Pop Sonnet IV (Rick Astley, "Never Gonna Give You Up") by Erik Didriksen.

197). Pop Sonnet III (Beyoncé Knowles, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)") by Erik Didriksen.

196). Pop Sonnet II (Miley Cyrus, "Party in the USA") by Erik Didriksen.

195). Pop Sonnet I (Carly Rae Jepsen, "Call Me Maybe") by Erik Didriksen.

194). Pop Sonnet LXXXV (50 Cent, "In Da Club") by Erik Didriksen.

193). Statues by Ray Bradbury.[1]

192). The Green Machine by Ray Bradbury.[1]

191). It's time to confront the Trump-Putin network by Rebecca Solnit.

190). Contemporary Orthodox Fiction by Katherine Kelaidis.

189). We must confront Russian propaganda – even when it comes from those we respect by George Monbiot.

188). Make No Mistake, If There's a War Between Russia and Ukraine, It Will Be a Religious War by Katherine Kelaidis.

187). Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war by Yuval Noah Harari.

186). Illumination by Ray Bradbury.[1]

185). Green Wine for Dreaming by Ray Bradbury.[1]

184). Unpacking 'Heartburn' by Chuck Palahniuk.

183). Odds and Ends: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty by Mark Rosewater.

182). The Window by Ray Bradbury.[1]

181). The Happiness Machine by Ray Bradbury.[1]

Febrúar (12/64)

180). Exorcism by Ray Bradbury.[1]

179). Good-by, Grandma by Ray Bradbury.[1]

178). Classic Stories 2: From A Medicine for Melancholy and S Is for Space by Ray Bradbury.[1]

177). S Is for Space by Ray Bradbury.[1]

176). The Trolley by Ray Bradbury.[1]

175). The Screaming Woman by Ray Bradbury.[1]

174). Time in Thy Flight by Ray Bradbury.[1]

173). Chrysalis by Ray Bradbury.[1]

172). Surprise! by Chuck Palahniuk.

171). A Postcard from Tour: Manchester by Chuck Palahniuk.

170). Classic Stories 1: From The Golden Apples of the Sun and R is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury.[1]

169). R Is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury.[1]

168). Summer in the Air by Ray Bradbury.[1]

167). The Last, the Very Last by Ray Bradbury.[1]

166). R Is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

165). Twice 22 by Ray Bradbury.[1]

164). A Medicine for Melancholy by Ray Bradbury.[1]

163). The Great Collision of Monday Last by Ray Bradbury.[1]

162). All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury.[1]

161). The First Night of Lent by Ray Bradbury.[1]

160). A Medicine for Melancholy (The Sovereign Remedy Revealed!) by Ray Bradbury.[1]

159). The Day It Rained Forever by Ray Bradbury.[1]

158). The Strawberry Window by Ray Bradbury.[1]

157). The Millionth Murder by Ray Bradbury.[1]

156). A Scent of Sarsaparilla by Ray Bradbury.[1]

155). The Shoreline at Sunset by Ray Bradbury.[1]

154). The Mice by Ray Bradbury.[1]

153). The Gift by Ray Bradbury.[1]

152). The Time of Going Away by Ray Bradbury.[1]

151). The Headpiece by Ray Bradbury.[1]

150). The Naming of Names by Ray Bradbury.[1][2]

149). Almost the End of the World by Ray Bradbury.[1]

148). Icarus Montgolfier Wright by Ray Bradbury.[1]

147). Elements of Neon by Mark Rosewater.

146). The Town Where No One Got Off by Ray Bradbury.[1]

145). Project Hail Mary: by Andy Weir.[1]

144). The Marriage Mender by Ray Bradbury.[1]

143). Referent by Ray Bradbury.[1]

142). Hunter Under the Sun by Brent J. Giles. Illustrated by Joel Biske.

141). Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Vision Design Handoff, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

140). "Foodie" by Colton Merris by Chuck Palahniuk.

139). Foodie by Colton Merris.

138). Why the West's Diplomacy with Russia Keeps Failing by Anne Applebaum.

137). My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell.[1]

136). Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Vision Design Handoff, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

135). The Martian by Andy Weir.[1]

134). Fever Dream by Ray Bradbury.[1]

133). Contest: To Avoid Thought Verbs by Chuck Palahniuk.

132). The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead.[1] [Pulitzer Prize Winner]

131). How to Build an Autocracy by David Frum.

130). Next Stop, the Stars by Ray Bradbury.[1]

129). A Postcard from Tour: Providence by Chuck Palahniuk.

128). The Dragon by Ray Bradbury.[1] [Hugo Award nominee]

127). In a Season of Calm Weather by Ray Bradbury.[1]

126). Ephemera: Pirate Speak by Chuck Palahniuk.

125). The Day It Rained Forever by Ray Bradbury.[1]

124). Christopher Hitchens and His Critics: Terror, Iraq and the Left edited by Simon Cottee and Thomas Cushman. Afterword by Christopher Hitchens.[1]

123). The Genocidal Imagination of Christopher Hitchens by Richard Seymour.

122). Christopher Hitchens's Last Battle by Juan Cole.

121). The Making of a Dynasty, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

120). Christopher Hitchens: Flickering Firebrand by Gary Malone.

119). Letter to a Lost Friend by Dennis Perrin.

118). The Passion of Christopher Hitchens: A Review of Love, Poverty, and War by Michael Kazin.

117). Farewell Hitch by George Scialabba.

116). Obituary for a Former Contrarian by Dennis Perrin.

115). A Few Words of Fraternal Admonition to 'Norm' Finkelstein by Christopher Hitchens.

114). Hitchens as Model Apostate by Norman G. Finkelstein.

113). Hitchens's Response to Studs Terkel by Christopher Hitchens.

112). Letter to the Nation, January 6, 2003 by Studs Terkel.

111). Christopher Hitchens: The Dishonorable Policeman of the Left by Scott Lucas.

110). Hitchens's Response to Edward S. Herman's Letter to the Nation, January 10, 2002 by Christopher Hitchens.

109). Summary of Edward S. Herman's Letter to the Nation, January 10, 2002 by Simon Cottee and Thomas Cushman.

108). A Rejoinder to Noam Chomsky by Christopher Hitchens.

107). Summary of Noam Chomsky's Letter to the Nation, October 1, 2001 by Simon Cottee and Thomas Cushman.

106). An Interview with Christopher Hitchens, Part II: Anti-Fascism, Reactionary Conservatism, and the Post–September 11 World by Jamie Glazov.

105). Susan Sontag: An Obituary by Christopher Hitchens.

Janúar (9/95)

104). Polymath with a Cause: A Review of From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map by Edward W. Said by Christopher Hitchens.

103). Left-Leaving, Left-Leaning: A Review of Left Illusions by David Horowitz and Not Without Love by Constance Webb by Christopher Hitchens.

102). Europe's Status Quo Left: A Review of Language, Politics, and Writing: Stolentelling in Western Europe by Patrick McCarthy by Christopher Hitchens.

101). Don't. Be. Silly. An Open Letter to Martin Amis by Christopher Hitchens.

100). An Interview with Christopher Hitchens, Part I: Radicalism, Liberty, and the Post-Socialist War by Rhys Southan.

99). Anti-War, My Foot by Christopher Hitchens.

98). The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship by Glenn Greenwald.

97). A War to Be Proud Of by Christopher Hitchens.

96). Losing the Iraq War by Christopher Hitchens.

95). Unmitigated Galloway by Christopher Hitchens.

94). History and Mystery by Christopher Hitchens.

93). Abu Ghraib Isn't Guernica by Christopher Hitchens.

92). Bringing Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Designs to Life by Dave Humpherys.

91). The Making of a Dynasty, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

90). Under the Influence of: Music by Chuck Palahniuk.

89). Second Thinking by Christopher Hitchens.

88). Vietnam? by Christopher Hitchens.

87). Fallujah by Christopher Hitchens.

86). Guerrillas in the Mist by Christopher Hitchens.

85). The Literal Left by Christopher Hitchens.

84). Restating the Case for War by Christopher Hitchens.

83). Weapons and Terror by Christopher Hitchens.

82). I Want It to Rain on Their Parade by Christopher Hitchens.

81). So Long, Fellow Travelers by Christopher Hitchens.

80). Taking Sides by Christopher Hitchens.

79). Appointment in Samarra? by Christopher Hitchens.

78). Why Ask Why? by Christopher Hitchens.

77). Yes, London Can Take It by Christopher Hitchens.

76). We Cannot Surrender by Christopher Hitchens.

75). Jihad in the Netherlands by Christopher Hitchens.

74). Bush's Secularist Triumph by Christopher Hitchens.

73). Murder by Any Other Name by Christopher Hitchens.

72). To Die in Madrid by Christopher Hitchens.

71). Al Qaeda's Latest Target by Christopher Hitchens.

70). Inside the Islamic Mafia by Christopher Hitchens.

69). It's a Good Time for War by Christopher Hitchens.

68). Saving Islam from bin Laden by Christopher Hitchens.

67). Stranger in a Strange Land by Christopher Hitchens.

66). Ha Ha Ha to the Pacifists by Christopher Hitchens.

65). The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson.[1] [Pulitzer Prize winner]

64). The Value(s) of Making Misogyny a Hate Crime by Grant Wyeth.

63). Harvesting the Boneflowers by Joe Lunievicz. Illustrated by Tom Dow.

62). Of Sin, the Left, & Islamic Fascism by Christopher Hitchens.

61). Against Rationalization by Christopher Hitchens.

60). What Do Women Really Want by Christopher Hitchens.

59). The Pursuit of Happiness Is at an End by Christopher Hitchens.

58). American Society Can Outlast or Absorb Practically Anything by Christopher Hitchens.

57). R.U.R. [...] by Karel Capek. Translated by Nigel Playfair and Paul Selver.[1]

56). Terror, Iraq, and the Left by Simon Cottee and Thomas Cushman.

55). Try This: A List by Chuck Palahniuk.

54). Try This: Killing an Animal by Chuck Palahniuk.

53). Unacknowledged Legislation: Writers in the Public Sphere by Christopher Hitchens.[1]

52). The Cruiser by Christopher Hitchens.

51). Something for the Boys by Christopher Hitchens.

50). Unmaking Friends by Christopher Hitchens.

49). Running on Empty by Christopher Hitchens.

48). The Long Littleness of Life by Christopher Hitchens.

47). Rebel in Evening Clothes by Christopher Hitchens.

46). The Road to West Egg by Christopher Hitchens.

45). The Case of Arthur Conan Doyle by Christopher Hitchens.

44). O'Brian's Great Voyage by Christopher Hitchens.

43). Ode to the West Wing by Christopher Hitchens.

42). In Defence of Plagiarism by Christopher Hitchens.

41). Hooked on Ebonics by Christopher Hitchens.

40). Bloom's Way by Christopher Hitchens.

39). The Egg-Head's Egger-On by Christopher Hitchens.

38). Something About the Poems by Christopher Hitchens.

37). Powell's Way by Christopher Hitchens.

36). How Unpleasant to Meet Mr Eliot by Christopher Hitchens.

35). The Importance of Being Andy by Christopher Hitchens.

34). The Grimmest Tales by Christopher Hitchens.

33). Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Hitchens.

32). Ecclesiastes[1]

31). The Big Picture by Mark Rosewater.

30). Short Fiction by H. P. Lovecraft.

29). Critic of the Booboisie by Christopher Hitchens.

28). Old Man Kipling by Christopher Hitchens.

27). Not Dead Yet by Christopher Hitchens.

26). A Regular Bull by Christopher Hitchens.

25). Big Game Hunters by Sarah Fenske.

24). Mea Culpa: It's Not You It's Me by Chuck Palahniuk.

23). Stuck in Neutral by Christopher Hitchens.

22). Ireland by Christopher Hitchens.

21). After-time by Christopher Hitchens.

20). Even More Words with R&D by Mark Rosewater.

19). Under the Influence of: Cacophony by Chuck Palahniuk.

18). Cacophnoy Soceity Part 1 by Chuck Palahniuk.

17). The Cosmopolitan Man by Christopher Hitchens.

16). The Real Thing by Christopher Hitchens.

15). Age of Ideology: Murray Kempton on the Thirties by Christopher Hitchens.

14). Oh, Lionel! by Christopher Hitchens.

13). George Orwell and Raymond Williams by Christopher Hitchens.

12). Lord Trouble by Christopher Hitchens.

11). Oscar Wilde's Socialism by Christopher Hitchens.

10). The Wilde Side by Christopher Hitchens.

9). Hostage to History: Cyprus from the Ottomans to Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens.[1]

8). Try This: Reinventing Ritual by Chuck Palahniuk.

7). We Need a Wizard Who Can Appeal to the Moderate Orc Voter by David Howard.

6). "Nothing Against Ms. Johnson, but..." by Patricia Callahan.

5). Since You Asked... by Chuck Palahniuk.

4). Try This: Borrow a Page from Fitzgerald by Chuck Palahniuk.

3). Is Christianity Good for the World? - A Debate by Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson. Foreword by Jonah Goldberg.[1]

2). Hitchens vs. Blair: Be It Resolved Religion Is a Force for Good in the World (The Munk Debate on Religion) by Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair. Edited by Rudyard Griffiths.[1]

1). Tilfinningar eru fyrir aumingja eftir Kamillu Einarsdóttur.[1]

2021 (140/936)

Desember (17/78)

1076). Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders.[1]

1075). How to Have Sex with a Fat Girl by Gina Tonic.

1074). Fatphobia Exists – and It's Especially Bad in the Bedroom by Marie Southard Ospina.

1073). The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders.[1]

1072). Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Translated by George W. Chrystal.[1]

1071). If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg by Winston S. Churchill.

1070). The Art of Being Right: 38 Ways to Win an Argument by Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders.[1]

1069). The Art of the Novel by Milan Kundera. Translated by Linda Asher.[1]

1068). In the Presence of Schopenhauer by Michel Houellebecq. Preface by Agathe Novak-Lechevalier. Translated by Andrew Brown.[1]

1067). H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life by Michel Houellebecq. Introduction by Stephen King. Translated by Dorna Khazeni.[1]

1066). "Lovecraft's Pillow" by Stephen King.

1065). The October Country by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1064). The Wonderful Death of Dudley Stone by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1063). The Watchful Poker Chip of H. Matisse by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1062). The Dwarf by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1061). The Small Assassin by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1060). Jack-in-the-Box by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1059). Dark Carnival by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1058). The Next in Line by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1057). Touched with Fire by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1056). The Cistern by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1055). The Man Upstairs by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1054). The Dead Man by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1053). Is That You, Herb? by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1052). The Wind by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1051). Let's Play 'Poison' by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1050). The Handler by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1049). The Small Assassin by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1048). The Emissary by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1047). The Smiling People by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1046). The Tombstone by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1045). Skeleton by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1044). The Playground by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1043). The Life and Remarkable Adventures of Israel R. Potter by Israel R. Potter. Introduction by Leonard Kriegel.[1]

1042). Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion Was Radical Enough to Redefine Indie Music. Why Didn't It? by Larry Fitzmaurice.

1041). Odds & Ends: Innistrad: Crimson Vow, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

1040). I Spoke with Sex Workers Along Highways. Here's What I Learned. by Arman Khan.

1039). How Tech Has Redefined Sex Work in Some of Asia's Largest Red-Light Districts by Arman Khan.

1038). Driving Yourself Crazy? by Chuck Palahniuk.

1037). The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen.[1] [Pulitzer Prize Winner]

1036). Designing for Alchemy by Dave Humpherys.

1035). Unused Audio Commentary by Howard Zinn & Noam Chomsky, Recorded Summer 2002 for The Fellowship of the Ring (Platinum Series Extended Edition) DVD, Part Two by Jeff Alexander and Tom Bissell.

1034). Unused Audio Commentary by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, Recorded Summer 2002 for The Fellowship of the Ring (Platinum Series Extended Edition) DVD, Part One by Jeff Alexander and Tom Bissell.

1033). Odds & Ends: Innistrad: Crimson Vow, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

1032). Phthor by Piers Anthony.[1]

1031). Chthon by Piers Anthony.[1] [Hugo & Nebula Award nominee]

1030). There Was an Old Woman by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1029). The Scythe by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1028). The Crowd by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1027). The Coffin by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1026). The Lake by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1025). The Traveller by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1024). Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1023). Long Thoughts on Best-Sellers by Worst People by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1022). Their Names in Dust, Their Dates in Grass by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1021). Thoughts on Visiting the Main Rocket Assembly Building at Cape Canaveral for the First Time by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1020). If Man Is Dead, Then God Is Slain by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1019). The Syncopated Hunchbacked Man by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1018). A Poem with a Note: All England Empty, the People Flown by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1017). That Son of Richard III by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1016). Lo, the Ghost of Our Least Favorite Uncle (not exactly a funeral oration) by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1015). Out of Dickinson by Poe, or The Only Begotten Son of Emily and Edgar by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1014). Death for Dinner, Doom for Lunch by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1013). Telephone Friends, in Far Places by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1012). If You Get Sick, or Get Bored, or It Is Raining by Chuck Palahniuk.

1011). Try This: On Naming Names or Renaming Them or Not Naming Them by Chuck Palahniuk.

1010). The Nefertiti-Tut Express (Poem written on learning that trans-Egyptian railroad firemen sometimes used mummies for locomotive cordwood) by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1009). Somewhere a Band is Playing by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1008). Why Didn't Someone Tell Me About Crying in the Shower? by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1007). The Beast Atop the Building, the Tiger on the Stairs (remembrance of two loves that never were but are) by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1006). Uncle Einar by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1005). Homecoming by Ray Bradbury.[1]

1004). Notorious RGB: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik.[1]

1003). Awake by Tobias Wolff.

1002). Bible by Tobias Wolff.

1001). Smokers by Tobias Wolff.

1000). The Young Galileo Speaks by Ray Bradbury.[1]

999). J.C.—Summer '28 by Ray Bradbury.[1]

998). Remembrance II by Ray Bradbury.[1]

997). Death as a Conversation Piece by Ray Bradbury.[1]

996). My Love, She Weeps at Many Things by Ray Bradbury.[1]

995). I Die, So Dies the World by Ray Bradbury.[1]

994). We Have Our Arts So We Won't Die of Truth by Ray Bradbury.[1]

993). Why Viking Lander, Why the Planet Mars? by Ray Bradbury.[1]

992). I Have a Brother, Mostly Dead by Ray Bradbury.[1]

991). The Night by Ray Bradbury.[1]

990). Boy Pope Behold! Dog Bishop See! by Ray Bradbury.[1]

989). Íslensk spendýraheiti: Saga þeirra og uppruni eftir Guðrúnu Bjarkadóttur.

988). Ghost at the Window, Hive on the Hearth by Ray Bradbury.[1]

987). We March Back to Olympus by Ray Bradbury.[1]

986). I Am the Residue of All My Daughters' Lives by Ray Bradbury.[1]

985). What I Do Is Me-For That I Came for Gerard Manley Hopkins by Ray Bradbury.[1]

984). Byzantium I Come Not From by Ray Bradbury.[1]

983). To Unfinity and Beyond by Mark Rosewater.

982). Prologue by Ray Bradbury.[1]

Nóvember (18/146)

981). Rock Me Amadeus ...or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Handel by Seb Hunter.[1]

980). The Liar by Tobias Wolff.

979). Deep Kiss by Tobias Wolff.

978). The Golden Apples of the Sun by Ray Bradbury.[1]

977). The Golden Apples of the Sun by Ray Bradbury.[1]

976). Hail and Farewell by Ray Bradbury.[1]

975). The Great Fire by Ray Bradbury.[1]

974). The Meadow by Ray Bradbury.[1]

973). Sun and Shadow by Ray Bradbury.[1]

972). En la Noche by Ray Bradbury.[1]

971). Powerhouse by Ray Bradbury.[1]

970). Cora and the Great Wide World by Ray Bradbury.[1]

969). A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury.[1]

968). The Big Black and White Game by Ray Bradbury.[1]

967). Embroidery by Ray Bradbury.[1]

966). I See You Never by Ray Bradbury.[1]

965). The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind by Ray Bradbury.[1]

964). The Murderer by Ray Bradbury.[1]

963). The Flying Machine by Ray Bradbury.[1]

962). Invisible Boy by Ray Bradbury.[1]

961). The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl by Ray Bradbury.[1]

960). Ray Bradbury Collected Short Stories by Ray Bradbury.[1]

959). The April Witch by Ray Bradbury.[1]

958). The Rich Brother by Tobias Wolff.

957). The Fog Horn by Ray Bradbury.[1]

956). A Pleasure to Burn: Fahrenheit 451 Stories by Ray Bradbury.[1]

955). The Fox and the Forest by Ray Bradbury.[1][2]

954). Sometime Before Dawn by Ray Bradbury.[1]

953). The Dragon Who Ate His Tail by Ray Bradbury.[1]

952). The Fireman by Ray Bradbury.[1]

951). Long After Midnight by Ray Bradbury.[1]

950). That Room by Tobias Wolff.

949). Say Yes by Tobias Wolff.[1]

948). David Shrigley: 'I see genius where other people see rubbish' by Tim Jonze.

947). Powder by Tobias Wolff.

946). All Ahead of Them by Tobias Wolff.

945). Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff.

944). Gift Suggestion: Wickedness by Chuck Palahniuk.

943). The Smile by Ray Bradbury.[1]

942). The Garbage Collector by Ray Bradbury.[1]

941). The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury.[1][2]

940). The Cricket on the Hearth by Ray Bradbury.[1]

939). Bonfire by Ray Bradbury.[1]

938). The Here and Vow, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

937). Bright Phoenix by Ray Bradbury.[1]

936). The Library by Ray Bradbury.[1]

935). The Reincarnate by Ray Bradbury.[1]

934). The Lost Bradbury: Forgotten Tales of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury.[1]

933). The One Who Waits by Ray Bradbury.[1]

932). I, Mars by Ray Bradbury.[1]

931). Holiday by Ray Bradbury.[1]

930). Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Ray Bradbury.[1]

929). The Ducker by Ray Bradbury.[1]

928). The Candle by Ray Bradbury.[1]

927). Luana the Living by Ray Bradbury.[1]

926). Nine Rarities by Ray Bradbury.[1]

925). Final Victim by Ray Bradbury.[1]

924). Undersea Guardians by Ray Bradbury.[1]

923). I, Rocket by Ray Bradbury.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

922). A Postcard from Tour: Seattle by Chuck Palahniuk.

921). Siðferði og stjórnmál ritstýrt af Jóni Á. Kalmanssyni. Inngangur eftir Pál Skúlason.

920). Siðvæðing stjórnmála eftir Vilhjálm Árnason.

919). Stjórnmál, lög og siðferði eftir Sigurð Líndal.

918). Um siðferði í stjórnmálum eftir Árna Sigfússon.

917). Hvaða siðareglur telur þú mikilvægast að stjórnmálamaður haldi í heiðri? eftir Ingibjörgu Sólrúnu Gísladóttur.

916). Tæknileg tök á siðferðilegu viðfangsefni. Draumsýn og veruleiki eftir Sigríði Lillý Baldursdóttur.

915). Stjórnmál, frjálslyndi og siðprýði eftir Gunnar Helga Kristinsson.

914). Samdráttur og siðbót eftir Halldór Reynisson.

913). Juggernaut by Ray Bradbury.[1]

912). The Magic White Suit by Ray Bradbury.[1]

911). Short Fiction by Ray Bradbury.

910). A Little Journey [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

909). Pillar of Fire [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

908). Of Course Kyle Rittenhouse Was Acquitted by Adam Serwer.

907). Eurovision!: A History of Modern Europe Through the World's Greatest Song Contest by Chris West.[1]

906). Asleep in Armageddon [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

905). Jonah of the Jove-Run [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

904). Rocket Summer [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

903). Frost and Fire [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

902). Hollerbochen's Dilemma by Ray Bradbury.[1] [Retro Hugo Award nominee]

901). The Here and Vow, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

900). Lorelei of the Red Mist by Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury.[1]

899). Defense Mech [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

898). Try This: Apostolic Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk.

897). Try This: Making a Hole by Chuck Palahniuk.

896). The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century by Amia Srinivasan.[1]

895). Óorð eftir Jón Gnarr.[1]

894). Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment by Cass Sunstein, Daniel Kahnemann, and Olivier Sibony.[1]

893). Lazarus Come Forth [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

892). Floor Games by H. G. Wells.[1]

891). The Limits of Individual Plasticity by H. G. Wells.[1]

890). Zoological Retrogression by H. G. Wells.

889). Morgue Ship [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

888). The Monster Maker [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

887). Try This: Why the Misspelings? by Chuck Palahniuk.

886). Futuria Fantasia Vol.1 No.4 edited by Ray Bradbury. Illustrated by Hannes Bok.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

885). Ninevah by Joseph E. Kelleam.

884). Bokaricature by Hannes Bok.[1]

883). I've Never Seen by Hannes Bok.

882). The Itching Hour by Damon Knight.

881). The Piper [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

880). Would You? by J. H. Haggard.

879). Thots on the Worldstate by Henry Kuttner.

878). The Phantoms by Joseph E. Kelleam.

877). Heil! [...] by Robert A. Heinlein.

876). Gorgono and Slith by Ray Bradbury.[1]

875). Futuria Fantasia Vol.1 No.3 edited by Ray Bradbury. Illustrated by Hannes Bok.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

874). The Symphonic Abduction by Hannes Bok.

873). The Best Way to Get Around by Ross Rocklynne.

872). Hades by Hannes Bok.

871). Marmok by Emil Petaja.

870). Asphodel by E. T. Pine.

869). The Intruder by Emil Petaja.

868). The Fight of the Good Ship Clarissa [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

867). Aw G'wan! by Henry Hasse.

866). The Voice of Scariliop by Forrest J Ackerman.

865). Futuria Fantasia Vol.1 No.2 edited by Ray Bradbury. Illustrated by Hannes Bok.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

864). Return from Death by Hannes Bok.

863). Is It True What They Say About Kuttner? or The Man with the Weird Tale by Hannes Bok.

862). The Pendulum [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

861). God Busters by Forrest J Ackerman.

860). The Truth About Goldfish by Henry Kuttner.

859). Lost Soul by Henry Hasse.

858). Satan's Mistress by Ray Bradbury.[1]

857). I'm Through! by Henry Hasse.

856). The Galapurred Forsendyke: A Tale of the Indies by Forrest J Ackerman.

855). Futuria Fantasia Vol.1 No.1 edited by Ray Bradbury. Illustrated by Hannes Bok.[1] [Retro Hugo Award winner]

854). Thought and Space by Ray Bradbury.[1]

853). The Record by Forrest J Ackerman.

852). The Revolt of the Scientists by T. Bruce Yerke.

851). Don't Get Technatal [...] by Ray Bradbury.[1]

850). From Vow On, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

849). Try This: Half a Loaf by Chuck Palahniuk.

848). The Historians Are Fighting by William Hogeland.

847). Come into My Cellar by Ray Bradbury.[1]

846). The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and Other Essays by Richard Hofstadter. Foreword by Sean Wilentz.[1]

845). Free Silver and the Mind of "Coin" Harvey by Richard Hofstadter.

844). Here There Be Tygers by Ray Bradbury.[1]

843). 'I'm Overdue for a Discussion About My Role in Inspiring 'Edgelord' Shit': A Conversation with Steve Albini by Zaron Burnett III.

842). The Machines, Beyond Shylock by Ray Bradbury.[1]

841). What Happened to the Antitrust Movement? by Richard Hofstadter.

840). A Postcard from Tour: St. Louis by Chuck Palahniuk.

839). Why is the idea of 'gender' provoking backlash the world over? by Judith Butler.

838). Næturluktin eftir Gyrði Elíasson.[1]

837). Monkey Portraits by Jill Greenberg. Foreword by Paul Weitz.[1]

836). Cuba, the Philippines, and Manifest Destiny by Richard Hofstadter.

835). The Culture of Alcoholics Anonymous Perpetuates Sexual Abuse by Elizabeth Brown.

834). Fagradalsfjall: Í návígi við eldgos eftir Daníel Pál Jónasson.

833). Goldwater and Pseudo-Conservative Politics by Richard Hofstadter.

832). Saved by The Idea by Chuck Palahniuk.

831). Pseudo-Conservatism Revisited by Richard Hofstadter.

830). The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt by Richard Hofstadter.

829). From Vow On, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

828). The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Richard Hofstadter.[1]

827). Myndir frá pressuballi 1972 eftir Vilborgu Dagbjartsdóttur.

826). The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.[1]

825). Bibliographical Afterword [on Makhno] by Alexandre Skirda. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

824). On the History of the Spanish Revolution 1931 - and the Part played by the Left and Right-Wing Socialists and the Anarchists by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

823). Open Letter to the Spanish Anarchists by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

822). On Revolutionary Discipline by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

821). Our Organisation by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

820). Anarchism and Our Times by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

819). The First of May: Symbol of a New Era in the Life and Struggle of the Toilers by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

818). The Struggle Against the State by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

Október (11/69)

817). The Coming of Bill by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

816). "Soviet" Power - Its Present and Its Future by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

815). The Paths of "Proletarian" Power by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

814). The Idea of Equality and The Bolsheviks by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

813). In Memory of the Kronstadt Revolt by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

812). The Makhnovshchina and Anti-Semitism by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

811). To the Jews of All Countries by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

810). A Few Words on the National Question of the Ukraine by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

809). On defense of the revolution by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

808). Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion.

807). Under the Influence of: Romantic Fatalism by Chuck Palahniuk.

806). On the 10th Anniversary of the Makhnovist Insurgent Movement in the Ukraine by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

805). A Damsel in Distress [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

804). Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw.

803). The Intersectional Presidency by Tressie McMillan Cottom.

802). What Is Intersectionality?

801). "We're all just different!" How Intersectionality is Being Colonized by White People by Jamie Utt.

800). How Stigmatizing Male Emotional Vulnerability Has Created a Crisis for Us All by Kali Holloway.

799). David Lynch's chillingly prescient vision of modern America by Billy J. Stratton.

798). Because America: 5 Must Have Facts on Sexism and Patriarchy 101 by Philippe Leonard Fradet.

797). Beyond the 'Nice Guy': Creating a New Masculinity in the 21st Century by Philippe Leonard Fradet.

796). Toxic masculinity is everywhere. It's up to us men to fix this by Jordan Stephens.

795). 7 Reasons Why Patriarchy Is Bad (And Feminism Is Good) for Men by Philippe Leonard Fradet.

794). Understanding Patriarchy by bell hooks.

793). My white friend asked me to explain white privilege, so I decided to be honest by Lori Lakin Hutcherson.

792). Yes, You Can Measure White Privilege by Michael Harriot.

791). How Trivial - Vampires by Mark Rosewater.

790). Why do so many white people deny the existence of white privilege? by Brando Simeo Starkey.

789). The Real Problem with Charles Murray and "The Bell Curve" by Eric Siegel.

788). 10 Examples that Prove White Privilege Protects White People in Every Aspect Imaginable by Jon Greenberg.

787). Why the Academic Achievement Gap is a Racist Idea by Ibrahim X. Kendi.

786). Try This: Guns vs. Clocks by Chuck Palahniuk.

785). The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen.[1]

784). Ephemera: My Famous Babysitter by Chuck Palahniuk.

783). Plotting: Morph Your Objects by Chuck Palahniuk.

782). Great October in the Ukraine by Nestor Makhno. Translated by Paul Sharkey.

781). Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

780). Building the Monkey House: At Kurt Vonnegut's Writing Table by Gregory D. Sumner.

779). Ask Chuck: Unhelpful Feedback by Chuck Palahniuk.

778). Adam by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

777). EPICAC by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

776). The Kid Nobody Could Handle by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

775). The Lie by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

774). Go Back to Your Precious Wife and Son by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

773). The Hyannis Port Story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

772). Next Door by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

771). New Dictionary by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

770). Miss Temptation by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

769). Long Walk to Forever by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

768). Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

767). Who Am I This Time? by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

766). Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

765). Where I Live by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

764). Look at the Harlequins! by Vladimir Nabokov.[1]

763). Why does Jordan Peterson resonate with white supremacists? by Benjamin Doxtdator.

762). Under the Influence of: A New Box of Cripples by Chuck Palahniuk.

761). God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or Pearls Before Swine by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

760). Transparent Things by Vladimir Nabokov.[1]

759). A Reader's Manifesto by B. R. Myers.[1]

758). Business Sense: The Secret by Chuck Palahniuk.

757). Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1] [Hugo Award nominee]

756). Live Life to the Fullest! by Chuck Palahniuk.

755). Let's Talk Color Pie by Mark Rosewater.

754). A Postcard from Tour: Brighton by Chuck Palahniuk.

753). Plotting: The Thumbnail by Chuck Palahniuk.

752). Backstory: (How to) Say My Name by Chuck Palahniuk.

751). Riders of the Purple Wage or the Great Gavage by Philip José Farmer.[1] [Hugo Award Winner; Nebula Award nominee]

750). Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov.[1]

749). Why I'm a Cuckoldress - Crystal Welch 21st Century Love by Crystal Welch.

748). Re-Thinking Monogamy and Our Unlimited Capacity to Love by Crystal Welch.

747). Yes, You Should Shoot Your Shot by Megan Boley.

746). When Women Say "No, Thank You" to Our Offer of a Date by Mark Greene.

745). Homework: Cabaret Bingo by Chuck Palahniuk.

744). Odds & Ends: Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

743). Homework: You Ready to Win Sh-t!?? by Chuck Palahniuk.

742). A Postcard from Tour: Prague by Chuck Palahniuk.

741). Backstory: On "Prayer" by Chuck Palahniuk.

740). Prayer by Chuck Palahniuk.

739). The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu by Sax Rohmer.[1]

738). Try This: Reading for the Radio by Chuck Palahniuk.

September (11/107)

737). Try This: From Whence Great Ideas Come by Chuck Palahniuk.

736). Ephemera: Tom on Dangerous Writing by Chuck Palahniuk.

735). Under the Influence of: EC Comics by Chuck Palahniuk.

734). Fáninn / The Flag eftir Hörð Lárusson ásamt Guðmund Odd Magnússon og Hauk Harðarson. Þýtt af Ian Watson.

733). Like a Velvet Glove in Cast Iron by Daniel Clowes.[1]

732). Caricature: Nine Stories by Daniel Clowes.[1]

731). Black Nylon by Daniel Clowes.

730). Gynecology by Daniel Clowes.

729). The Primitives by Frank Herbert.

728). Odds & Ends: Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

727). Green Eyeliner by Daniel Clowes.

726). Immortal, Invisible by Daniel Clowes.

725). Like a Weed, Joe by Daniel Clowes.

724). MCMLXVI by Daniel Clowes.

723). Matchless: A Christmas Story by Gregory Maguire.[1]

722). Middle-Earth According to Mordor by Laura Miller.

721). The Goldmommy by Daniel Clowes.

720). Blue Italian Shit by Daniel Clowes.

719). Caricature by Daniel Clowes.

718). Plotting: The Little Machine by Chuck Palahniuk.

717). Greener Pastures: An Introduction by Chuck Palahniuk.

716). Distinctions: Body of Knowledge by Chuck Palahniuk.

715). Dyrnar eftir Magda Szabó. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Hannesdóttur.[1]

714). Spring-Heeled Jack = The Terror of London by Charlton Lea.[1][2]

713). Head's Up: Pixie Packages by Chuck Palahniuk.

712). Writing a Serial = Deja Vu by Chuck Palahniuk.

711). The Eclogues by Virgil.[1]

710). Eclogue X by Virgil.[1]

709). Eclogue IX by Virgil.

708). Eclogue VIII by Virgil.[1]

707). Eclogue VII by Virgil.

706). Eclogue VI by Virgil.

705). Eclogue V by Virgil.[1]

704). Eclogue IV by Virgil.[1]

703). Eclogue III by Virgil.[1]

702). Eclogue II by Virgil.[1]

701). Ephemera: What Catches You Off Guard by Chuck Palahniuk.

700). Eclogue I by Virgil.[1]

699). Riders of the Purple Sage [...] by Zane Grey.[1]

698). My Vision: Study Hall by Chuck Palahniuk.

697). An Accidental Collection by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

696). Calculus Made Easy [...] by Silvanus P. Thompson.[1]

695). Business Sense: Free Diamonds by Chuck Palahniuk.

694). Here We Go Again by Chuck Palahniuk.

693). Burning the Midnight Oil, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

692). Forréttindin að tilheyra fótboltaklefanum eftir Þorstein V. Einarsson.

691). Burning the Midnight Oil, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

690). The String of Pearls: A Domestic Romance by James Malcolm Rymer and Thomas Peckett Prest.[1]

689). Happy Hunt-ing, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

688). Autocracy and War by Joseph Conrad.

687). Heretics by G. K. Chesterton.[1]

686). Happy Hunt-ing, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

685). A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Maria L. Kirk.[1]

684). To Any Reader by Robert Louis Stevenson.

683). To My Name-Child by Robert Louis Stevenson.

682). To Minnie by Robert Louis Stevenson.

681). To Auntie by Robert Louis Stevenson.

680). To My Mother by Robert Louis Stevenson.

679). To Willie and Henrietta by Robert Louis Stevenson.

678). Historical Associations by Robert Louis Stevenson.

677). The Gardener by Robert Louis Stevenson.

676). Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson.

675). The Dumb Soldier by Robert Louis Stevenson.

674). Summer Sun by Robert Louis Stevenson.

673). The Flowers by Robert Louis Stevenson.

672). Nest Eggs by Robert Louis Stevenson.

671). Night and Day by Robert Louis Stevenson.

670). The Little Land by Robert Louis Stevenson.

669). Armies in the Fire by Robert Louis Stevenson.

668). The Land of Story Books by Robert Louis Stevenson.

667). Block City by Robert Louis Stevenson.

666). My Treasures by Robert Louis Stevenson.

665). Picture-books in Winter by Robert Louis Stevenson.

664). My Kingdom by Robert Louis Stevenson.

663). My Ship and I by Robert Louis Stevenson.

662). The Unseen Playmate by Robert Louis Stevenson.

661). North-west Passage by Robert Louis Stevenson.

660). Farewell to the Farm by Robert Louis Stevenson.

659). The Hayloft by Robert Louis Stevenson.

658). Winter-time by Robert Louis Stevenson.

657). From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson.[1]

656). Fairy Bread by Robert Louis Stevenson.

655). Looking-glass River by Robert Louis Stevenson.

654). Time to Rise by Robert Louis Stevenson.

653). The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson.

652). The Moon by Robert Louis Stevenson.

651). My Bed Is a Boat by Robert Louis Stevenson.

650). The Lamplighter by Robert Louis Stevenson.[1]

649). The Sun's Travels by Robert Louis Stevenson.

648). Foreign Children by Robert Louis Stevenson.

647). Good and Bad Children by Robert Louis Stevenson.

646). Keepsake Mill by Robert Louis Stevenson.

645). The Wind by Robert Louis Stevenson.

644). Happy Thought by Robert Louis Stevenson.

643). The Cow by Robert Louis Stevenson.

642). Marching Song by Robert Louis Stevenson.

641). Escape at Bedtime by Robert Louis Stevenson.

640). A Good Boy by Robert Louis Stevenson.

639). System by Robert Louis Stevenson.

638). My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson.[1]

637). The Land of Nod by Robert Louis Stevenson.

636). The Land of Counterpane by Robert Louis Stevenson.

635). Auntie's Skirts by Robert Louis Stevenson.

634). Where Go the Boats? by Robert Louis Stevenson.

633). A Good Play by Robert Louis Stevenson.

632). Looking Forward by Robert Louis Stevenson.

631). Singing by Robert Louis Stevenson.

630). Travel by Robert Louis Stevenson.

629). Windy Nights by Robert Louis Stevenson.

628). Foreign Lands by Robert Louis Stevenson.

627). Pirate Story by Robert Louis Stevenson.

626). Rain by Robert Louis Stevenson.

625). Whole Duty of Children by Robert Louis Stevenson.

624). Young Night Thought by Robert Louis Stevenson.

623). At the Seaside by Robert Louis Stevenson.

622). A Thought by Robert Louis Stevenson.

621). Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson.

620). To Alison Cunningham from Her Boy by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Ágúst (13/64)

619). The Two Reasons Parents Regret Having Kids by Gail Cornwall.

618). Winter Tale by Catherine Brennan. Illustrated by Larry Smith.

617). Lifegiver by Darren C. Cummings. Illustrated by Charlie Parker.

616). Múmínálfarnir: 3. bindi eftir Tove Jansson.

615). Seint í nóvember eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Þórdísi Gísladóttur.[1]

614). Hundagerðið eftir Sofi Oksanen. Þýtt af Erlu E. Völudóttur.[1]

613). Framboð eftir Henry Alexander Henrysson.

612). The Science of Making Americans Hurt Their Own Country by Anne Applebaum.

611). The Siege of Bahorel's Bed by Daniel Hood. Illustrated by Dan Burr.

610). What Power Holds by Richard Parks. Illustrated by Larry Smith.

609). I Am Prepared to Die by Nelson Mandela.[1]

608). Time in a Bottle by P. Andrew Miller. Illustrated by David O. Miller.

607). The Lady of Roth Shan by Jo Shannon Cochran. Illustrated by Bob Lessl.

606). The Angry Internet by Christian Mogensen and Stine Helding Rand.

605). Innistrad Design Handoff Document by Mark Rosewater.

604). Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths.[1]

603). Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu.[1]

602). The Book of Wonder by Lord Dunsany.[1]

601). The Wonderful Window by Lord Dunsany.

600). Chu-Bu and Sheemish by Lord Dunsany.[1]

599). The Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap by Lord Dunsany.

598). How One Came, as Was Foretold, to the City of Never by Lord Dunsany.

597). How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art upon the Gnoles by Lord Dunsany.

596). The Hoard of the Gibbelins by Lord Dunsany.[1]

595). The Quest of the Queen's Tears by Lord Dunsany.

594). The War Nerd: Was There a Plan in Afghanistan? by Gary Brecher.

593). Miss Cubbidge and the Dragon of Romance by Lord Dunsany.

592). The Loot of Bombasharna by Lord Dunsany.

591). The Injudicious Prayers of Pombo the Idolator by Lord Dunsany.

590). The Probable Adventure of the Three Literary Men by Lord Dunsany.

589). The House of the Sphinx by Lord Dunsany.

588). The Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller, and of the Doom that Befell Him by Lord Dunsany.

587). The Bride of the Man-Horse by Lord Dunsany.

586). State of Design 2021 by Mark Rosewater.

585). The Original of Laura by Vladimir Nabokov. Edited by Dmitri Nabokov.[1]

584). Distrust That Particular Flavor by William Gibson.[1]

583). Googling the Cyborg by William Gibson.

582). Johnny: Notes on a Process by William Gibson.

581). William Gibson's Filmless Festival by William Gibson.

580). Will We Have Computer Chips in Our Heads? by William Gibson.

579). Time Machine Cuba by William Gibson.

578). The Net Is a Waste of Time by William Gibson.

577). Introduction: "The Body" - Foreword to Stelarc: The Monograph by Marquard Smith by William Gibson.

576). Terminal City - Introduction to Phantom Shanghai by Greg Girard by William Gibson.

575). Skip Spence's Jeans by William Gibson.

574). The Road to Oceania by William Gibson.

573). My Own Private Tokyo by William Gibson.

572). My Obsession by William Gibson.

571). Modern Boys and Mobile Girls by William Gibson.

570). Metrophagy: The Art and Science of Digesting Great Cities - Review of London: The Biography by William Gibson.

569). An Invitation - Preface to Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings by Jorge Luis Borges by William Gibson.

568). Shiny Balls of Mud: Hikaru Dorodango and Tokyu Hands by William Gibson.

567). Mr. Buk's Window by William Gibson.

566). Þegar Ída litla ætlaði að gera skammarstrik eftir Astrid Lindgren. Þýtt af Vilborgu Dagbjartsdóttur.

565). Up the Line: A Talk for the Directors Guild of America by William Gibson.

564). Dead Man Sings by William Gibson.

563). Talk for Book Expo, New York by William Gibson.

562). The Baddest Dude on Earth by William Gibson.

561). Any 'Mount of World by William Gibson.

560). Since 1948 by William Gibson.

559). Rocket Radio by William Gibson.

558). Introduction: African Thumb Piano by William Gibson.

557). Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov.[1]

556). Odds & Ends: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

555). Of course Prince Andrew isn't sweating over this lawsuit – he can't by Marina Hyde.

554). Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez.[1]

553). Elegies by Sulpicia. Translated by Jon Corelis.

552). Bróðir minn Ljónsharta eftir Astrid Lindgren. Myndskreytt af Ilon Wikland. Þýtt af Þorleifi Haukssyni.[1]

551). Dæs eftir Lóu Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttur.[1]

550). Odds & Ends: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

549). Dungeons Tales, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

548). Dungeons Tales, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

547). D&D-esign, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

546). D&D-esign, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

545). Commander, Party of Four? by Glenn Jones.

544). Does anyone have the right to sex? by Amia Srinivasan.

543). Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe.[1]

Júlí (11/5)

542). Farandskuggar eftir Úlfar Þormóðsson.[1]

541). The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by José Saramago. Translated by Giovanni Pontiero.[1]

540). The Times I Knew I Was Gay by Eleanor Crewes.[1]

539). A Farewell to Hemnes: Ernest Hemingway Assembles an IKEA Daybed Frame with Three Drawers by Jeff Steinbrink.

538). In a Free State by V. S. Naipaul.[1] [Booker Prize Winner]

537). Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw.[1]

536). The True Deceiver by Tove Jansson. Introduction by Ali Smith. Translated by Thomas Teal.[1]

535). Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee.[1]

534). Very Far Away from Anywhere Else by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

533). Missing Person by Patrick Modiano. Translated by Daniel Weissbort.[1]

532). King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard.[1]

531). We can't keep politics out of sport, but please keep politicians out of football by Marina Hyde.

530). Til stuðnings gerendum eftir Ingibjörgu Dögg Kjartansdóttur.

529). ... uns sekt er sönnuð eftir Margréti Tryggvadóttur.

528). The Wind Through the Keyhole: A Dark Tower Novel by Stephen King.[1]

527). Only the Incompetent Need Apply by Paul Krugman.

Júní (8/93)

526). Ég verð: Minningar úr Trostansfirði eftir Einar Svein Árnason.

525). 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson. Foreword by Norman Doidge.[1]

524). Odds & Ends: Modern Horizons 2, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

523). Defiance by Lisa Smedman. Illustrated by Peter Clarke.

522). Cap Renvoort's Luck by Daniel Hood. Illustrated by Martin Cannon.

521). Odds & Ends: Modern Horizons 2, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

520). Haruki Murakami: The Art of Fiction, No. 182 by John Wray.

519). It was no cup of tea inside the Whitehall police kettle by Laurie Penny.

518). Children of the Nameless by Brandon Sanderson.[1]

517). Canary in a Cat House by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

516). Unready to Wear by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

515). Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

514). Hal Irwin's Magic Lamp by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

513). A Brush with Life by Tim Emswiler. Illustrated by James Crabtree.

512). Deer in the Works by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

511). The Foster Portfolio by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

510). More Stately Mansions by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

509). The Euphio Question by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

508). Spencer's Peace by Kurt Giambastiani. Illustrated by Martin Cannon.

507). The Manned Missiles by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

506). On the Horizons, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

505). D.P. by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..

504). Are Women People? A Book of Rhymes for Suffrage Times by Alice Duer Miller.[1]

503). The Unconscious Suffragists by Alice Duer Miller.

502). A Masque of Teachers: The Ideal Candidates by Alice Duer Miller.

501). Thoughts at an Anti Meeting by Alice Duer Miller.

500). The Ballad of Lost Causes by Alice Duer Miller.

499). A Lady's Choice by Alice Duer Miller.

498). Militants by Alice Duer Miller.

497). Playthings by Alice Duer Miller.

496). Dependence by Alice Duer Miller.

495). Glory by Alice Duer Miller.

494). From a Man's Point of View by Alice Duer Miller.

493). Male Philosophy by Alice Duer Miller.

492). Beware! by Alice Duer Miller.

491). Women by Alice Duer Miller.

490). Chivalry by Alice Duer Miller.

489). What Every Woman Must Not Say by Alice Duer Miller.

488). Candor by Alice Duer Miller.

487). The Universal Answer by Alice Duer Miller.

486). Intercepted by Alice Duer Miller.

485). Evolution by Alice Duer Miller.

484). The Warning by Alice Duer Miller.

483). Feminism by Alice Duer Miller.

482). Democracy by Alice Duer Miller.

481). If They Meant All They Said by Alice Duer Miller.

480). Mutual Vows by Alice Duer Miller.

479). Advice to Heroines by Alice Duer Miller.

478). A Sex Difference by Alice Duer Miller.

477). Many Men to Any Woman by Alice Duer Miller.

476). To the Great Dining Out Majority by Alice Duer Miller.

475). The New Freedom by Alice Duer Miller.

474). Another of Those Curious Coincidences by Alice Duer Miller.

473). Interviews with Celebrated Anti-Suffragists by Alice Duer Miller.

472). Do You Know by Alice Duer Miller.

471). Sometimes We're Ivy, and Sometimes We're Oak by Alice Duer Miller.

470). Consistency by Alice Duer Miller.

469). The Logic of the Law by Alice Duer Miller.

468). Why We Oppose Votes for Men by Alice Duer Miller.

467). But Then Who Cares for Figures by Alice Duer Miller.

466). Why We Oppose Schools for Children (By the Children's Anti-School League.) by Alice Duer Miller.

465). Why We Oppose Women Travelling in Railway Trains by Alice Duer Miller.

464). Fashion Notes: Past and Present by Alice Duer Miller.

463). Our Own Twelve Anti-suffragist Reasons by Alice Duer Miller.

462). To The Times Editorials by Alice Duer Miller.

461). "Oh, That 'Twere Possible!" by Alice Duer Miller.

460). What Governments Say to Women by Alice Duer Miller.

459). Partners by Alice Duer Miller.

458). Warning to Suffragists by Alice Duer Miller.

457). The Protected Sex by Alice Duer Miller.

456). The Newer Lullaby by Alice Duer Miller.

455). A Modern Proposal by Alice Duer Miller.

454). The Woman of Charm by Alice Duer Miller.

453). A Suggested Campaign Song by Alice Duer Miller.

452). Such Nonsense by Alice Duer Miller.

451). The Maiden's Vow by Alice Duer Miller.

450). Home and Where It Is by Alice Duer Miller.

449). To President Wilson by Alice Duer Miller.

448). Sonnet by Alice Duer Miller.

447). Representation by Alice Duer Miller.

446). The Gallant Sex by Alice Duer Miller.

445). The Revolt of Mother by Alice Duer Miller.

444). On Not Believing All You Hear by Alice Duer Miller.

443). Lines to Mr. Bowdle of Ohio by Alice Duer Miller.

442). Our Idea of Nothing at All by Alice Duer Miller.

441). A Consistent Anti to Her Son by Alice Duer Miller.

440). Why We Oppose Pockets for Women [...] by Alice Duer Miller.

439). All The King's Horses by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

438). Thieves' Justice by David J. Schwartz. Illustrated by Jeff Menges.

437). The Left's Contempt for Jordan Peterson Is Perfectly Rational by Eric Levitz.

436). Report on the Barnhouse Effect by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr..[1]

435). Minningabrot frá Afríku: Úr kennslustarfi í Namibíu 1992-2001 eftir Stefán S. Kristmannsson.

434). Setrið eftir Carlo Maria Martini.

433). Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. Translated by Neil Smith.[1]

432). What Mia Farrow Knew by Caitlin Flanagan.

431). On the Horizons, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

430). Af hverju einkavæddi Lóraxinn ekki trufflutrén? eftir Eirík Ragnarsson.

429). From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds by Daniel C. Dennett.[1]

428). The River Children by Peni R. Griffin. Illustrated by Bob Lessl.

427). A Cult of Ignorance by Isaac Asimov.

426). A Modern Approach, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

Maí (11/77)

425). Languages of Truth: Essays 2003-2020 by Salman Rushdie.[1]

424). The Proust Questionnaire: Vanity Fair by Salman Rushdie.

423). Pandemic: A Personal Engagement with the Coronavirus by Salman Rushdie.

422). Carrie Fisher by Salman Rushdie.

421). The Unbeliever's Christmas by Salman Rushdie.

420). Sebastião Salgado by Salman Rushdie.

419). Kara Walker at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 2009 by Salman Rushdie.

418). Taryn Simon: An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar by Salman Rushdie.

417). Being Francesco Clemente: Self-Portraits by Salman Rushdie.

416). Bhupen Khakhar (1934–2003) by Salman Rushdie.

415). Amrita Sher-Gil: Letters by Salman Rushdie.

414). The Composite Artist: The Emperor Akbar and the Making of the Hamzanama by Salman Rushdie.

413). Emory University Commencement Address, 2015 by Salman Rushdie.

412). Nova Southeastern University Commencement Address, 2006 by Salman Rushdie.

411). The Half-Woman God by Salman Rushdie.

410). Ai Weiwei and Others: The 2011 Crackdown in China by Salman Rushdie.

409). Osama Bin Laden by Salman Rushdie.

408). The Liberty Instinct by Salman Rushdie.

407). Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011) by Salman Rushdie.

406). Texts for PEN by Salman Rushdie.

405). PEN World Voices Opening Night 2017 by Salman Rushdie.

404). PEN World Voices Opening Night 2014 by Salman Rushdie.

403). The Arthur Miller Lecture, 2012 by Salman Rushdie.

402). The Birth of PEN World Voices by Salman Rushdie.

401). The Pen and the Sword by Salman Rushdie.

400). Courage by Salman Rushdie.

399). Truth by Salman Rushdie.

398). Very Well Then I Contradict Myself by Salman Rushdie.

397). King of the World by David Remnick by Salman Rushdie.

396). Hans Christian Andersen by Salman Rushdie.

395). Notes on Sloth: From Saligia to Oblomov by Salman Rushdie.

394). Adaptation by Salman Rushdie.

393). Autobiography and the Novel by Salman Rushdie.

392). Introduction to The Paris Review Interviews, Vol. IV by Salman Rushdie.

391). Harold Pinter (1930–2008) by Salman Rushdie.

390). Gabo and I by Salman Rushdie.

389). Cervantes and Shakespeare by Salman Rushdie.

388). Samuel Beckett's Novels by Salman Rushdie.

387). Kurt Vonnegut and Slaughterhouse-Five by Salman Rushdie.

386). A Modern Approach, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

385). Philip Roth by Salman Rushdie.

384). Another Writer's Beginnings by Salman Rushdie.

383). Heraclitus by Salman Rushdie.

382). Opið bréf til góðu strákanna eftir Þórdísi Elvu Þorvaldsdóttur.

381). Proteus by Salman Rushdie.

380). Wonder Tales by Salman Rushdie.

379). Whedon, Fandom, and Cancel Culture by Alissa Whitmore.

378). Piccadilly Jim [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

377). The Book of Nonsense by Edward Lear.[1]

376). A Woman's College from Outside by Virginia Woolf.

375). Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street by Virginia Woolf.

374). In the Orchard by Virginia Woolf.

373). Portrait of a Londoner by Virginia Woolf.

372). A Haunted House and Other Stories by Virginia Woolf. Foreword by Leonard Woolf.[1]

371). A Summing Up by Virginia Woolf.

370). Together and Apart by Virginia Woolf.

369). The Legacy [...] by Virginia Woolf.

368). The Searchlight [...] by Virginia Woolf.

367). The Man Who Loved His Kind by Virginia Woolf.

366). 'Moments of Being' by Virginia Woolf.

365). The Duchess and the Jeweller by Virginia Woolf.[1]

364). The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection by Virginia Woolf.

363). Future Sight Design Handoff Document by Mark Rosewater.

362). Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf.

361). Lappin and Lapinova by Virginia Woolf.

360). The Shooting Party by Virginia Woolf.

359). The New Dress by Virginia Woolf.[1]

358). Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.[1]

357). There Was No Farewell by Taha Muhammad Ali.

356). The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War by Ben Macintyre.[1]

355). Odds & Ends: Strixhaven, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

354). A Room with a View by E. M. Forster. Introduction by Malcolm Bradbury.[1]

353). Odds & Ends: Strixhaven, Part 1 by Brenda Gates Spielman.

352). The Year Dave Hilton Debuted for the Yakult Swallows by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

351). First Person Singular: Stories by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.[1]

350). First Person Singular by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

349). The Yakult Swallows Poetry Collection by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

348). Carnaval by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

347). Confessions of a Shinagawa Monkey by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

346). With the Beatles by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

345). Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

344). On a Stone Pillow by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

343). The Cool Kid's Philosopher by Nathan J. Robinson.

342). Cream by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

341). Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson. Foreword by Kenneth Blanchard.[1]

340). Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma by Staci Haines.[1]

339). Uneasy Money [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

338). Umbrot í flóknasta samfélagi jarðar eftir Jón Orm Halldórsson.

Apríl (9/35)

337). Strixhaven Vision Design Handoff Document, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

336). The Best by Margaret Weis. Illustrated by Dan Frazier.

335). One-Eyed Death by Jonathan Shipley. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

334). Daisy Miller by Henry James.[1]

333). The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood.[1]

332). The Dark Warrens by Lois Tilton. Illustrated by Robert Klasnich.

331). Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic by Terry Jones.[1]

330). Eyjan hans Múmínpabba eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Steinunni Briem.[1]

329). The War Nerd: Taiwan — The Thucydides Trapper Who Cried Woof by Gary Brecher.

328). Ashes to Ashes by Lisa Smedman. Illustrated by Brom.

327). Strixhaven Vision Design Handoff Document, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

326). The Only Good Orc by Liz Holliday and Paul Jaquays.

325). The End of Trading Season by Daniel Hood. Illustrated by Kevin Ward.

324). Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One by Glenn Greenwald.

323). Metaphors of a Magnifico by Wallace Stevens.[1]

322). Bainnor's Last Ballad by Ralph W. Bundy. Illustrated by Robert Klasnich.

321). On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. Introduction by W. L. Courtney, LL.D..[1]

320). Orsinian Tales by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

319). Imaginary Countries by Ursula K. Le Guin.

318). The Lady of Moge by Ursula K. Le Guin.

317). School's in Session by Mark Rosewater.

316). The House by Ursula K. Le Guin.

315). An die Musik by Ursula K. Le Guin.

314). A Week in the Country by Ursula K. Le Guin.

313). Brothers and Sisters by Ursula K. Le Guin.

312). This Is What Judicial Activism Looks Like on the Supreme Court by Linda Greenhouse.

311). The Road East by Ursula K. Le Guin.

310). Conversations at Night by Ursula K. Le Guin.

309). The United States in World History by Edward J. Davies, II.[1]

308). Essay on the Principle of Population [...] by Thomas Malthus.[1]

307). Eldfærin eftir Hans Christian Andersen. Þýtt af Steingrími Thorsteinsson.[1]

306). Ile Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin.

305). In the Strixhaven, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

304). Review of The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb by David Aldous.

303). The Barrow by Ursula K. Le Guin.

302). Abandoning a Cat: Memories of My Father by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

301). The Wind Cave by Haruki Murakami. Translated by Philip Gabriel.

300). A Walk to Kobe by Haruki Murakami.

299). The Fountains by Ursula K. Le Guin.

298). Hafmeyjan litla eftir Hans Christian Andersen. Þýtt af Steingrími Thorsteinsson.[1]

297). 'They Aren't Who You Think They Are' by David French and Nancy French.

296). Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.[1]

295). Heimurinn sem birtist eftir Jón Orm Halldórsson.

294). Beware the Child Rescuers by Stuart Vyse.

Mars (6/43)

293). In the Strixhaven, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

292). The Heroes of Weefield by Mitchell Diamond. Illustrated by Tom Baxa.

291). Heimaslátrun eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.[1]

290). Ylur annars eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

289). Keith J. í stiganum eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

288). Koddar og krepptir hnefar eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

287). Engra orða staður eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

286). Ég líka eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

285). Kenndafléttur eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

284). Lífið í beygju þarna eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

283). Augu eitt og tvö eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

282). Millimetri eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

281). Mosagómur eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

280). Höfuð og skömm eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

279). Vængir eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

278). Eitthvað er í þokunni eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

277). IV eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

276). Re: Kæra Universum eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

275). Mannlýsing eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

274). Við erum ekki lengur í víkinni eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

273). Línan í grasinu eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

272). Öldugangur, ævilangur eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

271). Ég á hlut eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

270). Upp úr rifunni eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

269). Brot pg bláþræðir eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

268). Mold á skýi eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

267). Þegar áin byrjaði að renna eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

266). Beðið eftir bornum eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

265). Fjall vill eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

264). Völina eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

263). Heimaslátrun eftir Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson.

262). Klón: Eftirmyndasaga eftir Ingólf Eiríksson. Myndskreytt af Elínu Eddu.[1]

261). Something Fresh [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

260). It's Time to Talk About Violent Christian Extremism by Zack Stanton.

259). The Entire World Should Be Laughing at America for Pretending to Care About Muslims in China by Caitlin Johnstone.

258). Nuts & Bolts #13: Design Skeleton Revisited by Mark Rosewater.

257). The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson.[1]

256). America Has Forgotten How to Forgive by Graeme Wood.

255). The Identity Hoaxers by Helen Lewis.

254). The Barber, the Thief, and the Smith by P. Andrew Miller. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

253). Djinn Coffee by Aaron Allston and Allen Varney. Illustrated by Pam Shanteau.

252). Time After Time Spiral by Mark Rosewater.

251). She Was a Star of New Palestinian Music. Then She Played Beside the Mosque. by Patrick Kingsley.

250). 27 Things You Might Not Have Known About Time Spiral Block by Mark Rosewater.

249). Psmith, Journalist [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

248). The Hidden Benefit of Covid Is Science that Could Change Our World by Richard Dawkins.

247). The Test of Time Spiral Remastered by Mark Rosewater.

246). The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower by Stephen King.[1]

245). Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came by Robert Browning.[1]

Febrúar (15/89)

244). One Thousand and Counting by Mark Rosewater.

243). Why I reimagined "LOTR" from Mordor's perspective by Kirill Eskov.

242). Footnotes in Gaza by Joe Sacco.[1] [Eisner Award winner]

241). Something Familiar by Eliza Erskine. Illustrated by Jeff Menges.

240). Dragon Scales by Eric Tanafon. Illustrated by Bob Lessl.

239). Mom's Cancer by Adrian Snook.[1] [Eisner Award winner]

238). Sabrina by Nick Drnaso.[1]

237). Odds & Ends: Kaldheim, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

236). The Little Sisters of Eluria by Stephen King.[1]

235). The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah by Stephen King.[1]

234). Reading Edmund Burke Shows that Conservatism Is All About Defending Traditional Hierarchies by Matt McManus.

233). Odds & Ends Kaldheim, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

232). Perceptions and Reality by Daniel Finn.

231). How the Media Cracks Down on Critics of Israel by Nathan J. Robinson.

230). The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.[1]

229). Dýragarðsbörnin eftir Christiane F., Horst Rieck og Kai Hermann. Þýtt af Sólveigu Thorarensen.[1]

228). The Circle Game by Margaret Atwood. Introduction by Sherrill Grace.[1]

227). The Settlers by Margaret Atwood.

226). The Explorers by Margaret Atwood.

225). A Place: Fragments by Margaret Atwood.

224). Letters, Towards and Away by Margaret Atwood.

223). The Islands by Margaret Atwood.

222). Against Still Life by Margaret Atwood.

221). Pre-Amphibian by Margaret Atwood.

220). Some Objects of Wood and Stone by Margaret Atwood.

219). Journey to the Interior by Margaret Atwood.

218). Migration: C.P.R. by Margaret Atwood.

217). A Sibyl by Margaret Atwood.

216). Spring in the Igloo by Margaret Atwood.

215). Winter Sleepers by Margaret Atwood.

214). Camera by Margaret Atwood.

213). The Circle Game by Margaret Atwood.

212). A Meal by Margaret Atwood.

211). Eventual Proteus by Margaret Atwood.

210). On the Streets, Love by Margaret Atwood.

209). The City Planners by Margaret Atwood.

208). Man with a Hook by Margaret Atwood.

207). Playing Cards by Margaret Atwood.

206). A Descent Through the Carpet by Margaret Atwood.

205). In My Ravines by Margaret Atwood.

204). An Attempted Solution for Chess Problems by Margaret Atwood.

203). Evening Trainstation, Before Departure by Margaret Atwood.

202). A Messenger by Margaret Atwood.

201). After the Flood, We by Margaret Atwood.

200). This Is a Photograph of Me by Margaret Atwood.

199). Grísafjörður eftir Lóu Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttur.[1]

198). The Happy Zombie Sunrise Home by Margaret Atwood and Naomi Alderman.

197). Good Bones and Simple Murders by Margaret Atwood.[1]

196). Simple Murders by Margaret Atwood.

195). Good Bones by Margaret Atwood. Afterword by Rosemary Sullivan.[1]

194). Good Bones by Margaret Atwood.

193). Dance of the Lepers by Margaret Atwood.

192). We Want It All by Margaret Atwood.

191). Four Small Paragraphs by Margaret Atwood.

190). Death Scenes by Margaret Atwood.

189). Third Handed by Margaret Atwood.

188). Homelanding by Margaret Atwood.

187). Poppies: Three Variations by Margaret Atwood.

186). An Angel by Margaret Atwood.

185). Theology by Margaret Atwood.

184). My Life as a Bat by Margaret Atwood.

183). Hardball by Margaret Atwood.

182). Adventure Story by Margaret Atwood.

181). Alien Territory by Margaret Atwood.

180). Men at Sea by Margaret Atwood.

179). Cold-Blooded by Margaret Atwood.

178). Epaulettes by Margaret Atwood.

177). Making a Man by Margaret Atwood.

176). Stump Hunting by Margaret Atwood.

175). In Love With Raymond Chandler by Margaret Atwood.

174). The Female Body by Margaret Atwood.

173). Let Us Now Praise Stupid Women by Margaret Atwood.

172). Unpopular Gals by Margaret Atwood.

171). There Was Once by Margaret Atwood.

170). Gertrude Talks Back by Margaret Atwood.

169). The Little Red Hen Tells All by Margaret Atwood.

168). Bad News by Margaret Atwood.

167). Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood.[1]

166). Hack Wednesday by Margaret Atwood.

165). Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood.

164). Weight by Margaret Atwood.

163). The Age of Lead by Margaret Atwood.

162). Uncles by Margaret Atwood.

161). Death by Landscape by Margaret Atwood.

160). The Bog Man by Margaret Atwood.

159). Isis in Darkness by Margaret Atwood.

158). Hairball by Margaret Atwood.

157). True Trash by Margaret Atwood.

156). The Vengeance of Rome by Michael Moorcock. Introduction by Alan Wall.[1]

155). Thriller Suite: New Poems by Margaret Atwood.

154). One Day by Margaret Atwood.

153). Zombie Poetry Zombie by Margaret Atwood.

152). Ghost Cat by Margaret Atwood.

151). Thriller Suite by Margaret Atwood.

150). Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein by Margaret Atwood.[1]

149). Why I Wrote MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood.

148). Future Library by Margaret Atwood.

147). Growing Up in Quarantineland: Childhood Nightmares in the Age of Germs Prepared Me for Coronavirus by Margaret Atwood.

146). Water and Ashes by Allen Varney. Illustrated by Kevin Ward.

145). Kaldheim Storytime, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

144). How Nemra Added a Line to the Book of Thieves by Dan Crawford. Illustrated by Kevin Ward.

143). Gryphon's Nest by Ardath Mayhar. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

142). The Dragonbone Flute by Lois Tilton. Illustrated by Bob Walters.

141). Murder Most Fowl by Deborah Millitello. Illustrated by Bob Lessl.

Janúar (10/130)

140). The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother by Gabriel Garcia Márquez.[1]

139). Moonlight by Heather Lynn Sarik. Illustrated by Bob Giadrosich.

138). Kaldheim Storytime, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

137). River's Friend by Josepha Sherman. Illustrated by Dan Burr.

136). Gautreks saga[1]

135). The Time-Travelling Caveman by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.[1]

134). Bason and the Hugonauts by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

133). The Wergs' Invasion of Earth by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

132). The Wild Knight by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

131). Johnno, the Talking Horse by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

130). Doggins Has an Awfully Big Adventure by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

129). Mr Trapcheese and his Ark by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

128). Bedwyr and Arthur's Hill by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

127). The Wizard of Blackbury United by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

126). The Hole in Time by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

125). Lemonade on the Moon by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

124). The Time-travelling Caveman by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

123). The Great Big Weather Fight by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

122). The Mark One Computer by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

121). Ub and the Toad by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

120). The Pied Piper of Blackbury by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

119). The Tropnecian Invasion of Great Britain by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

118). Professor Whelk's Trip to Mars by Terry Pratchett. Illustrated by Mark Beech.

117). The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities by Naomi Klein.

116). Jerusalem Commands by Michael Moorcock. Introduction by Alan Wall.[1]

115). Leading Kaldheim Set Design by Dave Humpherys.

114). A Few More Thoughts on the Total Deplatforming of Parler & Infrastructure Content Moderation by Mike Masnick.

113). Ummyndanir eftir Úlfar Þormóðsson.

112). Norsing Around, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

111). Ósýnilega barnið og aðrar sögur eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.[1]

110). Jólatréð eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

109). Rage by Bob Woodward.[1]

108). Sali eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

107). Leyndarmál hattífattanna eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

106). Human Voices by Jean Lorrah. Illustrated by Martin Cannon.

105). Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump.[1]

104). Norsing Around, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

103). Tales and Stories by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Introduction by Richard Garnett.[1]

102). The Pilgrims by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

101). The Elder Son by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

100). Euphrasia: A Tale of Greece by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

99). The Pole by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

98). The Parvenue by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

97). The Brother and Sister, An Italian Story by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

96). The Invisible Girl by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

95). How QAnon Conspiracy Theories Spread in My Colorado Hometown by Aida Chávez.

94). The Women Making Conspiracy Theories Beautiful by Kaitlyn Tiffany.

93). What we can learn about QAnon from the Satanic Panic by Rebecca Jennings.

92). Join the Q: How the Wayfair Conspiracy Got Absorbed by QAnon by Joe Ondrak.

91). A Game Designer's Analysis of QAnon by Reed Berkowitz.

90). The Swiss Peasant by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

89). Transformation by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

88). Sagan um ósýnilega barnið eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

87). The Mortal Immortal: A Tale [...] by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

86). A Tale of the Passions; or, The Death of Despina by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

85). Unicorn Variations by Roger Zelazny.[1]

84). Some Science Fiction Parameters: A Biased View by Roger Zelazny.

83). The George Business by Roger Zelazny.

82). Walpurgisnacht by Roger Zelazny.

81). Angel, Dark Angel by Roger Zelazny.

80). The Night Has 999 Eyes by Roger Zelazny.

79). The Horses of Lir by Roger Zelazny.

78). And I Only Am Escaped to Tell Thee by Roger Zelazny.

77). My Lady of the Diodes by Roger Zelazny.

76). A Very Good Year.. by Roger Zelazny.[1]

75). Exeunt Omnes by Roger Zelazny.

74). Fire and/or Ice by Roger Zelazny.

73). Home Is the Hangman by Roger Zelazny. [Hugo & Nebula Awars winner]

72). Hemúllinn sem elskaði þögnina eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

71). Poem Written in 1991 When the Soviet Union Was Disintegrating by Ursula K. Le Guin.

70). Pard and the Time Machine: The Annals of Pard XXIII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

69). Pard: An Interrupted Nap by Ursula K. Le Guin.

68). The Jaguar by Ursula K. Le Guin.

67). Cause to Celebrate by Ursula K. Le Guin.

66). A Work in Progress: Earthsea Sketches by Charles Vess by Ursula K. Le Guin.

65). Refusing to be Bullied by Ursula K. Le Guin.

64). Constructing the Golem by Ursula K. Le Guin.

63). The Wall by Anita Endrezze by Ursula K. Le Guin.

62). The Wall by Anita Endrezze.

61). Pard Gets a New Catnip Mouse: The Annals of Pard XXI by Ursula K. Le Guin.

60). The Election, Lao Tzu, a Cup of Water by Ursula K. Le Guin.

59). Health Update Update by Ursula K. Le Guin.

58). Health Update by Ursula K. Le Guin.

57). The Big Book of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin.

56). My Life So Far, by Pard (Part ii): The Annals of Pard XX by Ursula K. Le Guin.

55). My Life So Far, by Pard (Part i): The Annals of Pard XIX by Ursula K. Le Guin.

54). Reality Goes Over the Top by Ursula K. Le Guin.

53). Pard Pix: The Annals of Pard XVIII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

52). The Game of Fibble by Ursula K. Le Guin.

51). Thirty-Five Days by Ursula K. Le Guin.

50). High Noon in Harney County: Twenty Days by Ursula K. Le Guin.

49). Some Books I Read in 2015 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

48). Pard's Christmas 2015: Annals of Pard XVII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

47). A Child Who Survived by Ursula K. Le Guin.

46). Ruby and Me by Ursula K. Le Guin.

45). A Trip South by Ursula K. Le Guin.

44). Concerning a Wilderness by Ursula K. Le Guin.

43). A Personal Take on Go Set a Watchman by Ursula K. Le Guin.

42). Some People Are Just As Equal As Others: Annals of Pard XVI by Ursula K. Le Guin.

41). "A Book that Changed My Life" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

40). Up the Amazon with the BS Machine, or Why I Keep Asking You Not to Buy Books from Amazon by Ursula K. Le Guin.

39). Puzzle Personal Assistant: Annals of Pard XV by Ursula K. Le Guin.

38). Addendum to "Are they going to say this is fantasy?" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

37). "Are they going to say this is fantasy?" by Ursula K. Le Guin.

36). Pard's Christmas, 2014: Annals of Pard XIII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

35). Knowing a Book by Its Cover by Ursula K. Le Guin.

34). The Myth of the Veneer by Ursula K. Le Guin.

33). The Internet as Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin.

32). Cats, Claws, Panic: Annals of Pard X by Ursula K. Le Guin.

31). The Tango: Annals of Pard IX by Ursula K. Le Guin.

30). Blurbery by Ursula K. Le Guin.

29). Pard, Autumn 2013: Annals of Pard VIII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

28). Steens Mountain Region, August 2013 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

27). Walking through the Bottomland by Ursula K. Le Guin.

26). The Cat Letters (obediently transcribed by Elisabeth and Ursula Le Guin) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

25). The False Rhyme by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

24). The Mourner by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

23). The Dream, A Tale by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

22). The Force that Through the Circuit Drives the Current by Roger Zelazny.

21). A Hand Across the Galaxy by Roger Zelazny.

20). But Not the Herald by Roger Zelazny.

19). Go Starless in the Night by Roger Zelazny.

18). Dismal Light by Roger Zelazny.

17). The Parts that Are Only Glimpsed: Three Reflexes by Roger Zelazny.

16). The Naked Matador by Roger Zelazny.

15). Recital by Roger Zelazny.

14). The Last of the Wild Ones by Roger Zelazny.

13). Saga um síðasta drekann í heiminum eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

12). The Evil Eye. A Tale by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

11). Unicorn Variation by Roger Zelazny.[1]

10). Inside Story: A Novel by Martin Amis.[1]

9). Fillífjónkan sem trúði á hörmungar eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

8). The Blue Octavo Notebooks by Franz Kafka. Edited by Max Brod. Translated by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser.[1]

7). Oktober by Martin Amis.

6). Hryllingssaga eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

5). What I know about men by Isabel Fonseca.

4). Ferdinando Eboli. A Tale by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

3). The Sisters of Albano by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

2). Roger Dodsworth: The Reanimated Englishman by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.[1]

1). Vorlagið hans Snúðs eftir Tove Jansson. Þýtt af Guðrúnu Jarþrúði Baldvinsdóttur.

2020 (147/1078)

Desember (19/176)

1225). Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood.[1] [Booker Prize shortlist]

1224). The Life in The Simpsons Is No Longer Attainable by Dani Alexis Ryskamp.

1223). Did Jesus Exist? by Frank Zindler.

1222). Bjarnabylgjan eftir Braga Pál Sigurðsson.

1221). Jólasveinaheimilið: Vettvangskönnun eftir Þórarinn Eldjárn. Myndskreytt af Brian Pilkington.[1]

1220). Andspænis eftir Hugleik Dagsson og Þránd Þórarinsson. Formáli eftir Friðrik Sólnes.[1]

1219). The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1] [Hugo & Nebula Award nominee; Locus Award winner]

1218). What Is Black and White and Orange All Over?: Annals of Pard VI by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1217). Pard Pix: Annals of Pard VII by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1216). The Baron of Magister Valley by Steven Brust.[1]

1215). Why Your Library May Not Have the E-Book You Want by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1214). La Guantanamera by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1213). Accidental Discovery by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1212). Kidnapped by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1211). Why I Don't Want to Be a West Point Graduate by Blake Page.

1210). The God Glut by Frank Bruni.

1209). An Attempt to Think as a Free Thinker by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1208). The Milky Way is probably full of dead civilizations by Rafi Letzter.

1207). Pard and the Poets: Annals of Pard IV by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1206). Catching up with Pard: Annals of Pard III by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1205). Where Have All the Liars Gone? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1204). Libraries and Ebooks by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1203). The Opening Night by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1202). The Black Vampyre; A Legend of St. Domingo by Uriah Derick D'Arcy. Introduction by Duncan Faherty and Ed White.[1]

1201). Why Humans Have No Penis Bone by Matilda Brindle.

1200). The 23-year-old book that explains Brexit by Alastair Campbell.

1199). Le Guin's Hypothesis by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1198). The Insidious Attacks on Scientific Truth by Richard Dawkins.

1197). Some Recent Fantasies: Reading/Seeing (iii) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1196). Reading, Seeing (i) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1195). Primitive Copy-rites of Ancient Peoples by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1194). The Death of the Book by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1193). Google Goggles by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1192). People I don't want to hear any more about by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1191). The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

1190). Fear and Loathing in e-Land by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1189). Literary Bests by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1188). Five Bad Myths by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1187). Ninety-Nine Weeks: A Fairy Tale by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1186). Long-Term Discouragement by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1185). Dangerous Writing, Dangerous Cover Copy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1184). Riffing Again by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1183). Exercises by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1182). Against Eisenhower by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1181). Petty Expectations by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1180). To Save Free Enterprise, Books Must Die by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1179). The Middle of What? by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1178). Beige by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1177). The Painful Slow Process of Creating Utopia by Mona Elnamoury.

1176). Unfacts Concerning the Google (Un)Settlement Part 2 by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1175). More About Steinbeck: Troubled Waters by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1174). Unfacts Concerning the Google (Un)Settlement by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1173). To my Readers in Japan by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1172). The Center of Warmth in Tahrir Square by Mona Elnamoury.

1171). Footnote to my Egypt Blog Post by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1170). Egypt by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1169). A Riff on the Harper Contract by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1168). On Prospero's Island by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1167). Confidential reports from FBI agents to the Bureau, intercepted by Wikileeks (Welsh Information Kontrol Institute) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1166). The Absent Silence by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1165). Miners and I-Pods by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1164). Some Assumptions about Fantasy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1163). A Left-Handed Commencement Address by Ursula K. Le Guin.

1162). The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

1161). A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

1160). Sexual Harassment Has Virtually Vanished from These Farms by Vera L. Chang.

1159). Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein.[1] [Hugo Award Winner]

1158). Goðheimar 10: Gjafir guðanna eftir Peter Madsen. Þýtt af Bjarna Frímanni Karlssyni.[1][2]

1157). Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski.[1]

1156). How I Approach the Toughest Decisions by Barack Obama.

1155). Fávitar eftir Sólborgu Guðbrandsdóttur.[1]

1154). God Bless America: Strange and Unusual Religious Beliefs and Practices in the United States by Karen Stollznow.[1]

1153). Pirate Stew by Neil Gaiman. Illustrated by Chris Riddell.[1]

1152). The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie by Naomi Klein.

1151). To the Lighthouse [...] by Virginia Woolf.[1]

1150). Storm Scale: Theros and Theros Beyond Death by Mark Rosewater.

1149). To Victor Gollancz, 9 May 1937 by Eric Blair.

1148). To Steven Runciman, August 1920 by Eric Blair.

1147). Free Will by Eric Blair.

1146). Review of The Pub and the People by Mass-Observation by George Orwell.

1145). Review of Trials in Burma by Maurice Collis by George Orwell.

1144). Review of Burmese Interlude by C. V. Warren by George Orwell.

1143). Can Socialists Be Happy? by George Orwell.

1142). British Cookery by George Orwell.

1141). Beggars in London by Eric Blair.

1140). A Day in the Life of a Tramp by Eric Blair.

1139). The Proletarian Writer by Desmond Hawkins and George Orwell.

1138). Rudyard Kipling by George Orwell.

1137). Just Junk – but Who Could Resist It? by George Orwell.

1136). In Defence of English Cooking by George Orwell.

1135). How a Nation Is Exploited by Eric Blair.

1134). Freedom and Happiness (Review of 'We' by Yevgeny Zamyatin) [...] by George Orwell.

1133). Essays by George Orwell.[1]

1132). My Country Right or Left by George Orwell.[1]

1131). A Messiah-cum-Surrogate-Dad for Gormless Dimwits: On Jordan B. Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" by Houman Barekat.

1130). Speaking of "Truth" with Jordan B. Peterson by Sam Harris.

1129). Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science by Alice Dreger.[1]

1128). Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent by Laurie Penny. Foreword by Warren Ellis.[1]

1127). Inside the Gaddafi House by Laurie Penny.

1126). In Defence of Squatting by Laurie Penny.

1125). Hey, Dave: Our Society's Bigger than Yours by Laurie Penny.

1124). A Modesty Slip for Misogyny by Laurie Penny.

1123). How the Disabled were Dehumanised by Laurie Penny.

1122). Revolts Don't Have to be Tweeted by Laurie Penny.

1121). The Revolution Will Be Civilised by Laurie Penny.

1120). This is No Conspiracy by Laurie Penny.

1119). Insurrection on Oxford Street by Laurie Penny.

1118). It's All Over for Sex-and-Shopping Feminism by Laurie Penny.

1117). I Shall Wear Midnight by Laurie Penny.

1116). Interview with China Miéville by Laurie Penny.

1115). Baby Boomers by Laurie Penny.

1114). Pickling Dissent by Laurie Penny.

1113). Girls, Tattoos and Men Who Hate Women by Laurie Penny.

1112). Facebook, Capitalism and Geek Entitlement by Laurie Penny.

1111). Time for an Experiment by Michael G. Ryan. Illustrated by Robert Klasnich.

1110). Uktena's Crest by Kit Wesler. Illustrated by Terry Dykstra.

1109). The Social Mobility Scam by Laurie Penny.

1108). Simon Hughes and the Cartel of British Politics by Laurie Penny.

1107). A Tale of Three Parties by Laurie Penny.

1106). Poverty Pimps: Selling Out the Disabled by Laurie Penny.

1105). A Paler Shade of White by Sasha Frere-Jones.

1104). Strictly Come Scrounging? by Laurie Penny.

1103). The Power of the Intern by Laurie Penny.

1102). Michael Gove and the Imperialists by Laurie Penny.

1101). Poppy Day Is the Opium of the People by Laurie Penny.

1100). This is England by Laurie Penny.

1099). Buns, Bunting and Retro-Imperialism by Laurie Penny.

1098). Undercover with the Young Conservatives by Laurie Penny.

1097). The Shame Is All Theirs by Laurie Penny.

1096). Charlie Sheen's Problem with Women by Laurie Penny.

1095). Violence Against Women in Tahrir Square by Laurie Penny.

1094). Skinny Porn by Laurie Penny.

1093). The Princess Craze Is No Fairy Tale by Laurie Penny.

1092). Galliano's Fashionable Beliefs by Laurie Penny.

1091). Vajazzled and Bemused by Laurie Penny.

1090). The Sexy Way to Die by Laurie Penny.

1089). What Sun Readers Swallow with their Corn Flakes by Laurie Penny.

1088). In Defence of Cunt by Laurie Penny.

1087). The Gulag of Desire by Laurie Penny.

1086). The Blue-Eyed Thief by Bob Liddil. Illustrated by Robert Klasnich.

1085). A Little Knowledge by Jerry Oltion. Illustrated by Tom Baxa.

1084). Lies in London by Laurie Penny.

1083). What Really Happened in Trafalgar Square by Laurie Penny.

1082). No Sex, No Drugs and No Leaders by Laurie Penny.

1081). Inside the Parliament Square Kettle by Laurie Penny.

1080). Protesting the Turner Prize by Laurie Penny.

1079). Inside the Whitehall Kettle by Laurie Penny.

1078). Talking About a Revolution by Laurie Penny.

1077). Inside the Millbank Tower Riots by Laurie Penny.

1076). Odds & Ends: Commander Legends by Mark Rosewater.

1075). An occupational hazard? by Cath Elliott.

1074). Say it again: it's our right to choose by Laurie Penny.

1073). A woman's opinion is the mini-skirt of the internet by Laurie Penny.

1072). The Occupy Movement From Liberty to London by Laurie Penny.

1071). Cyberactivism From Egypt to Occupy Wall Street by Laurie Penny.

1070). Working out what they want in the shadow of skyscrapers by Laurie Penny.

1069). Radical squatters: Taking back what's theirs... how to go on strike when you haven't got a job by Laurie Penny.

1068). A Right Royal Poke by Laurie Penny.

1067). A papier-mâché puppet and a badly tuned guitar by Laurie Penny.

1066). My New York date was going really well. Until... by Laurie Penny.

1065). Can't we tell a prank from a terrorist plot? by Laurie Penny.

1064). Real men want to talk about sex - when are we going to start listening? by Laurie Penny.

1063). The Future, Probably by Laurie Penny.

1062). This blog has moved! by Laurie Penny.

1061). Men, sex, journalism, armageddon and radical papier-mâché: what I've been writing by Laurie Penny.

1060). Chains of oppression: Katie Roiphe, Lena Dunham and the sexual counter-revolution by Laurie Penny.

1059). That's enough politeness – women need to rise up in anger by Laurie Penny.

1058). Occupy activists fear that America's pro-Israeli lobbyists want a war by Laurie Penny.

1057). In Syntagma Square... by Laurie Penny.

1056). Women, activism, anger, and other things I've been up to.. by Laurie Penny.

1055). A love letter for London by Laurie Penny.

1054). I was almost arrested too – but Bloomberg's tactics can only galvanise protests by Laurie Penny.

1053). Occupy Wall Street: police violence reveals a corrupt system by Laurie Penny.

1052). New website, new city, new post... by Laurie Penny.

1051). Dear Occupy Wall Street, by Laurie Penny.

1050). "This is Patriotic": marching on Wall Street by Laurie Penny.

1049). Bringing down the wall: Occupy Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge arrests [...] by Laurie Penny.

1048). News from Nowhere 2 by Laurie Penny.

1047). News from Nowhere by Laurie Penny.

1046). The Book of the blog, and why I'm not going on Big Brother by Laurie Penny.

1045). Panic on the streets of London by Laurie Penny.

1044). Of Pies and Circuses by Laurie Penny.

1043). Books, etc. by Laurie Penny.

1042). Fight for your right to be heard by Laurie Penny.

1041). Asking for it? by Laurie Penny.

1040). Riots and romance: thoughts on journalism, revolution and the anti-cuts movement by Laurie Penny.

1039). Notebook: responsibility and writing by Laurie Penny.

1038). Filthy assistant required: please help! by Laurie Penny.

1037). It's been a while... by Laurie Penny.

1036). William Hague's duty to the party by Laurie Penny.

1035). The West must not use women's rights to justify war by Laurie Penny.

1034). Peterloo: 191 years ago today by Laurie Penny.

1033). Gay jokes and carry-on commentating... by Laurie Penny.

1032). No police officers to be charged in conjunction with Ian Tomlinson by Laurie Penny.

1031). Head Nurses by William Peace.

Nóvember (9/68)

1030). Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Introduction by Nadia Fusini.[1]

1029). Man's Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl. Foreword by Harold S. Kushner. Afterword by William J. Winslade. Translated by Ilse Lasch.[1]

1028). Educated by Tara Westover.[1]

1027). Just an idea, Vince... by Laurie Penny.

1026). Deference and defeatism vs. youth revolution by Laurie Penny.

1025). Mancession? Get real by Laurie Penny.

1024). How Trivial – Legendary Creatures by Mark Rosewater.

1023). The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World by Catherine Nixey.[1]

1022). Internships auctioned at Oxford university by Laurie Penny.

1021). The Crown's fake history is as corrosive as fake news by Simon Jenkins.

1020). Black Swans, Slim Chances, and the 2020 Presidential Election by Rebecca Solnit.

1019). On Not Meeting Nazis Halfway by Rebecca Solnit.

1018). Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World by Tim Whitmarsh.[1]

1017). Thoughts on Britain's Next Top Model by Laurie Penny.

1016). Let's use Your Freedom to chuck out the Digital Economy Act by Laurie Penny.

1015). The Tories' war on independent women by Laurie Penny.

1014). Aw, you guys... by Laurie Penny.

1013). Public service announcement: another rare personal post by Laurie Penny.

1012). Labour's fingerprints are all over this budget by Laurie Penny.

1011). We are the fifth estate by Laurie Penny.

1010). Are you a mother or a lover? by Laurie Penny.

1009). Youth politics and revolution by Laurie Penny.

1008). New blog for New Statesman by Laurie Penny.

1007). One Man and His Tent by Laurie Penny.

1006). Shiny happy rape culture by Laurie Penny.

1005). Orwell, Abbott and abortion rights by Laurie Penny.

1004). Is That a Truncheon in Your Pocket? by Laurie Penny.

1003). A Tory wet dream of women in politics: for Morning Star by Laurie Penny.

1002). Hey, geeks: NO by Laurie Penny.

1001). Here's what you can do, Dave by Laurie Penny.

1000). ... by Laurie Penny.

999). The kindness of strangers by Laurie Penny.

998). In-betweenery by Laurie Penny.

997). Demonstration tomorrow by Laurie Penny.

996). The people have mumbled! by Laurie Penny.

995). For fuck's sake, vote by Laurie Penny.

994). Rethinking Appropriation and Wokeness in Pop Music by Rawiya Kameir.

993). UK election: where are the women? by Laurie Penny.

992). Feminism in crisis, a mini-manifesto by Laurie Penny.

991). Change we've got to believe in? by Laurie Penny.

990). Casual Play by Mark Rosewater.

989). Dispatches from the Same Old + Staggers on generational angst [...] by Laurie Penny.

988). Men and feminism: comment is fraught by Laurie Penny.

987). Urgent abortion support appeal: help a teenage girl in Northern Ireland by Laurie Penny.

986). Full interview with Ken MacLeod by Laurie Penny.

985). Theogony by Hesiod. Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White.[1]

984). The Ongoing Death of Free Speech: Prominent ACLU Lawyer Cheers Suppression of a New Book by Glenn Greenwald.

983). White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo. Foreword by Michael Eric Dyson.[1]

982). The West's Failure on Covid Is Even More Staggering than You Think by Umair Haque.

981). I've spent 4+ years trying to understand Trump supporters. I'm all done now by Annie Reneau.

980). Waiting for the Barbarians by Constantine P. Cavafy. Translated by Edmund Keeley.[1]

979). The Invention of Sound by Chuck Palahniuk.[1]

978). Heljarslóð eftir Jóhannes Birkiland.

977). Geeking the left: Ken Macleod on radical politics and the internet by Laurie Penny.

976). There's just no pleasing some people by Laurie Penny.

975). Jubilations: Penny Red makes the Orwell Prize shortlist! [and finds more gainful employment] by Laurie Penny.

974). Quite Some Characters by Mark Rosewater.

973). Vote for choice by Laurie Penny.

972). And now for something completely different by Laurie Penny.

971). Hang on, is it just me - by Laurie Penny.

970). Adventures in hipsterland by Laurie Penny.

969). A small wobble by Laurie Penny.

968). The Sex Work Shibboleth by Laurie Penny.

967). 'What I have most wanted to do... is to make political writing into an art.' by Laurie Penny.

966). Ada Lovelace and the Digital Economy Bill by Laurie Penny.

965). The Digital Economy Bill threatens creativity by Laurie Penny.

964). A state-sponsored book-burning parade by Laurie Penny.

963). The Egg [...] by Andy Weir.[1]

962). Your Wish Is My Commander Legends, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

961). The Destructors by Graham Greene.[1]

960). Proof Positive by Graham Greene.[1]

959). A Shocking Accident by Graham Greene.[1]

958). OK, America, so what the hell happens now? by Marina Hyde.

957). How a protest should be by Laurie Penny.

956). This is very interesting by Laurie Penny.

955). Speech on Body Image for International Women's Day by Laurie Penny.

954). The bishop's profitable sex workers by Dr. Kate Lister.

Október (13/115)

953). Let it be known by Laurie Penny.

952). Objectification: what if the world were different for a day? by Laurie Penny.

951). Young women aren't just sexual victims by Laurie Penny.

950). Noam Chomsky Believes Trump Is "the Worst Criminal in Human History" by Isaac Chotiner.

949). Generation Y, gender and ethics: shortest post evAr by Laurie Penny.

948). Checking in: a rare meta-post by Laurie Penny.

947). Candy and lullabies: new column for Morning Star by Laurie Penny.

946). Your Wish Is My Commander Legends, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

945). So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.[1]

944). Penny for your privilege? by Laurie Penny.

943). My generation need to be heroes by Laurie Penny.

942). Resignations, rivalry and the future of the left by Laurie Penny.

941). Feeling sinful? by Laurie Penny.

940). BREAK GLASS: part 1 by Laurie Penny.

939). Conference report: Women, political blogging and the future of the left by Laurie Penny.

938). Thinly Veiled Misogyny by Laurie Penny.

937). Þegar ég ákvað að skrifa pistil um lögguna eftir Illuga Jökulson.

936). Does Simon Jenkins shit in the woods? by Laurie Penny.

935). More feminist cisfaff by Laurie Penny.

934). It's not Torygeddon yet by Laurie Penny.

933). Linkdumping Wednesday! by Laurie Penny.

932). ESA proves that Labour has betrayed its core values by Laurie Penny.

931). Working mothers resist misogyny amid attacks on 'Career Women' by Laurie Penny.

930). Saturday sisterhood by Laurie Penny.

929). Original Zendikar Design Handoff Document, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

928). Strike one for patriarchy: manchester gang-rapists acquitted over victim's fantasies by Laurie Penny.

927). This is going to hurt by Laurie Penny.

926). Happy New Year to you too, Boris by Laurie Penny.

925). The Boys Who Cried Fox by Laurie Penny.

924). Carnival of Feminists, 23/12/09: Tidings of Comfort and Joy by Laurie Penny.

923). Bah, Humbug by Laurie Penny.

922). Murder is murder, whatever the victim's faith by Laurie Penny.

921). Why men hate Sex and the City by Laurie Penny.

920). Men: feminism needs you ...to revise your gender identity by Laurie Penny.

919). Three cheers for the internet by Laurie Penny.

918). Three cheers for the internet! (plus a small public service announcement) by Laurie Penny.

917). World on Fire: Sinking and Swimming by Laurie Penny.

916). Is Brown playing the class card under the table? by Laurie Penny.

915). World on Fire (1): blue waves and black dogs by Laurie Penny.

914). ACPO advises women: stay sober to avoid rape by Laurie Penny.

913). Don't swallow that sedative: fifth column for Morning Star by Laurie Penny.

912). Moving Towards Solidarity [...] by Laurie Penny.

911). The Oxbridge Sex Workers by Laurie Penny.

910). Of Corset Matters by Laurie Penny.

909). Against Censorship by Laurie Penny.

908). Update on Reclaim the Night Faff by Laurie Penny.

907). Pre-protest faff-laden filk-off-athon of doom (or: why the London feminist scene is quite depressing at the moment) by Laurie Penny.

906). A 'Straight, White Men's' officer for SOAS? by Laurie Penny.

905). Nauðgarinn Jón og nauðgarinn séra Jón eftir Þórdísi Elvu Þorvaldsdóttur.

904). Autechre Worked in Isolation for Decades. Now It's Unintentionally Timely. by Jon Pareles.

903). Was There a Civilization on Earth Before Humans? A look at the available evidence by Adam Frank.

902). The Communist Manifesto [...] by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Introduction by R. W. Postgate.[1]

901). Hlæjandi meyjar: Tilraunastofan Lóaboratoríum eftir Úlfhildi Dagsdóttur.

900). The Order of the Stick 6: Utterly Dwarfed by Rich Burlew.[1]

899). A distinctive purpose by Laurie Penny.

898). Reclaiming the revolution by Laurie Penny.

897). Inspirational history, practical handbook: Ireland's Hidden Diaspora by Ann Rossiter (Irish Abortion Solidarity Campaign), reviewed by Laurie Penny.

896). Something special by Laurie Penny.

895). Mrs Chips by Laurie Penny.

894). Back to class by Laurie Penny.

893). Only 43 inside by Laurie Penny.

892). Commie Girl in the OC by Laurie Penny.

891). Disturbing family order by Laurie Penny.

890). Up for a fight by Laurie Penny.

889). Student debt: selling out the next generation by Laurie Penny.

888). Babes without spice by Laurie Penny.

887). Hypertext heroines by Laurie Penny.

886). Not for little sister by Laurie Penny.

885). Don't blame Belle De Jour for glamorising prostitution by Laurie Penny.

884). Original Zendikar Design Handoff Document, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

883). The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill.[1]

882). Shut up, little girl, don't you know grown-ups are talking? by Laurie Penny.

881). Pants off to impropriety! by Laurie Penny.

880). Have you no shame? by Laurie Penny.

879). Day of the Dead by Laurie Penny.

878). Mitch McConnell's Mission of Misery by Paul Krugman.

877). Can't stop the blog: what the internet has done for ideas by Laurie Penny.

876). Angry feminist Tuesday by Laurie Penny.

875). Daily Mail says Stephen Gateley's lifestyle was "unnatural" by Laurie Penny.

874). Me, the Patriarchy and my Big Red Pen by Laurie Penny.

873). Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.[1]

872). The Order of the Stick 5: Blood Runs in the Family by Rich Burlew. Foreword by John Rogers.[1]

871). The Man Upstairs and Other Stories by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

870). In Alcala [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

869). The Swoop! and Other Stories by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

868). The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

867). Sir Agravaine: A Tale of King Arthur's Round Table [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

866). Ahead of Schedule [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

865). Little Lolitas? by Laurie Penny.

864). Labour forgets about fairness by Laurie Penny.

863). The Tuppenny Millionaire [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

862). Three from Dunsterville [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

861). Out of School [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

860). The Uncollected Wodehouse by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

859). Pots o' Money [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

858). The Good Angel [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

857). The Man, the Maid and the Miasma [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

856). Fair enough? by Laurie Penny.

855). No going back by Laurie Penny.

854). Tea and sympathy by Laurie Penny.

853). High heels and low lives... by Laurie Penny.

852). Seriously, what the fuck? by Laurie Penny.

851). Bisexual Wednesday by Laurie Penny.

850). I can't actually believe what just happened by Laurie Penny.

849). Purnell write-up by Laurie Penny.

848). Archibald's Benefit: Reginald's Record Knock [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

847). Ruth in Exile [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

846). The Man Who Disliked Cats [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

845). Glingurfugl eftir Elínu Eddu.[1]

844). Gombri lifir eftir Elínu Eddu.[1]

843). Fáfræði eftir Ernu Mist Pétursdóttur.

842). Where's God? by Hugleikur Dagsson. Introduction by Friðrik Sólnes.[1]

841). Rough-Hew Them How We Will [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

840). By Advice of Counsel [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

839). When Doctors Disagree [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

838). Odds & Ends: Zendikar Rising by Mark Rosewater.

837). Deep Waters [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

836). Something to Worry About [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

835). The Man Upstairs [...] by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

834). The Little Nugget by P. G. Wodehouse.[1]

833). A bit of good news by Laurie Penny.

832). Stop hounding the Prime Mentalist! by Laurie Penny.

831). Hypocrisy and the death of the welfare state by Laurie Penny.

830). Reproductive freedom and racial paranoia: or, why Melanie McDonagh can fuck right off by Laurie Penny.

829). Watching the watchers: Climate Camp and the summer of rage by Laurie Penny.

828). Being a Woman: Germaine Greer, Caster Semenya and gender paranoia by Laurie Penny.

827). What Women Want by Laurie Penny.

826). We love the NHS! Sort of by Laurie Penny.

September (12/71)

825). Not feeding the trolls: comments policy by Laurie Penny.

824). More shameless whorebaggery by Laurie Penny.

823). Beyond Noughtie Girls [...] by Laurie Penny.

822). Harman's foot-in-mouth feminism by Laurie Penny.

821). Leaf Storm and Other Stories by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.[1]

820). Leaf Storm by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.[1]

819). Media lies and the 'Me First' generation by Laurie Penny.

818). Blog Awards callout! by Laurie Penny.

817). Turn Left by Laurie Penny.

816). Alternative culture = fail by Laurie Penny.

815). Torygeddon 1: Every Family Matters? by Laurie Penny.

814). Irony by Laurie Penny.

813). Push the button, save the world: Torchwood and the British state by Laurie Penny.

812). Harry Potter and the Fascist Ubermensch by Laurie Penny and Withiel Black.

811). Zendikar Rising Vision Design Handoff Document by Mark Rosewater.

810). A Talk with Gabriel García Márquez by Marlise Simons.

809). Nabo: The Black Man Who Who Made the Angels Wait... by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.

808). Monologue of Isabel Watching It Rain in Macondo by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.

807). The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.

806). The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World: A Tale for Children by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.[1]

805). The Challenge by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Edith Grossman.

804). A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.[1]

803). Death Constant Beyond Love by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa and J. S. Bernstein.

802). Blacamán the Good, Vendor of Miracles by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Translated by Gregory Rabassa.

801). The Order of the Stick 4: Don't Split the Party by Rich Burlew.[1]

800). The Election that Could Break America by Barton Gellman.

799). Back home and unimpressed by Laurie Penny.

798). France Tells Women What Not to Wear by Laurie Penny.

797). France, the Burqa and hypocrisy - for the Huffington Post by Laurie Penny.

796). RIP Jacko by Laurie Penny.

795). In Case You Hadn't Noticed: Britain's Got Fascists by Laurie Penny.

794). Britain's Got Fascists: for the Huffington Post by Laurie Penny.

793). A holiday, a holiday, the first one of the year... by Laurie Penny.

792). More on those stupid white men [...] by Laurie Penny.

791). Where the Size-Zero Debate Goes Awry [...] by Laurie Penny.

790). Perfect slaves? by Laurie Penny.

789). Reasons To Be Cheerful! by Laurie Penny.

788). Habits of deference: a brief hymn to Dworkin by Laurie Penny.

787). He'll be back by Laurie Penny.

786). Donald Trump Is Attacking American Democracy at Its Core by John Cassidy.

785). No Tears for Blears by Laurie Penny.

784). Pro-what now? by Laurie Penny.

783). Humourless feminazi *2: why it's not about you by Laurie Penny.

782). Shiny Dave and the Lightweight's Cant by Laurie Penny.

781). A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr..[1] [Hugo Award winner]

780). The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.[1] [Pulitzer Prize Winner]

779). The R-Word by Laurie Penny.

778). Notice: comments policy by Laurie Penny.

777). Feminism vs fascism: vote out the stupid! by Laurie Penny.

776). The blusher-brush of righteous rage! by Laurie Penny.

775). Equality Bill: 'political correctness' be damned! by Laurie Penny.

774). More Zendikar Rising Stars by Mark Rosewater.

773). Seize the Day by Saul Bellow. Introduction by Alfred Kazin.[1]

772). The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Introduction by Henry Claridge.[1]

771). Humourless feminazi *1: fuck the animals by Laurie Penny.

770). A Famous Colonial Litigation: The Case Between Richard Sherman and Capt. Robert Keayne, 1642 by Arthur Prentice Rugg.

769). Notice: Sima Valand by Laurie Penny.

768). Just another Monday evening by Laurie Penny.

767). Judaism in Music by Richard Wagner. Translated by W. Ashton Ellis.[1]

766). Pólitísk stefna VG eftir Auði Jónsdóttur.

765). Tips for Activists by Laurie Penny.

764). Zendikar Rising Stars by Mark Rosewater.

763). Kópavogskrónika - til dóttur minnar með ást og steiktum eftir Kamillu Einarsdóttur.[1]

762). The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Translated by Michael Hulse.[1]

761). The 'Evil Poor' by Laurie Penny.

760). Something to sing about? by Laurie Penny.

759). Fighting the good fight by Laurie Penny.

758). Wallace, Gromit and popular misogyny by Laurie Penny.

757). Beauty and the bitch: radio appearance by Laurie Penny.

756). Men, feminism and the patriarchal con by Laurie Penny.

755). How Capitalism Drives Cancel Culture by Helen Lewis.

754). A request, plea or supplication by Laurie Penny.

753). The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Vladimir Nabokov.[1]

752). Zendikar Rising to the Challenge, Part 2 by Mark Rosewater.

751). Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer.[1]

750). My Letter to America by Noor bin Ladin.

749). The Enchanter by Vladimir Nabokov. Translated by Dmitri Nabokov.[1]

748). Lud-in-the-Mist [...] by Hope Mirrlees.[1]

747). Zendikar Rising to the Challenge, Part 1 by Mark Rosewater.

746). Please may Penny be excused from the blogosphere today? by Laurie Penny.

745). No justice, no peace by Laurie Penny.

744). Fuck by Laurie Penny.

743). You look lovely when you smile... by Laurie Penny.

Ágúst (23/146)

742). Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Introduction by Donald Fanger. Translated by Mirra Ginsburg.[1]

741). The Devil Rides Out by Dennis Wheatley.[1]

740). The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.[1]

739). Tomorrow Is Too Far by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

738). The Arrangers of Marriage by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

737). The Shivering by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

736). The American Embassy by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

735). The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

734). Jumping Monkey Hill by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

733). On Monday of Last Week by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

732). Eitruð epli: Smásögur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.[1]

731). Mengele var misskilinn húmoristi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

730). Úlfasaga eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

729). Mikið spilarðu vel eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

728). Selma og Selma eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

727). Sögur af saumaklúbbi eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

726). Sólarsystur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

725). Kona með stól eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

724). Saumasystur eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

723). Rue de Marianna eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

722). Órói eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

721). Enginn engill eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

720). Escape fyrir karlmenn eftir Gerði Kristnýju.

719). Hobby horses of the apocalypse! by Laurie Penny.

718). 'Just a couple of black eyes, maybe a cracked rib. Nothing you didn't get on the Rugby field.' by Laurie Penny.

717). Put People First March 28/03/09 by Laurie Penny.

716). Parliamentary expenses, hypocrisy and whorebaggery by Laurie Penny.

715). Rip it up and start again by Laurie Penny.

714). Tales from Turnpike Lane station 4: Sandra and Jodie by Laurie Penny.

713). On Orwellian nightmares by Laurie Penny.

712). Britney and the Bedlamites: for Red Pepper by Laurie Penny.

711). Ghosts by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

710). Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism and other arguments for economic independence by Kristen R. Ghodsee.[1]

709). An Aching Hunger by Laurie Penny.

708). Take up your mouse and click! by Laurie Penny.

707). Identity politics and cyberculture: we're not in Kansas anymore by Laurie Penny.

706). Tom Harris and popular misogyny: LabourList guest post by Laurie Penny.

705). My oppression, your oppression by Laurie Penny.

704). No to Welfare Abolition! by Laurie Penny.

703). Riot fashion shoot: pissing about in the kitchen by Laurie Penny.

702). Penny Red's fashion tips pt.1: how to look cool at a protest by Laurie Penny.

701). Imitation by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

700). Back to the Future Sight, Part 3 by Mark Rosewater.

699). We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.[1]

698). The Count of Monte Cristo [...] by Alexander Dumas.[1]

697). State of Design 2020 by Mark Rosewater.

696). Promethea Book 5 by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1]

695). Promethea 32: Wrap Party by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

694). Promethea 31: The Radiant, Heavenly City by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

693). Promethea 30: Everything Must Go! by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

692). Promethea 29: Valley of the Dolls by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

691). Promethea 28: Don't They Know It's the End of the World? (It Ended When You Said Goodbye) by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

690). Promethea 27: When It Blows Its Stacks by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

689). Promethea 26: Later... by Alan Moore. Illustrated by J. H. Williams III.[1][2]

688). I actually do predict an actual riot! by Laurie Penny.

687). Public Service Announcement: Ivan Cameron by Laurie Penny.

686). Biscuits and bigotry: our glorious leaders by Laurie Penny.
